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Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Swift and Startale.
I had a 1v1 yesterday against spb where startale and swift type him for all bo3.
I see swift type him on the first game where i win, then 00Joe told me they keep typing him on the next 2 games i lose.
Also, one of them build in the first game to cancel my victory in the ladder.
I dont want ban or warning, i dont really cares, just to let know at people this kind of people has no valor.
After they ask me why i dont 1s, you guys are too cheap and too cheater for that.
BTW: I dont think swift really want to do that, hes normarly cool with me, i just think startale is a big piece of racist shit who call me french and acting racist all night long for no reason.
It's look like swift have just no balls and papa startale have too much influence on him. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:36 pm |
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
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Dude! I was jk about them tipping him. You even asked me "is this true joe?" I said "nop." They definitely didn't tip spb because we had a conversation going. Sorry for confusing you and anyone who read your post.
Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:28 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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I still see swift type spb at first game, is that not true? And someone build to cancel my win, is that not true too? Now you wanna make me thing they dont type on the two next game when you told me that after the third one for no reason?
You just look like someone who said the truth and came back on his word because he know i dont take this kind of stupid joke and his friend swift gonna be mad on him.
Be a man, assume swift and startale just act like retard. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Last edited by EQ on Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:32 pm |
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
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I don't know if he typed in first game. I'm telling you when I said they tipped him I was jk. I'm not going back on my word ,because last night you asked me immediately after I said that, if it was true. I told you it wasn't. Like I said, sorry for causing the confusion. If someone built to cancel your win, that sucks. Ladder is flawed and doesn't count a lot of games. No one in that game wants you to look bad. All 8 of us were having fun playing many maps that night.
Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:34 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Originally posted by GreenPlastic
I don't know if he typed in first game. I'm telling you when I said they tipped him I was jk. I'm not going back on my word ,because last night you asked me immediately after I said that, if it was true. I told you it wasn't. Like I said, sorry for causing the confusion. If someone built to cancel your win, that sucks. Ladder is flawed and doesn't count a lot of games. No one in that game wants you to look bad. All 8 of us were having fun playing many maps that night.
Wtf?? You know he type on first game, everyone know, i even told him it was dumb, he told me spb dead anyway, i said who cares you waste my time, so you dont remember when swift told him he still can get gold from the mine because my tower dont reach it.
And no one want to make me look bad, wtf? And everyone have fun, wtf?? Are you kidding me?? Startale was asking everyone for what map they want to play and he dint even answer me when i was saying which one we can play.. Totally ignore me for no reason and always talking about me as a french person and not even as just a person... This dude make me feel all the night like a shit..
Starting saying he put 10 bucks on the russian and act agressive for no reason.
Then i rape spb in neighbor war and getting rape by spb 2 games later where spb find all my town all and all my temple.
Dude i beat spb everyday since 5 years i know exactly how to beat spb and now spb came destroy my hiding temple with lust before even scout them.
You guys are..... _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:44 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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How much time i get tricked by swift? Thats not new swift type people and thats not new swift play for other people when its came time to grudge match to make them look bad.
I remember on the past when he was playing for yamon because yamon was telling at everyone he was better then me and cant beat me in 1v1 so swift was played for him.
The Only way to play 1s on this server his to created 1v1, 2 slot games, recording your gams and ask for screen shot and recieve it in the 2 first minutes after the games.
Now your gonna be sure to play fair games, like a man, no shit, no homo. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:49 pm |

Joined: 22 Oct 2007
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dude. you're like the ultra sensitive cry baby in elementary school that everyone fucks with just to watch them cry.
stop crying man... its a game of war2. who cares. get over it. arent we all adults here or no?
how can anyone get so mad over a game that is dying
i reall think you should see a doctor if stuff like this really bothers you a lot. _________________
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:38 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Originally posted by terror-kahn
dude. you're like the ultra sensitive cry baby in elementary school that everyone fucks with just to watch them cry.
stop crying man... its a game of war2. who cares. get over it. arent we all adults here or no?
how can anyone get so mad over a game that is dying
i reall think you should see a doctor if stuff like this really bothers you a lot.
Fuck your mom tk, this staff is shit, most of players are shits and i waste my time with a bunch of fucking retard who spam everyone all day long and some other retard who act like world champion of war2 but stacked games, typing game and build into it to destroy the ladder.
You guys dint do nothing, you guys are just a couple of groopies who suck nuts of swift and some old school player like that.
Keep holding the racist the cheater and the spammer.
And i hope you guys dint came the old good war2 ive seen 2 month ago with the 6 differents players all day long.
Raped my family, ive still remember it.
This game dint even worth a shit, just a waste of time for a bunch of retards whos cheat and have no honor.
Poeple wanna make me cry.. why the hell they wanna make me cry, i do absoluty nothing to get people wanna make me cry, only thing i do is helping people.
These people wanna make me cry because they are jalous and scare about their reputation, they see they cant do what they want when they want, because people start to like me.
They wanna make me cry to make me look bad so they can keep manupulating people.
Now we have to stand 6 SFC Bots who spammed the channel all day long.
Just hope to speak a better english one day to make people understand who are the old school player and the staff.
This game is a joke because this staff is a joke.
Good bye asshole. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:29 pm |