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Joined: 04 Sep 2010
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GOW BNE 3v3 situation
Before i start i want to state that i've tried this and it works.
If You and one of your pards at 9/11 AND the 3rd ally is NOT at 6/8, then 9 can move down to s9. From there place your hall below the end of the tree line so you won't get fucked by a possible peon scout. If there is a peon scout you can read that as there are 2 player spwaning at 6/8 cause it there were only one he would probably dual, at least it is the best thing to do at 6/8 in a 3v3 IMO. If there are 2 players they are probably scouting for a 9/11 dual what is logical in a 3v3. To judge this you need to know timings really well... so if the peon scout comes kinda late you can almost be sure that there is only ONE player not dualing at 6 or 8.
After you make your hall and farm you get a rax then skip farm and get a smith then ger a rax THEN get a farm and then try to repair the raxes as much as it is nesecarry for both to complete at the same second as the farm does, and repair the smith as much as you can. After they are complete just get a farm and send a peon to mine. This way you will have 4 grunts and a lvl2 upgrade very fast.
By the time this is going on your pard at 11 can take 9 and dual pretty safely.
If there is a dual there you can kill it very fast as there will be no defenses. Just put a ct to 6 to kill farms if you weren't able to break the mill at 8 or chop in. You can also get 1-2 fast cats, as there will be enough wood.
If 8 1 raxes you can probably kill him outright as he won't have much grunts at all. Most players will send their 1st grunt to 9/11 you will be able to catch them with your 2 grunts that will just be spawning. That way you will have 4 grunts really fast while your opponent will have 2-3 with possibly being behind a level. So you will have good chances of causing some damage to them. If your opponent is not 8 you will most likely still be able to cath a grunt as you are on your way to 8 since 6 will want to scout 8 with his 1st grunt. You can do the same to 6 with the addition of the cannon tower spot.
If both 6-8 are occupied you will have to push your micro abilites to the max and hold out for as long as you can. Use your peons to take out lone grunts and if there are too many just wallin and try to get up a ct. Cut peons if there are 2 rushers as you won't be able to get defense in time.
If there is noone at 6/8 then it will be pretty shitty for you but you can still help the 9/11 dual just like in old gow. Pstop rush or smth!
There we pretty much got covered all the situations cept for 4peon gaying maybe, but that is pretty uncommon. Obviously you will have to forget the rush and react accordingly in order to do that you need alot of practice and experience
Now that i think about it this could be okay in a 4v4 as well. The only thing that matters is that you and ur pard are at 9/11 and 6/8 are both enemy territory.
Sorry for the bunch of grammatic mistakes i must have made i suck @English !
Discuss! Oppinions appriciated!
P.S.:Vlessiah, this is how you invent creative strategys and unique playstyles. Gaying 5 and miserably failing from 12 is not creative or good, 3halling blindly is not creative or good... _________________ He has 2 proxy rax at 9 should i scout them...?
Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:09 pm |
Joined: 21 Oct 2010
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11 should dual s12
Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:23 pm |

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who ever allied sparkz, won _________________ I am also a contradiction of my own lies
Tue May 01, 2012 12:13 am |
Joined: 01 Apr 2011
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This isnt really a strat than it is more a unique situation. Ultimately, where the enemies spawn and what they decide to do will determine the outcome.
For example, lets assume your starting start and move to s9. what if enemies are at 6 8. What if one decides to mill first and scout up and starts towering s9 and the other rushes. s9 is assuredly dead as it likely will not be able to withstand towering and rush and that pretty much means the dual will fall shortly after. And even if it doesnt, it will be an uphill battle 2 v 3...
Wed May 02, 2012 12:34 pm |
Joined: 04 Sep 2010
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you can't tower me :p _________________ He has 2 proxy rax at 9 should i scout them...?
Wed May 02, 2012 1:33 pm |
Joined: 04 Sep 2010
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also as i have said you place your hall at the almost bottom position that is hard to gay _________________ He has 2 proxy rax at 9 should i scout them...?
