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Last Movie You Saw
Since we got a thread about movies coming out I decided to make one about the last movie you saw. Leave a rating.
Man Bites Dog (1992) [Criterion Collection], 8/10
oh yea and "Cinemaa, cinema, cinemaaaa"
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:02 pm |

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The Gingerdead Man 2 : Passion of the Crust
2/10 But amusingly terrible. =] _________________ Wartoo
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:23 pm |
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i don't watch nearly enough movies these days but i'm about to start again, i'll go ahead and list the last few that i saw
valkyrie: 3/10
bored with brother and friends on christmas day so we went to see this. incredibly dry and banal, even the usually obnoxious tom cruise is sucked dry of any level of annoyance by the incredibly boring script and direction. i seldom say this but the film could actually have been helped by being longer, things moved far too quickly and without much plot or character development. also a huge amount of historical white washing in the way the coup planners are portrayed as noble heroes with the best interests of europe as a whole at heart. where were these guys in 1939? no one in the german government or military gave a fuck until hitler started to lose. bad movie. what happened to the bryan singer who could make an attention holding, exciting thriller (usual suspects, x2)?
quantum of solace: 7/10
this is the first bond i've seen in years, was looking for something to do on new years and it was playing. i haven't seen casino royale, which i hear is better, but i want to now, daniel craig bond is really awesome and gritty and i like the emphasis on spy intrigue and straight-forward action over gimmicky gadgets. nice twisty plot that goes places and kept my eyes glued to the screen. at times i thought the camera work was a little needlessly quick to cut and confusing though, and i say that as someone who has a high tolerance for the style. it suffers from some melodrama and cheesiness at times, but that's to be expected and i can't really fault the movie for that. not bad at all.
fast, cheap and out of control (rewatch): 6-7?/10
was watching this but we got distracted and never actually finished. i remember liking it a good bit, just think i wasn't in the mood. great camera work and editing, as you'd expect in an errol morris doc. the way he ties together a bunch of seemingly totally unrelated subjects is really amazing at times, but at other times i was kind of forcing myself to stay focused on the movie, and kind of felt like i had to "try" a bit too much to recognize the significance of what i was watching, which is never a good thing. if you like errol morris or quirky documentaries in general give it a shot, might just be me.
inland empire (rewatch): 10/10
watched with someone who hadn't seen it yet, which is always a treat (assuming the person you're watching it with has good taste). i won't write a whole lot about it because i've talked about this film at length on here, but suffice to say it's gotten better every time i've watched it and my opinion that it's one of lynch's best only gets further cemented with each viewing. a film that can be watched countless times, and while it's cliche, you're likely to discover something new every time, and more likely many somethings. a terrifying and cathartic fractal dream of a film.
i haven't seen man bites dog since i was in school, but yeah, movie kicks ass. funnily enough what sounds like a very similar (knock off?) movie, behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon came in the mail today. have no idea if its any good as i'd never even heard of it until it was recommended to me recently, so i'll post my thoughts here after i've watched it. _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:25 pm |

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Man Bites Dog was highly praised from all the people that recommended it to me. It was disturbing, yet it had dark comedic parts that made me laugh like crazy. I really think the whole numbing of the violence for Remy reflects us while we're watching the movie...I found myself laughing when they were all drunk in the rape scene, quite frankly I felt myself kinda surprised and repulsed. Great movie I think I'll buy the Crit movie later on.
Last edited by MassiveAttack on Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:29 pm |
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pride and glory
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:32 pm |

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Looking up info on the director. The director was actually the documentary directory named Rémy Belvaux (his real name as well). Apparently he died at 38 in 2006 committing suicide and Man Bites Dog was the only movie he released in film. Sad to hear, he won many industry awards for his commercials he produced after the film. Ugh, that blows.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:40 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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perhaps you are the one with bad taste...
and no i haven't seen that _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:45 pm |

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Well I believe we already agreed to disagree a while ago on this. And because I'm a big fan of other Lynch movies I don't think it's a matter of good or bad taste - just different taste. Or is that not an option for you? =]
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:50 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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you fired opening shots there broseph not me _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:55 pm |

