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2 cat rush
Ax, Kith and anyone else nice enuff
Would someone tell me how to 2 cat rush or give me a link to a site that have stuff on 2 cat rush cuz im having problem killing dualers
Wed Dec 06, 2000 2:43 pm |
super radish
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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2 cat rush
This is from the numerous games i've played with axo, i'm sure he'll tell you the same thing =/
A good 2cat rush's "order" goes something like
hall farm rax farm smith rest on gold...
And from there you just do whatever, orders to me are the first 5 buildings =/
at some point you'll also want wood for going hold, usually 4 or 5 halfway through your mill or something.
With that bit in mind, you'll want to build a few grunts and scout. After you find them, send all the grunts you have at one wallin and make them build a cat or towers or something because it'll slow them down.
After they get their tower up, you'll want to attack their other wallin (send a grunt to see if it has a tower, no sense in wasting them)
During this entire hitting their wallin to force a cat or a tower bit.. you're gonna wanna bring a peon down near one of their wallins, on grunt 4-6, and build your second rax there...
At the same time, you put your mill up at home and pump a few grunts out before your mill is done. Then, when the mill is done (should be BEFORE the 2nd rax) you build your first cat at home. When that cat gets done, you start pumping grunts outta the first again, build a cat at the second (so that by the time the first cat gets there the second is done already or nearly done) and send that cat down to the 2nd rax.
Now you should have like 2 cats and 12-15 grunts or so, unless you forgot a farm or a few peons or something, in which case you're screwed...
Anyways, to attack, obviously, you attack any towers they have with the 2 cats. Its nearly impossible to pull enough peons to repair a tower against 2 cats, so if they try they'll end up wasting a few resources. When your cats are done killing towers, what you should do is hit a building (preferably the one the most grunts are after) with both cats... that's like 100 hp down in a few seconds, and it will combat any peons repairing the building better than hitting the peons with the cat will. Of course, another perfectly good tactic, if you are pressed for time or they have like 12 peons repairing (like when your target is a hall) is to hit their wallin with 1 cat and pick off peons with the other cat.
A few warnings to this, with an explanation of the timing on the 3 huge strats (huge i say because most others are variations on this) will work out as follows...
These are also provided you played flawlessly (like axo =) and didnt forget a peon or a farm and you had the "most efficient mouse clicking"
Bear in mind that a 2cat rush is meant to kill at least of their halls before you go hold. If you dont kill one, you're SO screwed.
A heavy rusher (no cats) will have 6-8 more grunts (and possibly a level or 2) than you if he hasn't attacked you already. If you do get hit by such a thing, you didn't scout fast enough. Those first few grunts tell you everything.
A 14 peon powerer will have 6 ogres or so and possibly a cat or tower when you hit. (and about 20-22 peons) If those ogres get your cats, you've lost the game. If you get the ogres with your grunts, you'll likely win. The best way to ensure that those ogres die is to surround your cats with grunts. This is also a very good thing to do against a heavy rusher who didnt attack you, if you still insist on hitting them. Those 2 cats are portable towers, and when you surround them with your grunts, they're gonna kill alot more grunts than he will of yours. From there you can punch a hole in the wallin. Be sure to watch for exps.
Finally, the 2hall, which 2cats were designed to own, will likely be going keep or already have a few ogres by the time you hit. I say this because a good 14 peon power can hit a 2haller's wallin with 9 ogres and his cat JUST before the 2haller gets ogres, which is kinda the idea behind a 14 peon power.
Anyways, should you have rushed slow for some reason or another, they'll have ogres, maybe just started building them, maybe a few, maybe even 9 or 12. You're screwed if they have that many.
The only chance you have in such a situation is to fight off and ogres they have by surrounding your cats with your grunts and picking them off like that, then punching a hole in their wallin FAST (faster than they can pump enough ogres to fight you off) and hitting their line and (hopefully) destroying their mound or smith (or hold $$$)
Tips on killing the wallin before they get enough ogres to kill you would be stuff like 3v1'ing their raxes, using 1 cat to hit the building you're gonna raze to get through, and using the other one to kill the peons repairing that building (speed is the issue)
At this point you'd better damn well be going hold or be pumping your own ogres, because if you don't, and they fight off your grunts before you kill something to cripple their ogres, you're dead.
You'll also prolly wanna exp. The game COULD (on paper) go both ways. Likely you'll lose to their ogres unless they flub up.
