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Joined: 20 Dec 2000
Posts: 5
Ive come to realize I suck at rushing. I dont know when I should get 2 raxs, get a smith, when and what to upgrade first, etc. I think Im ok at powering, but am pretty terrible at rushing. Can someone give me some pointers?
Mon Jan 01, 2001 4:17 pm |
Joined: 02 Jan 2001
Posts: 8
The most effective rushing strat is to get your first rax and smith early.. Upgrade swords, then shields, then swords again (if you are rushing lvl 4)
The reason you upgrade swords first is because it costs less wood and you might find your opponent powering or something and so you can cancel the lvl 3 upgrade if you've already started it, and save the wood..
lvl 4 swords is obvious cause it's less wood.
I don't usually get my second rax unless I find the other guy is rushing.. In 2on2's, I'll usually put it up after I've made around 6 grunts.. Around when I can afford to make 2 grunts, a peon and farms all at the same time..
I usually make food for 29 or 33, depending on if other people are rushing.. Usually it's 33 though.
When you hit your limit, you should be going hold soon. Pull like 10 peons from gold and put them on wood and put up your mill. All of your peons up to that point should be on gold, or atleast most of them.
Wed Jan 03, 2001 12:32 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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KI summed it up well... a good rule of thumb i heard once was to build your second rax at 21 units, and your mill at 29. This is considering that no units die.
Mon Jan 08, 2001 9:41 pm |
Joined: 25 Dec 2000
Posts: 22
Location: Watkinsville, GA, 30677 |
Whenever I rush, my only problem is that it seems that I'm stuck in the rush for the majority of the game. I usually go 1 rax lvl 3 from anywhere, and then when I get enough gold to support a farm, a peon, and a grunt whenever I need it, I go mill. So here I am, thinking that I'm trucking along, and my opponent's real quiet. So I rep a mound and then start the Fort upgrade. So once more, trucking along, but then as my Fort gets done, I'm getting attacked by lusties. I am always lust too slow it seems. I suppose my deficiency is in either A) My mill and lumber is starting too late or B) I don't usually make an exp until my first mine gets to around 2500 gold left. B is probably the more likely problem, since lately I've been getting my mill off sooner and still getting beat to lust. So I guess a new question (if that's my problem) is, when I make an exp, is it best to wall it in or not use the resources? If I do wall in, there aren't usually any buildings I need. Is this wrong? If I don't two hall from the beginning, my mill, smith, and rax(s) are at my main, and I usually end up with around 50 food because I farm up an expansion. SOOO. What am I doing wrong??
Thu Jan 11, 2001 1:27 am |
i blow
If you're getting beat to lust, you should watch your resources more carefully.. Early in the game, or till you hit fort, its better to be low on gold than wood. Cause it's a lot faster to pull peons to gold than to wood.
Also use your brain. Suppose you have 200 wood and you still havent gone hold. Instead of pulling like 5 peons, pull 8 or 9 so that when they all bring in one load of wood, you can upgrade. It's a lot faster than waiting for them to bring it in twice.
Thu Jan 11, 2001 5:35 pm |