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You mean back then or just now? I thought your 'good taste' remark was quite offensive =]
If it was back then, I must apologize and say that I have become a better man - accepting the fact that it is possible for people with good taste to not appreciate the same movies.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:20 pm |
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gran torino, 7/10
Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:20 pm |
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Gran Tourino - 9/10. Excellent movie. Highly recommend.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:35 pm |
Joined: 02 Jan 2006
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Kazaam, 11/10, bonus 1 for Shaq's facial expressions
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:04 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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how do you get good friends? i showed inland empire to two of my friends: one walked away and started playing WoW and the other one said it was a pile of shit because it wasn't linear. then we went to see synecdoche new york and he praised it for not being linear all the time. someone give me a gun
last movies i saw:
2001: space odyssey - 10/10, spooky shit. i like thinking about outer space and stuff like that so i guess i'm predisposed to loving this movie. when he's getting warped from jupiter to somewhere else i was on the edge of my seat wondering wtf was gonna happen.
full metal jacket - 8/10, good movie but i preferred paths of glory. i liked how it focused on the psychological aspects of war rather than the fighting
dr. strangelove - 9/10, i was afraid i'd think the jokes were lame but this movie was hilarious. the u.s troops getting into a battle with jack ripper's soldiers was priceless
eyes wide shut (rewatch) - 11/10, i love this movie. jealousy and the psychological aspects of relationships are great subjects and i'm glad kubrick made a movie about it. i love the surreal nighttime adventures. i love how dr. bill doesn't know his own wife. i love how alice taunts him in her dreams. i love the music. i love the camera angles. ahhhhhhh *head explodes*
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:14 pm |
Fast Luck

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Bolt - in this movie, Bolt is an actor/dog that plays a super-hero, but he thinks he really is. Then he hits the real streets and keeps up the act. It's kind of a scrappy doo thing and I always hated scrappy doo, plus, bolt is a really wooden, one-dimensional character. not a bad popcorn flick but it also annoyed me to see Bolt constantly play the fool to the intellectually superior cat. 7/10
Beverly hills chihuahua - Now these dogs had attitude! Chloe (the chihuahua) was full of spunk as a lap dog spoiled rotten. the sultry-voiced Drew Barrymore does the voice of this indefatiguable chihuahua as she wanders through a series of misadventures in mexico. the mexican dogs speak in spanish-accented english. A male dog tracks her down to rescue her which I found outdated and offensive. 8/10
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:22 pm |

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Originally posted by x-DW-x)BuRnt(
Tomorrow I will have ratings for Back to the future, Back to the future 2, Back to the future 3 and Air bud 3
You have yet to watch em!
Pt I - 10/10
Pt II - 9/10
Pt III - 8/10
Surprisingly solid series considering so many great movies that turn to trilogies in Hollywood turn terrible at such a rapid pace.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:36 pm |
Joined: 03 Jul 2003
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Work and the Glory (About Joseph Smith) 10/10
The Book of Mormon Movie Part 1 10/10
Legacy 10/10
The Testament 10/10
Just kidding with the above movies
Last movie I watched was Hellboy II 2/10
Dark Knight 8/10
I got really annoyed with Batman’s Voice
I haven’t seen the new Bond, but it is on my list to see when it comes out on DVD.
Has anyone seen Babylon AD with Vin Diesel? I figure it is a grade B movie but I enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick and would expect this to be a very similar production?
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:43 pm |

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Don't watch it I read that Mathieu Kassovitz (directed and wrote one of my fav movies La Haine) said he hated the outcome because the studios cut out something like 20 minutes from the original cut (by him)! I mean wtf! Not to mention it got horrible reviews for its nonsense plot.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:15 pm |
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firesand is a faggot for even bringing up a movie with vin diesel in it
Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:29 pm |
Fast Luck

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just saw after work
marley and me - Marley can't talk but he has more personality than either of the dogs in the last two movies i watched. He is basically the dog from hell but at the same time he is a very loveable rascal. of course he dies in the end which kind of sucks, the dogs in beverly hills chihuahua and bolt live to the end. 5/10
hotel for dogs starts friday, ill see that next. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:51 pm |
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Gran Tarino, last night, I'd give it 8/10.
Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:06 pm |

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Originally posted by Fast Luck
just saw after work
marley and me - Marley can't talk but he has more personality than either of the dogs in the last two movies i watched. He is basically the dog from hell but at the same time he is a very loveable rascal. of course he dies in the end which kind of sucks, the dogs in beverly hills chihuahua and bolt live to the end. 5/10
hotel for dogs starts friday, ill see that next.
you need to branch out more into the animal kingdom. i think madagascar is still in theaters
Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:50 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
Posts: 2688
Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
i haven't seen casino royale, which i hear is better, but i want to now
i've heard this a lot too and i personally don't see why so many people like it a lot more. the plot in QoS is less typical, with bond being primarily revenge driven and going rogue for a while. i've read he does this in 2-3 other bond films, but there are like 20 so still pretty atypical imo. anyway, i like his grittiness too and it comes out more in QoS than CR which i think has a lot to do with the differences in their plots. you haven't seen CR though so i should probably stop here. if you watch it anytime soon and remember this thread, i'd like to hear your thoughts.
Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:20 am |

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Tropic Thunder 7/10
Pretty funny, Robert Downey Jr playing a black man is pretty hilarious.
Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:21 am |