Joined: 04 Oct 2000
Posts: 157
Location: Centreville, Va |
Humans and Invis
I have always thought that if a human player could build up on Gow that he would win. Exorcism, recon, blizz, and invisibility. But lately I have been thinking about the early effectiveness of the mage. The orc player knows the mage is coming. But really thats not too tough cause you can just hit the patroling ogre with some paladins and hopefully right before he has lust.
Anyway, my biggest problem would be with Invisibility. Its a great spell but it is researched usually third after blizz then slow. Then, you have to wait for it to get to 200mana. The whole invis thing to me concludes that an orc player could knock out the mage in the very early in the late game sometimes.
Another thing with Humans (specially in 2on2's) you need to have a great setup at your bases. Excellent build placement. Not too much can be strayed out in the open. You really need your shit organized.
These two things (specially the invis) are seriously making me think about Humans being the better race on Gow if they can build in my opinion. I am open to anything anyone has to say..... ehem Kith.
One more thing, runes is still effective on an invis'd mage right?
[This message has been edited by ~`Nedro@PA (edited 11-12-2000).]