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Joined: 16 Oct 2008
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Just for humor's sake. What if they instituted claw's idea and then someone just permahacks because they can afford to keep paying? It isn't like they'd get caught every single time they hack. As it is, we've had players who went uncaught for long periods of time. Get caught, donate, play again lol. The issue is making it clear what the repercussions are and sticking to them. It is too bad that most of the Polish are poor or I'm sure they'd be the top players paying to hack.
Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:01 pm |

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Originally posted by GreenPlastic
Just for humor's sake. What if they instituted claw's idea and then someone just permahacks because they can afford to keep paying?
i threw an idea without any specific number, but well:
1. what if the required money grew expotentially or was manually adjusted based on player history, crime etc (for example some1 pressing sleep button isntead of ss button could get away cheaply, but a dellam would pay hundreds of dollars)
2. a well known, lazy hacker could maybe cause harm, yes, but if he paid a sufficient amount every time he got caught, which may attract new players with $$ tournaments... hum, that's a dilemma right thar! :3 anyway not gona happen since #1 is the most natural solution
incidentally, a fully dedicated hacker will spend the money on private proxies or VPNs and carry on hacking anyway, soo :3
Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:16 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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There no money to make with hacker or spammer because it mean you can paid for hack.
They get caught of hacking for the first time?
One month ip ban, main account lock.
They get caught of hacking for a second time? 6 month ip ban, main account lock.
They get caught of hacking for a third time? Perma ban, main account and all others delete.
Spammer same thing but change one moth for one week.
There have 3 chances, first one is only 1 month ban, i dont see probleme whit this, 1 month is nothing.
If he dont understand the first time, now he got a last chance and 6 months ban gonna make him think really good.
If after 2 times and 6 month banning he still dont understand, dont waste your time anymore, perma ban.
And dont tell me it's too much we try to grow up the community, fuck off, there a way to grow up a community, but hackers or spammers are not suppose to be a part of this community. So there no ** too much **
1 month is vacancy, 6 month a pretty good warning before the last chance, perma ban is the result of a real garbage player who dont care about nobody exccept himself.
Oh: Btw you refuse to send ss or you take more then 5 minutes to send it? One month!
No negociation, fair with everyone and follow the rules, this is how it suppose to be, nothing else. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Last edited by EQ on Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:16 pm |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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it mean you can paid for hack.
thats the reality already
banned ip? get a new one for $$
banned hardware ID (which is probably what iL is working on)? get a new one for $$
hehe. your strict punishments and zero tolerance policy wouldnt work anyway without a working banning method, you'd only get clueless noobs (eg. darkblacknigga) banned while dellams and lances would rock the party
Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:23 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
it mean you can paid for hack.
thats the reality already
banned ip? get a new one for $$
banned hardware ID (which is probably what iL is working on)? get a new one for $$
hehe. your strict punishments and zero tolerance policy wouldnt work anyway without a working banning method, you'd only get clueless noobs (eg. darkblacknigga) banned while dellams and lances would rock the party
I dont need to paid to reset my ipx i just have to unplug the wire bro... They dont even have to paid, thats a real joke and thats why we need admin to cares about this game and gonna ban them over and over it will be needed...
I mean whos said admin are here to talkshit on forum all day long.
They are suppose to do something and this is one of the most important thing they have to do, if they dont want to do it, why they are admin?
I mean, just for proof someone hack i have to take like 5 ss.
When the admin just have to check the script and they already know whos was really playing on the game... They are so lazy they prefere to make us take 5 ss!!!! Why the fuck i have to take so much ss of ping and finger and whereis...??? Try to find a hacker is longer to find hacks LOL
I mean LOL?
No they prefere to be **soft** and act like if everyone just do mystake and mystake and hope they gonna understand with chances, but that dont work.
The real thing is not only the banning... They dont even care to get ban because they reset ip and came back..
The real thing is about how much time we ban him and lock his main account and hes gonna have to hide on fake account where people dont cares of them and keep get ban over and over.
People want to make a name on this game, they dont want to smurf all day long, maybe sometime, but we keep want to be someone.
So the account lock or delete is the key right here.
PS: And keep the identity secret when you find hacker for some personal reason.... Seriously??? I mean, we have to protect them now?
It's just look like we support hackers. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:44 pm |

Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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Originally posted by EQ
Originally posted by RipE1
stop that ragin eq seriously. u r ridiculous. every1 thinks ur gay now.
Who the fuck is gay at trying to negociated with hacker and spammer, i dont fucking care im not gonna tolerate this.
Everyone can suck my dick.
When you tell everyone to suck your dick, you come across as gay as you are consenting to men on this forum to perform oral sex on you.
Hope that clears things up
Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:59 pm |

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"I dont fucking care"
Responding with "who the fuck is gay" to him as your opening comes across as you being insecure about being called gay. Therefore you care. Hence for my earlier post.
You're welcome.
"brillant" Winchester
Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:49 pm |

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This seems to be the post which really set you off. You really didnt seem to understand terror kahn at all in this post.
Originally posted by terror-kahn
omfg im not in the moood for this kiddy shit.
you got 24 hours to play starting RIGHT NOW koorb free
if he comes back tomorrow and screws with you some more
you let me know and we will go from there
this isn't real life.
he didnt rob your house, rape your family, or murder a loved one.
.... so relax, play some war2, have some fun.... and
if it continues please let someone know.
Thank you for playing War2 @ Server.War2.Ru please COME AGAIN <3333 xoxooxoxo
Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:13 am |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
Posts: 995
Originally posted by Winchester
This seems to be the post which really set you off. You really didnt seem to understand terror kahn at all in this post.
Originally posted by terror-kahn
omfg im not in the moood for this kiddy shit.
you got 24 hours to play starting RIGHT NOW koorb free
if he comes back tomorrow and screws with you some more
you let me know and we will go from there
this isn't real life.
he didnt rob your house, rape your family, or murder a loved one.
.... so relax, play some war2, have some fun.... and
if it continues please let someone know.
Thank you for playing War2 @ Server.War2.Ru please COME AGAIN <3333 xoxooxoxo
**you got 24 hours to play starting RIGHT NOW koorb free**
Oh the 24 hour ban he never do!!
** if he comes back tomorrow and screws with you some more **
Yes he came back tomorow and keep spamming me, harasse me and insult me for almost a entire week.
** he didnt rob your house, rape your family, or murder a loved one. **
I like this stupid point, that mean i need to get my family rape before he ban him?? Nice... Niceeee...
** if it continues please let someone know. **
I let him know like 5 times, everytime he was finding a reason to dont ban him... Oh its not koorb, oh it's someone else, oh this time it was shotgun.
Fuck off. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:08 am |

Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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Originally posted by EQ
Originally posted by Winchester
This seems to be the post which really set you off. You really didnt seem to understand terror kahn at all in this post.
Originally posted by terror-kahn
omfg im not in the moood for this kiddy shit.
you got 24 hours to play starting RIGHT NOW koorb free
if he comes back tomorrow and screws with you some more
you let me know and we will go from there
this isn't real life.
he didnt rob your house, rape your family, or murder a loved one.
.... so relax, play some war2, have some fun.... and
if it continues please let someone know.
Thank you for playing War2 @ Server.War2.Ru please COME AGAIN <3333 xoxooxoxo
**you got 24 hours to play starting RIGHT NOW koorb free**
Oh the 24 hour ban he never do!!
** if he comes back tomorrow and screws with you some more **
Yes he came back tomorow and keep spamming me, harasse me and insult me for almost a entire week.
** he didnt rob your house, rape your family, or murder a loved one. **
I like this stupid point, that mean i need to get my family rape before he ban him?? Nice... Niceeee...
** if it continues please let someone know. **
I let him know like 5 times, everytime he was finding a reason to dont ban him... Oh its not koorb, oh it's someone else, oh this time it was shotgun.
Fuck off.
**Oh the 24 hour ban he never do!!**
did ban
him, which you wern't even happy with initially anyway. Koorb just
bypassed his ban
probably in the same way dellam does. Not everybody knows how to do this, so bans can work on those normal people, people like dellam find there way around it all the time. Koorb just so happens to be one of these players who know how to find his way around a ban.
**Yes he came back tomorrow and keep spamming me, harasse me and insult me for almost a entire week.**
You were already abusing terror kahn before Koorb was even back at this point. He told you to let him know and that yous will go from there. Rather then Wait till koorb was back online abusing you or anyone else and letting terror kahn know about the situation from there, you went on a riot on that thread before Koorb bypassed his ban.
**I like this stupid point, that mean i need to get my family rape before he ban him?? Nice... Niceeee... **
This is where you misunderstood what he said, just WHY DO YOU THINK you were called a drama queen on that thread? Koorb spammed you in-game, Terror-kahn banned him as you requested, only for 24 hours which was just not as long as you'd hoped. (Not that it would have mattered in the long run since Koorb knew how to bypass the ban)
You were overreacting, He told you to
Because that
, it had nothing to do with taking action against a player had something like that actually happened, its just you were acting like it had actually happened because you were getting /f a constantly. It's simple, ACT LIKE YOU WERE SPAMMED, NOT LIKE YOU WERE A RAPE VICTIM.
How to act like you were spammed may you be asking?
Allow me to give you an example.
"""Terror Kahn, Koorb was constantly adding me to his friends list, and I don't know how to get rid of these messages. Can you do something about it please?""" (You did this right when you made the thread basically whilst providing all the evidence of the offence he had done)
Terror Kahn then goes on to ban Koorb for 1 day (At this point you havn't been spammed by Koorb again yet since he bypassed his ban) While you do not agree with the amount of days he may be banned for you need to try to Reason with him to make it a longer ban. Rather then Tell Terror Kahn that the Punishment is a joke and that Koorb deserves 1 month (This seems like an overreaction or a sense of entitlement)
Here is an example of what you should have said
"""Thanks for banning him Terror Kahn, but could you make it a longer ban maybe? This really can disrupt peoples gaming when the offending player is not even in the game. It is almost as disrupting to someones gameplay, maybe even worse as say someone building as a watcher, which all of us here can agree on is very annoying to our gameplay. So could you maybe think about increasing the length on the ban"""
I can guarantee you EQ that Terror Kahn would never have said the robbing house murder raping family stuff had you approached him a bit better about the situation. It is okay to disagree with the amount of time on a ban and let him know, but do not straight away say things that its a joke and stuff. You say your one of the nicest people on the game in the earlier threads EQ, so act that way when confronting someone about this situation and while you may disagree with the ban length, you may question it to them but do it in a respectful manner, afterall you say your one of the nicest guys in the game. So being respectful should not be difficult.
Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:50 am |

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bypassing the ban should automatically prolong the ban imo
Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:59 am |

Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
bypassing the ban should automatically prolong the ban imo
Yeah, I agree but what can you do to keep them banned if they just know how to get around it constantly? Is there a way without banning the country?
Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:06 am |

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Originally posted by Winchester
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
bypassing the ban should automatically prolong the ban imo
Yeah, I agree but what can you do to keep them banned if they just know how to get around it constantly? Is there a way without banning the country?
nop, hacker treatment. all accounts locked, ban on sight and prayers to iL (efficient ban system he planz for)
Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:41 am |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
Posts: 995
Originally posted by Winchester
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
bypassing the ban should automatically prolong the ban imo
Yeah, I agree but what can you do to keep them banned if they just know how to get around it constantly? Is there a way without banning the country?
You lock his main account, it will be better then let him stand on channel keep doing what he want. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:38 am |

Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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Originally posted by EQ
Originally posted by Winchester
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
bypassing the ban should automatically prolong the ban imo
Yeah, I agree but what can you do to keep them banned if they just know how to get around it constantly? Is there a way without banning the country?
You lock his main account, it will be better then let him stand on channel keep doing what he want.
He'll only just create a new account and repeat the same thing. Which you experienced him do under different names. Only thing I can think of at this moment is to somehow limit the amount of accounts made to an email address. So if you want more accounts, you need more email addresses, and you lock all accounts made by this email address. (to waste their time getting back on the server) of course this will probably annoy smurfs alot who dont break the rules as setting up multiple email addresses is annoying. I only have 2 names and I only use the other one when I invite my new friends to play, so I don't smurf really, but they have like 1000 accounts each by now. so maybe they should just use their old smurf names rather then keep making new ones to get bothered by it.
Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:39 pm |

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Nobody would be stupid enough to donate money to a broken, laggy server that doesn't even work properly half the time.
Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:04 am |