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Free Castle Screen Caps
Burnt & Trez vs. Prowler & Sabre on the FPN Server. Great game between Four Pro Free Castle players. 214 Map
This game didnt go on to long. It was Dustttaz & Burnt vs. Nemeziz and orange. Orange left before draw time, so Nemeziz was on his own and I rushed into his base before he could finish walling up. 007 Map
Dust & Newb vs. Burnt & Newb
It was a game of tricks as we both ended up sneaking into each others bases. I ended up completely killing off his partner, my partner managed to survive though. Neither were good. Dust wanted a Allie though, so we all allied up. 007 Map
x-DW-x)BuRnT( & x-DW-x)x-4o-x( vs. Trunks aka DA_Magician_ and Mr. War. 4o dropped after the middle so it was me vs. those two. DA_Magician_ is like the Kanuks of Free Players. He says he is the best yet , and has decent skill, yet he always loses to others, and still claims he is the best.
Player I-SUCK- asked to 1ON1 me, 214 map. I did it while {RS}Doom watched the game (blue). Game didnt last to long as I built barracks up the middle of his lane quickly, while making ballistas and got in.. he left before draw time. Note: hes not that bad of a Free player though.
This isnt really a game shot, but It was a nice recent victory of mine. I was on bottom facing two good Free Players, Smurfette, and FreePlayer. Well I knew smurfette would leave the game.. because she always does at end so I timed it right. When my base was about dead I invised over to the other side and rebuilt real quick, going on to win the game. Ended up allieing FreePlayer. Everybody else in that game died. 007 Map
This goes along with the last screen shot. Just found it. Pretty much the end of the game.
Go back in time from that last screen shot and see how the game looked. This was before I got into the middle and snuck through reds lumber mill into his base. Back when I first rebuilt on the right side.
Victory Cap. A surprising win for me. I faced Clutzy, Hell Fire, and Hell Dark who are all of my friends. I had two newbs. I won the game and allied Hell Fire and Hell Dark. They did at one point get into my base I think, but I blocked it off with a wall while I finished off the top, then worked Dark out of the bottom. KoH map.
Burnt vs. Dustttaz. Victory. lMWlMage started a game and as soon as he started Dustttaz partner left before the countdown was up. So lMWlMage left the game and I just faced KB aka Dustttaz 1on1. I dont remember how the game went down just know I allied him by looking at the screen cap since it says ally by his name.
Well lol my bad. I guess I hosted that game. Here is what went down. I won the middle and he asked for an ally. KoH map.
x-DW-x)MoM( & Burnt vs. JegHead and Blizz. This was a battle of pro's in my mind. Throughout the game MoM & Blizz both ended up dieing, so it turned into a 1on1 between me and JegHead. I had a base on bottom left and top right, he had a base on bottom right and top left. Game ended with him getting a disc, as he told me in channel it was a mage disc, so it wasnt his fault. 007 Map
This goes along with the last one. The final shot before he disced out of the game. You can see him blizzing, so his story is probably true.
Burnt & MoM vs. Riddick and someone else who is good. I forget who. Riddik always discs when he loses though. So turned into a 2on1 against blue. Maybe it is Dustttaz, not sure. 007 Map
Another little victory cap over I-SUCK- Free Player. 007 Map.
A victory with my partner Trez (im on my ~DSS~GSXR! name) over DuneDain. a pro free player, and Wish a free player, and some noob. 214 Map prob.
Like I said DA_Magician_ is the Kanuks of Free. He thinks he can do the impossible. He challenged me and MoM to a 1on2 007 game, lost, then cried that we cheated somehow.
This goes along with the last Vic cap. Looks like he left before Draw time. I always take off AV, when I take on one person to get the win incase they leave after middle. 007 Map
Burnt 1on1 with Magician on KoH map. While MoM and somebody else watched the game. As you can see Magician disced.
Ok the other watcher was x-DW-x)Final(
Another 1on1 with Da_Magician looks like I won again in the middle. KoH map.
Sigh another victory over Da_Magician_ which he would find an excuse for. Teaming with Final, we beat him and the undeadsmoker. Must be on the West Server.
Goes along with the last SS. It shows me tunnling to Da_Magician_'s farms, and Final already got in Undead_Smoker's base. KoH map
Ph1lly challenged me to a 1on1 007. I hosted as my Buddy Trez watched the game. Looks like a victory to me.
