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pmed u ywfn _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:36 pm |

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here is what some of you don't seem to understand... i know EQ and i know RIPE and both of them have been known to INSTIGATE SHIT from time to time (just like the rest of us)
just because EQ and RIPE were the ones to post screen shots of koorb's continuous /f add messages DOES NOT MEAN THEY WERE INNOCENT during the whole ordeal.
so... yes, i gave koorb a 1 day ban just to make it clear that we were willing to punish him for this type of behavior.... common sense should tell him "ok ok... they're getting kinda serious about this. if i continue, my punishment will be worse"
if you don't agree with the punishment i really dont give a shit. i gave him a 1 day ban because i have absolutely no clue what happened other than the couple screen shots EQ and RIPE have posted.
to say "omfg thats a slap in the face to eq and ripe" is complete B.S. in my opionion cus u have no clue what happened either or who said what or did what or how it escalated.
i know 1 side of the story. i sent a "message" to the person who appeared to be at fault given the only evidence we have.
dont like it? oh fkin well. go ask another admin to do more about it. that's up to them.... if it continues and i am the admin around and in charge of the punishment i will continue to increase the amount of time the ban lasts but im not going to go crazy with it just because eq and ripe post some screen shots.... knowing damn well there is a very real possibility they played a role in the escalation _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:09 pm |

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i cant believe we're still talking about this honestly
what is this? high school cheerleader drama?
koorb pissed eq and ripe off. he got a warning. he did it again. he got a 24 hour ban..... now, as far as we know (and i've seen him and EQ online since then) koorb has stopped doing it
the 24 hour ban seems to have worked for the time being
what else is there to talk about until something else happens? _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:12 pm |

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no shit he doesn't ... do you know what i do? i stay away from him. ignore him.
i dont give him a reason to rage _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:32 pm |

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We dont care of Koorb anymore, everyone know the truth now, the probleme is you, if you had doing your job since 1 week ago nobody will talk about that anymore.
Your worst then koorb, you try to debatate whit what the community ask you, everyone told you what to do, your the only one whos keep doing this, your put more fire compare to anyone here, i hope your gonna lose your status soon. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:46 pm |

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if i banned everyone based on what everyone else wanted pretty much 90% of the server would have been permanently banned by now.
i think i'll error on the side of caution rather than risk overreacting over some silly drama. _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:01 pm |

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Originally posted by RipE1
Originally posted by terror-kahn
no shit he doesn't ... do you know what i do? i stay away from him. ignore him.
jesus fucking christ.
He just dont understand nothing dont talk with him anymore. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:14 pm |

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Originally posted by terror-kahn
if i banned everyone based on what everyone else wanted pretty much 90% of the server would have been permanently banned by now.
i think i'll error on the side of caution rather than risk overreacting over some silly drama.
We dont give a fuck about what YOU think, you have to understand without us there no more war2ru, then no more admin, then no more tk, you have nothing to decide when 80% of the community told you what to do.
Its not a debate, it's not your choice, its the community choice, you dont seem to understand that, so who care about you since you dont care about us?
And btw nobody has never talk about permanant ban, we ask for the rule, 1 week ban like how it suppose to be..
If nobody want to do his job im gonna spam everyone untill i got 2 warning, and invited everyone to do the same, because it's look like we can dont give a fuck about rules on this server and do what we want when we want. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Last edited by EQ on Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:15 pm |

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please stop eq. you're making me cry. _________________
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:18 pm |

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tk the problem is... youre not god. Youre just iL's whore and you gotta adapt to the rules he created. If the rules are never obeyed, then whats the point of creating and having them on the website.
and the rule says: 1 week ban for second offense.
i dont give a fuck about your interpretation, about your view to this case, about your opinion regarding ripe, koorb, eq. Rules are meant to be simple and they are. Do your job you dumb retarded nigger whore ass monkeycracker
Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:20 am |

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le grand bon ban!
Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:48 am |

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if another admin wants to increase the ban thats up to them. im not a "pro-ban" admin, all of the other admins pretty much know that. if thats a problem for the other admins im sure they will let me know. thx claw <3 _________________
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:08 am |

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Did you ask all of them to get you in private mail box to explain them what ripe and i have done so bad to get insult and spammed like this.
Because since the start you lightly said we are guilty of someting we dont even know.
Maybe you can tell us, so we can understand why Koorb can overpass the rules from your judement. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:21 am |

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i dont give people heavy bans... i dont give ANYONE heavy bans.... if i am the admin that handles the situation, i will probably almost never ban someone for a long time.
long bans dont work in my opinion. they just piss people off more. and then those people go find out how to get around the bans like Dellam (and some others), and I think we all know how big a pain in the ass Dellam can be... I dont want more Dellams personally.
If other admins see what happened and want to make the ban longer, they can. that's fine. I just dont like banning for long times.
But, if koorb does it again, I will ban longer. If he keeps doing it i will ban even longer. _________________
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:26 am |