Wed May 02, 2012 1:33 pm |
Joined: 01 Apr 2011
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Doesnt matter .. even if you repelled .. the whole point to moving to s9 is to rush and support the dual .. that advantage is gone and lets the enemies do whatever they want..
1. double your third ally assuming the third enemy is rushing
2. double the dual
3. or counter dual and just get huge - that would mean 7 of the 8 starting mines are accounted for and the guy who went s9 is basically useless late game cause probably wouldnt be able to expo...
Wed May 02, 2012 2:26 pm |
Joined: 04 Sep 2010
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You can counter dual but you won't cause damage to 9/11 dual so it will be better. You can double one and if he sucks he will die. And the idea is not to "rush" it is to keep 6-8busy or kill it if you can. You will be useless lategame even if you would have a mine since you are going to do a farm at 4peons so you can get grunts early as fuck. One game i did this i fucked my hall and actually got raxed cause 8 went for gaying, i raped my opponents with superiour micro with grunts and peons but obviusoly i can't hold vs 4rax with just 2 and i died pretty fast. SO basicly you keep 2players busy way more than it is nesecarry for your dual to get up, and since you do that your 3pard won't get doubled he can even help you out of just go for the others 3rd guy. If you think fucking with 2 players at once is stupid and impossible you are unexperienced, and you'd call viruz stupid. He does it differently and better tho with peons. Altough it is on ef so it does not matter that much.
IF there is only one player at 6-8 you can 1v1 him and the speed rush is actually pretty fukn strong cause no1 would expect it.
IF there is none at 6-8 then yes i'd give the advantage to the other team. But to answer your question i did get raxed and then had to face againts 2 rushers from 6-8 and basicly our dualed raped 6-8 with lusted ogres when they were like geting a hold.
This is situational yes but i would do it since i start planning before i actually get my hall down. I know it is hard to understand for you, but if you get better it won't be. _________________ He has 2 proxy rax at 9 should i scout them...?
Wed May 02, 2012 3:23 pm |
Joined: 01 Apr 2011
Posts: 384
Your argument is tantamount to saying it will work because I am good / better than the other two at 6 8. Obviously if you are superior to your opponent, any strategy you do will likely look good because you will likely win simply because you are better.
ALL ELSE EQUAL .. meaning the players that are 6 / 8 are comparable skill level to you (meaning you cannot 'rape them by out microing them' because you are of equal skill to them) will take a minimal resource investment to rape s9 early (if scouted, which is the scenario i presented).
This is undeniable...
Wed May 02, 2012 5:35 pm |

Joined: 23 Feb 2010
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oldenglish, in your scenario you have two people attacking u while you're trying to dual s9/9. The problem with that is you forgot to mention what your ally could be doing while all of this is going on. I will answer your question from a 1v1 perspective though. Lets say you're 8 and move s9, and your enemy is at 6. If he doesn't pscout you, then you'll be able to get a cat out before any real damage occurs. You'll need 2 cats because you'll know he's 6 from the timing of the attack and the direction (coming up from under u), and the chances that he'll double cat with a rush are high. So you'll have to have 2 cats and a tower to deal with the grunts, and a few peons on standby for the tower (preferably hotkeyed).
in the situation where he pscouts you and mills your goldmine. Lets say that you lose the gay war as far as just the towers are concerned, but you don't suffer many peons losses. A transfer of peons to 9 can put you on even footing with 6, depending on how much he spent to gay you. A hall is 1,200 G 800 W. If he builds 2 guard towers, that's more expensive than a hall in gold and roughly equivalent in wood. I've been in this scenario many times, and my favorite thing to do is act very aggressive and make him build 3 to 4 guard towers then back off and cancel my couple towers if it looks like they wouldn't be effective anyway. So since he spent his money on towers, you know he won't be catting 9 anytime soon, and by the time he does you'll have more than him and should be able to defend. War2 is a game of out mining your opponent, and forcing your opponent to out spend you in situations that aren't effectively worth it for him.
Wed May 02, 2012 5:57 pm |
Joined: 01 Apr 2011
Posts: 384
What are you talking about Space? In his scenario, he has moved to s9 and allowed his ally to dual 9 / 11...
Wed May 02, 2012 6:50 pm |