Back in time of that game, to the middle war. Pushed him back into his lane.
Old School player x-Scott2Hott-x who spends most of his days on WC3 now played against ManyM4n who made the challenge. Burnt & MoM watched this take place. 007 map.
Scott in another 1on1 on 214 map as I watched along with someone else. The person Scott faced, left the game through disc.
Burnt & Scott vs. Ameer & Trez. Ameer claimed he would disc us all out of the game.. and just ended up discing himself. 214 Map
Ameer telling us to wait 45 seconds.
Back up to the middle. A little bit of me blizzing Ameer. You can see black is starting a tunnle.
More middle action from that game with Ameer telling us his aka. Trez is still in the middle at this point.
My partner Trez & I taking on Da_Magician_ and Elf Thunder.. Surprise Surprise Da_Magician_ Discs. 214 map.
Probably one of my best 1on1 games in recent history, or maybe ever. I faced the legend himself Metuz on KoH map. Metuz is the same guy you heard brought up earlier in this thread in 2003. So yea.. it went back in forth alot. He was up top in my base, and I ended up chasing him out, won the middle, took out his base once, he won it back. I had the middle, top, and lane at the end and he had two walls built up on each side. He had to go to work so I allied. GoLogo & Scott2hott watched.
Dark vs. Razor , as I watched with some other dude & built walls.
Burnt & MoM vs. Scott & GoLoGO. I ended up beating Gologo then I watched Scott & MoM 1on1 , until they allied because nobody was getting anywhere. Weird map..
Lots of players hanging out in Clan KoW Channel, alot of those people were in my SS's I took.
Couple months ago, DW's on West Server's channel _________________
Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:03 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2004
Posts: 1022
No one here has heard of Metuz but ince diss on Kanuks. Good stuff, even free players know you can't walk the walk =]
Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:16 am |
Fapping Old Chap
Joined: 30 Jun 2005
Posts: 4
I registered to say this: Seriously man, noone gives a shit about castles, get the fuck out. There are exactly 3 people (you and that other dw included) on these forums who have ever actually played the map and think it wasn't newbie shit. Christ.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:34 am |
Joined: 18 Feb 2003
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lol @ free "Pro's"
Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:07 am |
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Originally posted by Fapping Old Chap
I registered to say this: Seriously man, noone gives a shit about castles, get the fuck out. There are exactly 3 people (you and that other dw included) on these forums who have ever actually played the map and think it wasn't newbie shit. Christ.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Seriously none gives a shit about thise newbie puds. What a loser this guy is. Taking his time to upload SSes and give game descs none will ever read.
Gg 'pros' Now gtfo newbie.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:33 am |
Fapping Old Chap
Joined: 30 Jun 2005
Posts: 4
Originally posted by x-DW-x)BuRnt(
Hitman If you were good at them, good as us pro's are.. Im willing to bet your interest in WC2 would be at an all time high.
Why would we want to be good at boring newbie maps when most of us here are already good at maps that actually require you to think?
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:29 am |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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And especially in the strategy forum, he can post whatever map he wans.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:07 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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Even bgh is better than this.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:11 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2004
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Moving your mouse quickly and thinking are two different things.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:20 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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So you like to think fast? What about you come and play me on gow bne f. At least on this map you need to scout, expand and gather ressources, not only pump units. You actually have to pay for your units. Comparing war2 with free is like comparing formula one with dragster races : you lack a whole dimension (in this case, you need to turn in formula one while u dont need to in a dragster race). The game has something called "ressource" making a big part of it. By playing a free game, you actually play half war2. Hell its half war2, half idiocy. Stop challenging us on these maps and try to to play the game called warcraft2. Gow bne f is at the middle between ef and free games. Play us on it, dig it? We will see if you are this fast when u need to use peons.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:49 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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I played ZERO free games in a my life so i doubt i could give you any challenge. Im just trying to point you out that if you come here (a warcraft 2 even faster forum) and claim how elite are your skills, you will have to back it up on OUR settings. I proposed Gow bne fastest because its in the middle of old ef games and free games. Free games means pumping from all your buildings then using the units to try to do some damage. Repeat the process over half an hour. No one here likes this type of gaming. If i wanted a point a click game, i would just surf on the web for the crappy flash games. On free settings, theres nothing to think about. It's only instinct. No scouting. No expanding. No early game / tech mechanics. Hell no uses of grunts. Nuff said.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:42 pm |

Joined: 26 Nov 2002
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Originally posted by x-DW-x)BuRnt(
If all there is to it is pumping units, how about you go do that in a free game and see how far it gets you?
