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the percentile of aggressive sand niggers is way, waaay higher than in other races/communities/religions
Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:37 am |

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Last edited by Allstar on Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:23 am |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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this is based on what? you literally have no idea. its safe to say at the very least the women are not. theres a huge portion right there. So if women for the sake of argument make up 50% of the "sand niggers", lets say at least 25% of the remaining 50% of "sand niggers" are not hostile at all, then over 75% of them are completely peaceful, and its probably much higher than that.
plenty of other 'races/communities/people' have aggressive/criminal/hostile women, so maybe by default they are more peaceful than we are?
Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:24 am |

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Originally posted by Allstar
something retarded
gtfo to iraq
Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:25 am |

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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
Originally posted by Allstar
*brain melts*
oh, sry
Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:27 am |

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Originally posted by RipE1
Originally posted by Lightbringer-
Don't base yourself on a group of extremist to deduct how most muslims behave. It would be akin to say christians are pedophiles when thinking about the Church scandals over the years.
Its unfortunately the most disturbed that get the most coverage, not the regular joe no problem citizen.
So you are a big fucking racist and probably xenophobe.
shut up newbie. whether u dont have knowledge or ur just dumb. im sure u r dumb as fuk as muslimz 99.78% of the time r.
in every measurez in europe arabz/muslimz/filthy scum ppl r failing at everything. they r being unemployed many timez more than the native ppl. they r using welfare benefitz 100times more than native euroz. their crime levelz r extremely high. especially in sexual crimes. only what they do iz makin financial problems to the western world and making streets unsafe.
also when we look at the countries all around the world. muslim states r failing in everything. they r in every list in the bottom side, whatever it is about education/gdb/quality of life/peace/life expectancy, u fukin name it dummysandniggaboi.
muslims just fail and suk at everything. ur "political system" = religion SUX.
here iz a few linkz just for u faggot to proove my point.
way to fukin go! there iz only few very very small muslim nations (qatar etc)whose only addition to this world is OIL. natural resource. that is only thing they can give to the world. nothing else. just cuz they happen to b lucky and living above oil. well that will soon end too. then u dont even have that one fukin thing :/
Location: Finland
Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:21 pm |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Well, BHC-MASTER connected to Lightbringer- to ask me to remove his aka from that list.
What I can note for the situation as I see it:
1. I agree that
is really looks like a different guy used the same connection. Probably a brother. I'm sad to ban the whole networks used by slacher. I'd be glad to let him play.
2. BHC-MASTER wrote that his brother didn't know his password.
Ok, then looks like BHC-MASTER used at least these accounts from my posted list:
And about 40 more akas.
As you can see, some of them are similar nicks of other players. I'm not about that's prohibited by Rules now, i just talk about the same behaviour as the discussed person.
He also used similar nicks to impersonate others.
3. His conversation style looks like the same as his "brother" in game chat.
Eighter his brother and he are the same guys, or they have totally the same behaviour.
4. they also hate the same players, both talking some shit about them.
I agree they wrote messages to each other in chat and maybe eighter both played in one game, but w/e? That could just be a trick (like to ask the best friend to play using his aka). Or they can use passwords of each other whenever they want. 1 man use all the accounts to everything we see, another one is just play sometimes using the same accounts.
But maybe that's easier? If 2 players use the same actions, has the same conversation style and the same language, also using the same computer, maybe these 2 players is just 1 person? _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:07 am |
Fast Luck

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Even if it's two people, I think it's fair to hold both responsible for the things done on their accounts/networks/computers... Also, I think in the new rule updates, making fake/imitation name was prohibited. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:15 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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both must post a hi res pic of themselves holding todays localnewspaper and their corresponding current valid official IDs and a copy of their birth certificates emailed in order to lift ban. _________________
Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:50 am |

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Originally posted by smurf_king
both must post a hi res pic of themselves holding todays localnewspaper and their corresponding current valid official IDs and a copy of their birth certificates emailed in order to lift ban.
The pics must involve chickens too
Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:52 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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Even if it's two people, I think it's fair to hold both responsible for the things done on their accounts/networks/computers...
beat the crap out of your lover/roommate/family/pet, slacher, and make him apologize on tape. Then we shall reconsider!
Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:57 am |

Joined: 26 Mar 2010
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I may or may not have also done this trick in the past!
Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:25 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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thats so lame _________________
Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:41 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
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this guy is back under the name quatermain
ban hammer time _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:58 pm |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Several days ago one guy from the same ip asked me to let him play.
BHC-Master asked about that for several times.
So, i thought about some kind of amnesty.
All their aka are being unbanned now.
Let's give them 1 more chance!
Our general line is not to ban as many people as we can.
We need to do everytihng to let people play if they want. We just need to stop toxic atmospehere of disrespect in our community.
These brothers are good players, they should just stop each other from insulting against other people. Insulting doesn't mean using offensive language only, just let them be respective to others.
SS rule is also actual.
So, let's be mutual respective for each other and enjoy playing war2! _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:28 pm |

Joined: 06 Sep 2007
Posts: 995
Originally posted by ~iL
Originally posted by EQ
Hope for you BHC-RAVEN-RU is not one of this guys.
Because he just map hack me this morning refuse to send ss log off and din't came back.
Looks like no
So what happen with people whos said no when you ask them for ss refuse to send it and log off.
We give him some slap on the hand and we tell him it's not cool to do that..
We believe him when he said he dont know how to send a screen shot after 5000 games?
Oh maybe his grand mother playing for him.
hihihi nice server. _________________ Warcraft II Forum:
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Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:05 pm |