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Originally posted by terror-kahn
i dont give people heavy bans... i dont give ANYONE heavy bans.... if i am the admin that handles the situation, i will probably almost never ban someone for a long time.
long bans dont work in my opinion. they just piss people off more. and then those people go find out how to get around the bans like Dellam (and some others), and I think we all know how big a pain in the ass Dellam can be... I dont want more Dellams personally.
If other admins see what happened and want to make the ban longer, they can. that's fine. I just dont like banning for long times.
But, if koorb does it again, I will ban longer. If he keeps doing it i will ban even longer.
Im not gonna argue anymore with you because you just dont understand the fact of respecting the rules etablished by the server. These rules are not there for fun, these rules are there to keep the peace and make people scare of the ban.. It's sad to say but this is the same as political and law. We are not in a jungle where we can do whatever we want because admin is softly and dont care about doing his job. If you dint do your job people see you as soft dude and keep doing what they want.
The proof is right there, when you told me koorb was not the only one to spammed me, and told me shotgun was one of them too.
Why shotgun do that? Because you never ban koorb from the start and they want to turn that into a joke and overpass the law.
And you look like someone who cant be neutral and just choose who he want to ban and who he dont want to ban...
Im sorry dude.. Maybe you got your point of view... but right here 80% as the same point of view and thats not yours.
it's not about a probleme degrees or judgement or about time, its about the rules, nobody can overpass the rule.
do you understand that.
2 warnings = 1 week ban. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:41 am |
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Well, I accept tk in this situation.
What did Koorb do can be declared as spam only.
The first time there was spam+offence using the smurf name.
So, let's follow the Rules:
6. To offend the dignity of others by using swear words, put-downs, and other statements against them, in any language, is prohibited, except for friendly trash talk.
Penalties: warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense, permanent ban for the fourth offense.
12. Spam is prohibited.
Penalties: for the 1st time and repeated: from warning to a permanent ban depending on the kind of spamming.
Second time is being covered by Rule 12 only.
About the kind of spamming:
For example:
- if someone outside our community use the newly created account for spamming porn links, it should be permbanned of course.
- if any real player begins to make tons of accounts to write some shit, it have to be banned for maybe weeks for the frst time.
- if any real player is having a conflict with another real player and begin to spam him by words (maybe using offensive language), that could be a reason to warn him for the 1-st time. And a small-time ban for the 2-nd time. As declared in the Rules: warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense.
Spamming by /f add looks similarily as for me.
So, I'd do the same as tk:
warning for the 1-st time,
1 day ban looks reasonable for me to tons to /f add strings to 1 player.
Assuming that it's not a kind of "friendly trash spam" which one should not be covered at all.
I'd prefer to not interfere in your relations inside the old-style community core. You have been happy by such communication style in years, so i'd prefer to keep that as is between you.
But maybe you really dislike such communication? I hope you want to turn to light, then i accept this. And explain that to others, giving them warnings and short-time bans.
I also have been wondered why did Koorb repeated that spam? Didn't understand for the 1-st time? Have any complaint against you?
Well, i'm ready to get that. With argumentation and proofs.
Of course, next time ban time could be longer.
I also dislike an will stop Rules manipulations to get even with someone, if that happens. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:25 am |
Fast Luck

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The problem is usually you can just squelch a spammer, but you can't hide the friends list spam. I guess we need to disable friends list "add" notification to stop it. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:41 am |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Originally posted by ~iL
Well, I accept tk in this situation.
What did Koorb do can be declared as spam only.
The first time there was spam+offence using the smurf name.
So, let's follow the Rules:
6. To offend the dignity of others by using swear words, put-downs, and other statements against them, in any language, is prohibited, except for friendly trash talk.
Penalties: warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense, permanent ban for the fourth offense.
12. Spam is prohibited.
Penalties: for the 1st time and repeated: from warning to a permanent ban depending on the kind of spamming.
Second time is being covered by Rule 12 only.
About the kind of spamming:
For example:
- if someone outside our community use the newly created account for spamming porn links, it should be permbanned of course.
- if any real player begins to make tons of accounts to write some shit, it have to be banned for maybe weeks for the frst time.
- if any real player is having a conflict with another real player and begin to spam him by words (maybe using offensive language), that could be a reason to warn him for the 1-st time. And a small-time ban for the 2-nd time. As declared in the Rules: warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense.
Spamming by /f add looks similarily as for me.
So, I'd do the same as tk:
warning for the 1-st time,
1 day ban looks reasonable for me to tons to /f add strings to 1 player.
Assuming that it's not a kind of "friendly trash spam" which one should not be covered at all.
I'd prefer to not interfere in your relations inside the old-style community core. You have been happy by such communication style in years, so i'd prefer to keep that as is between you.
But maybe you really dislike such communication? I hope you want to turn to light, then i accept this. And explain that to others, giving them warnings and short-time bans.
I also have been wondered why did Koorb repeated that spam? Didn't understand for the 1-st time? Have any complaint against you?
Well, i'm ready to get that. With argumentation and proofs.
Of course, next time ban time could be longer.
I also dislike an will stop Rules manipulations to get even with someone, if that happens.
Koorb get the first warning by yourself at spamming ripe 1 month ago, 2 weeks later he was spamming me, tk ban him 24 hours and he created 3 news account to keep the spamming on me. Also he reset his ipx over and over to overpass the ban, he dint even do is 24 hours ban, what a joke.
I dont know what kind of spamming your banning first in your consideration.
But from my point of view this kind of spamming are worst then anything else.
This spamming are attaking me directly in the game and cost me a 9 streak win on the ladder.
The fact is i dont really care about that, what i care is you guys are not doing anything when you can consider this spam as a glitch system or a bug and can be use to alterate a game.. It's maybe not a hack but thats a systeme abuse thats can change the court of a game, so for me its the same of an hack.
This kind of spammed are the worst kind of spam.
Thats really not consider as a spam channel and totaly deserve a legit warning. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Last edited by EQ on Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:51 am; edited 5 times in total
Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:42 am |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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Originally posted by Fast Luck
The problem is usually you can just squelch a spammer, but you can't hide the friends list spam. I guess we need to disable friends list "add" notification to stop it.
Com on dude we dont have to disable our quality of gaming for that kind of people, we have to make them know they cant do that.
Dude seriously...
wtf is going wrong here. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:45 am |