A final warning: If for some reason you don't end up popping that 2nd cat out right as the first gets there (or a couple seconds later) and you have to stall your attack while you wait for the entire cat to build, you're screwed. They'll DEFINITELY have ogres or more grunts than you can handle. This attack hinges on 2 cats, and waiting too long for the 2nd cat will cause a failure most of the time. I say most because some people screw up just as bad when they're 2halling. (like having to wait for 1k wood)
correct me if i'm wrong, war2 gods.
[This message has been edited by super radish (edited 12-07-2000).]
Thu Dec 07, 2000 7:18 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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2 cat rush
personally, when I se a dual its usually early on.. I like to peon scout. anyhow, I usually have about 5-6 grunts when my 2 cats pop, and the other guy isnt even near getting ready to go hold. by the time my cats get to his dual, I'll have at least another 6 grunts. that makes abotu 12 or so. maybe ill be lvl 3 by then, but he wont have much to stop it. the key to a 2 cat rush is doing it early enough to be effective. if hes not defending with cats then you dont need to do a 2 cat rush. 1 might be fine, or ot him. ot's work really well when the dualer doesnt have a cat. Which is why most good duals have a cat for defense. and maybe a tower. of course it depends on the spots being dualed as well. Also remember that a cat rush sucks ass if his ally is rushing and yours isnt there to help you out.
Fri Dec 08, 2000 5:13 am |
Joined: 30 Nov 2000
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2 cat rush
The whole 2cat rush seems pretty iffy, mabey you would want to work on it with a couple of newbies before you try it on someone more skilled. I prefer to go Hall farm rax rax farm and then smith plus a lvl or two then a 12 grunt rush to slow him down, meanwhile I have about 8 famrs and am already upgrading to hold and ogres. That is what I prefere
Fri Dec 08, 2000 12:38 pm |
super radish
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2 cat rush
shame on you summoner for thinking people would actually defend against a rush with grunts instead of letting the cats rape them!
Fri Dec 08, 2000 5:03 pm |
Joined: 26 Nov 2000
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2 cat rush
I think hacks have evolved a lot of strats.
The 12/2 dual was very rare and limited to certain players. Dual rushing was even more unique and far more limited to players.
I was dual rushing as badmanner^^ before hacks ever came out. Something I picked up from watching a few friends games with the SoL's.
I'd hate to get into a debate who was the first person to 12/2 dual so I won't say much on this.
Not to say everyone who duals 12/2 is hacking just saying it was a strat brought out into more popular use by hack users who would see in their minimap that the other guy got spot shafted or dualed. Eventually players started using it more frequently as the 12/2 dual is pretty effective against 9/s9 or 4/5 dual.
Just my opinion though.
Fri Dec 08, 2000 5:45 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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2 cat rush
Agreed. I think I was one of the few players who actually would try it years ago. Much more popular these days.
Fri Dec 08, 2000 7:30 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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2 cat rush
i think dualing has evolved to a poitn where no type of rush (without peon scouting and doing some damage) can kill a dual. most good players have a tower in each base almost upgraded by the time the first grunt scouts, this is so they wont have to repair against a few grunts. the good player sees the grunt, and knows the guy is rushing, so he makes grunts himself, not out of 1 rax, but out of multiple raxes which you add as you go along. when the 2 cat rush hits, i guarantee any good dualer will have at least 9 grunts.
now since most people arent up to date and dont know about this, they make hacking accusations (ahem, nalzyman) for making grunts. "you must of saw my cats coming, nobody makes grunts in a dual"
Sat Dec 09, 2000 1:23 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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2 cat rush
Analyze this really, a smart player knows that in a 1v1, a 12/2 dual isnt a bad way to go, it's a risk, but sometimes it's worth taking. Why? because the only spots you can really get outrushed from in the dual are 9 and 5, and what are the chances of the enemy getting those positions? Not to mention, you have to get outrushed early for you to lose, later on, your rush will rape them. Hacks haven't evolved the strat, Players have gotten smarter and realized this.
Tue Dec 12, 2000 11:45 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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2 cat rush
summoner i think its funny how you defend your hacking addiction with the inference that you are simply "smarter" than everyone. rofl u are gay
#1 sLuGGster
[This message has been edited by sLuGGo (edited 12-24-2000).]
Sat Dec 16, 2000 12:11 am |
2 cat rush
super radish i have more questions on strats, do u have an email where i can reach you??? =P
Fri Dec 22, 2000 8:56 am |
2 cat rush
I agree with summoner
Sat Dec 30, 2000 1:01 am |
2 cat rush
but what would be the point of building multiple raxes for a dual? Your res will be spent and you will get lust way slower than your opponent.
Sat Dec 30, 2000 1:11 am |