If anyone here played you 100 games, you would win the first 10, and lose the next 90. Thats pretty much guaranteed. As soon as we adapt, its over. We are used to actually having to make decisions, not just pump and patrol. _________________ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:37 pm |
Joined: 30 Jun 2005
Posts: 4
Originally posted by JiGGa_MaN
Originally posted by x-DW-x)BuRnt(
If all there is to it is pumping units, how about you go do that in a free game and see how far it gets you?
If anyone here played you 100 games, you would win the first 10, and lose the next 90. Thats pretty much guaranteed. As soon as we adapt, its over. We are used to actually having to make decisions, not just pump and patrol.
OMG! I think it is hilarious that you actually think that you would ever have a chance against x-DW-x)BuRnT( or any other good free player. EVER. They woulcd own you and be in your base in no time before you had a chance to build in the middle. I'll post some Screenshots later but for now I'm just gonna listen to these fucking retards talking shit. _________________ FREE CASTLES OWNS
Last edited by x-DW-x)Snowman( on Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:58 am |

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Originally posted by x-DW-x)Snowman(
Originally posted by JiGGa_MaN
Originally posted by x-DW-x)BuRnt(
If all there is to it is pumping units, how about you go do that in a free game and see how far it gets you?
If anyone here played you 100 games, you would win the first 10, and lose the next 90. Thats pretty much guaranteed. As soon as we adapt, its over. We are used to actually having to make decisions, not just pump and patrol.
OMG! I think it is hilarious that you actually think that you would ever have a chance against x-DW-x)BuRnT( or any other good free player. EVER. They woulcd own you and be in your base in no time before you had a chance to build in the middle. By the Way Burnt I'm wondering why im not in any of these ss. And please whisper me cause ive got some SS myself.
Like I said before, give anyone here 10 games to learn the map, and you wouldnt win anymore games. Adapting to a new map, and faster clicking is not the challenge you seem to think it is. Keep in mind that players here have been the top players in Warcraft 2 for over a decade. Experience and skill like that dosnt get overshadowed by free units, and trick setups. _________________ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:23 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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This kid talks how great are his skills on free settings while he wouldnt win a single game to any decent player on any war2 map thats been made for war2.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:54 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2004
Posts: 1022
Like I said it took me two tries on Jammin before I could beat all the "pros" on that map. I had come across one person I couldn't dominate. I gave him credit for being good @ it but he played over 1000 games on it and I had played 5. We played a couple other maps and I could have gone axers and beat him with ease.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:36 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
what the fuck, i didnt know this was a "warcraft ef forum". anyways , free maps are indeed gay, i used to own and it was boring and went on to gow .
seriously why would you challenge these kids to gow? i guarantee they'd lose to axe thrower rush
Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:56 pm |

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Originally posted by FMAx2
Like I said it took me two tries on Jammin before I could beat all the "pros" on that map. I had come across one person I couldn't dominate. I gave him credit for being good @ it but he played over 1000 games on it and I had played 5. We played a couple other maps and I could have gone axers and beat him with ease.
Yeah, i played like 2 games of mini chop against the alleged best players at it, and dominated within minutes. Same for Jammin, same for every other ridiculous map these newbs create to get more than 3 wins on a 6 month old account.
The bottom line, is that skill at this game will carry over to any map. Which is why you Free players are fucking terrible. _________________ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:39 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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2 games to beat the best mini chop players? I highly doubt that. But in any event go play 2 games of free and see if you can beat burnt.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:51 pm |

Joined: 26 Nov 2002
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Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
2 games to beat the best mini chop players? I highly doubt that. But in any event go play 2 games of free and see if you can beat burnt.
Its true. I took to minichop very quickly. First game I learnt how to hop properly, and how to deal with a neighbor war. After that, I never lost again unless it was 4x4 and I had 3 shitty pards.
I have literally won about 20 games of minichop in which I played against the other team by myself. Usually 3v3 or 4v4 situations. _________________ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:06 pm |