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@Il: I have never said nothing at koorb...
If you came on more often on war2 you will gonna see what about koorb.
And i see you came more often, your more present for us and we appreciated that.
But the thing is, with koorb it's not about spammed, It's about everything, he really dont care about nobody.
He always sit on the channel since ten years ago to ask people for 1s with negative energie and finish the game by insulting the other guys or disconect because he dint approved the lose... And came back on channel and keep yell and insulting everyone and bullshiting everyone saying lie after lie about everyone...
It's like... he put bad energie and show a bad exemple to everyone, we try to be cool with him and talk with him and make him understand but he never understand.. And its not hard to find why, thats because nobody do nothing and let him do everything he want.
I mean this spammed thing is not the sundae, its the cherry on the sundae. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:01 am |
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Originally posted by EQ
The fact is i dont really care about that, what i care is you guys are not doing anything when you can consider this spam as a glitch system or a bug and can be use to alterate a game.. It's maybe not a hack but thats a systeme abuse thats can change the court of a game, so for me its the same of an hack.
Hm, interesting argument, i didn't think about that as about a hack, but that looks quite similar...
Need to think about to consider it a hack...
I had to fix that fast, recomplilng the server code also. So, that looks like a used bug at least. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:08 am |
Fast Luck

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Originally posted by EQ
Originally posted by Fast Luck
The problem is usually you can just squelch a spammer, but you can't hide the friends list spam. I guess we need to disable friends list "add" notification to stop it.
Com on dude we dont have to disable our quality of gaming for that kind of people, we have to make them know they cant do that.
Dude seriously...
wtf is going wrong here.
this is not just about koorb, because this is a tactic any spammer can abuse, and they can log on proxies and come back etc. it is basically a spam vulnerability and i think we will see more of it if we dont block it. besides, why kill a snake when you can just defang it _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:11 am |

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Originally posted by Fast Luck
Originally posted by EQ
Originally posted by Fast Luck
The problem is usually you can just squelch a spammer, but you can't hide the friends list spam. I guess we need to disable friends list "add" notification to stop it.
Com on dude we dont have to disable our quality of gaming for that kind of people, we have to make them know they cant do that.
Dude seriously...
wtf is going wrong here.
this is not just about koorb, because this is a tactic any spammer can abuse, and they can log on proxies and come back etc. it is basically a spam vulnerability and i think we will see more of it if we dont block it. besides, why kill a snake when you can just defang it
We are not on diablo II where people want to sell 6bo cta for 1.99... We have nothing to sell and we have nothing to buy.
We are not gonna disable friendlist to save the koorb ass.
Untill we dont see people abuse of this its just about to ban them as the same of banning an hacker.
But for now the only one who abuse of that is koorb, why we already start talking about mass spamming, it make no sens, it's koorb period. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:18 am |
Fast Luck

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You misunderstand me. I am not saying disable friends list, that would be silly
I am saying disable the notification you get when someone adds you to friends list
That's all. It's something that probably should be done if possible. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:21 am |

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Or just ban Koorb. Redesign the game.... or ban Koorb.
Seems pretty simple to me. 3 days would be a good start. Increase it if he continues to act like a 4 year old. _________________ I have hacks in my brain and I use them.
Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:27 am |
Joined: 27 Feb 2009
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Originally posted by RipE1
r u mega drunkz0red again tk? i think ur the one doin the drama here :DDDDDDDDD
there is ppl like me n eq. we r occasionally shitheads. but ko0rb is that 247, he doesnt get along with anyb0dy
i get along with him, even when i rape him and he calls me a hacker
Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:07 am |