Do you like Frostbitten's Warcraft 2 replay commentaries ? |
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Joined: 04 Aug 2011
Posts: 221
Originally posted by Frostbitten
Originally posted by cpt^Sly
Originally posted by Frostbitten
I can certainly start a little series that has wacky games in it for sure. I just won't do it for the majority of my content.
I find it unfair that you get access to war2combat channel, even though you lack skill in your map community. Where I am a high level custom player, playing a large range of customs. And soon to be best gow/f player, and your commentary isn't all that good.. I can list 10 big flaws into your commentary, and the games you chose.
be my guest to tell me those flaws, and what do you mean lack skill in my map community? also I'm a decent/good custom player
1.) When your taping games, don't take the view from areas that the players haven't gone to yet. No one wants to see you spend 30 seconds talking about s9, and what you can do at s9. If the players of the game at 9 & 6.. People want to watch the players, so if you wanna talk about s9 talk about while your watching active 9 not inactive s9..
2.) Post games that are 10 minutes long, it's more educational and entertaining to watch a 10 minute + game..
3.) Don't tell us at the start of the game who won, because then what's the point to watch the game?
4.) You post a game of players we may know little of, Husky or HD would spend at least 20-30 seconds explaining who the player is. What's well known about him. For example.. Poscow won a tourney, so you can refer to him as "Tourney Winner Poscow" Or something that lets the audience know who they're watching.
5.) Always mention the build a player is using, that way people can know what they're watching. Husky would say.. "We're looking at a hidden proxy build" In your example you can see.. "Level 3 to Bloodlust" Just constantly say what build a opponent is in, or mention very scouting at etc..
6.) Mention the flaws you know in each spot, like for 6 has multiple weak points for towers or wall in cat. That way people who play the game, can know what to expect from those spots..
7.) Since your watching the game that means you have more awareness then the players, so if you see a small dot on mini moving around. Just take attention to it, zoom over to it for 5 seconds say something. Then go back to the main battle of the game, because those small things could be a dk or pez.. And we don't know if 1 death n decay and change the game or not, or even a dual.. Because I'm watching your videos and see how a expo being made, and it takes 3-4 minutes after it being made to point it out..
8.) Post Custom Maps, it's a bigger part of the community. And is very enjoying to watch and play, and if you need tips or the basic definition of a certain map I can help you out.
9.) Like HD & Husky they go over dozen of replays, till they find the perfect one. Now if you could post 1 epic match every other day, that would be cool to see. Hell ask people to insight games and send them to you, and you get to post them up. That way we can see GOOD games, not some pos vs casi0 game.. Because it's obvious who will win, and we saw how casi0 stood no chance. Pos could've pulled a mass expo and still raped casi0..
10.) Don't point out the flaws of people, and calling them out on it. You should say "HMM... I wouldn't have made that move, but it's his game no mines." Because when it turns out later the move saved the game, you look like a fucking retarded.
And you not being top in the map community, I mean as your not tier 1 gow/f. Kinda like HD & Husky you know your map field pretty well, but I'm on a whole another level in custom maps. Top Tier Chopper, Pballer, Mini Golfer, Mini BGH, KOTR, BLAH BLAH BLAH.. It's like swift casting gow/ef games, he would have a broad knowledge the map better then anyone.. Therefore would be a better caster..
SO IF YOU KNOW CUSTOM MAPS SO WELL, CAST MY GAMES BITCH! PICK THE MAPS YOU KNOW I'LL WARVID MY GAMES ON THEM! _________________ Because he's the admin War2 deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:24 pm |

Joined: 20 Mar 2009
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Originally posted by cpt^Sly
You are one of the least liked people on war2, no one wants to watch your games. (Yamon is in a similar boat)
1. Sometimes you just get on a train of thought
2. Most of the games are not replays, they are me joining and watching them while talking live. I cannot decide how long the games are going to be.
3. That was an accident because I had to recast that replay three times.
4. I don't know much about Poscow or most of the other players, really. Especially old/ef players.
5. I do...
6. I do...
7. I do...
8. Usually you cannot watch in custom games. Also, as a non-custom player i want to promote people to play on non-custom maps.
9. Again, I do not cast replays usually, I just join games and cast them live. I want people to send me replays I can screen them when people send them to me. (if you send any custom games I will also need the map they are played on.) DO NOT send me warvids only insight replays.
10. I'm not sure what you mean. I rarely say anything bad about any players. I always try to point out the good things. Also, I cannot always be correct, and one mistake doesn't make me "a fucking retarded".
A lot of people consider me a really strong bne/f player. Not sure where you get your information.
I used to play customs back when I first started (2000 USEast). I mostly played Free Castles but rarely played things like PB. As of now I can't remember any times I have lost a game of Arena 3v3. Mini Gold is too easy of a map and Mini BGH I am not very good at. I am decent at mini chop but suck on the chop chop jammin maps. _________________ --Frostbitten | | |
Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:14 pm |

Joined: 04 Aug 2011
Posts: 221
Originally posted by Frostbitten
Originally posted by cpt^Sly
You are one of the least liked people on war2, no one wants to watch your games. (Yamon is in a similar boat)
1. Sometimes you just get on a train of thought
2. Most of the games are not replays, they are me joining and watching them while talking live. I cannot decide how long the games are going to be.
3. That was an accident because I had to recast that replay three times.
4. I don't know much about Poscow or most of the other players, really. Especially old/ef players.
5. I do...
6. I do...
7. I do...
8. Usually you cannot watch in custom games. Also, as a non-custom player i want to promote people to play on non-custom maps.
9. Again, I do not cast replays usually, I just join games and cast them live. I want people to send me replays I can screen them when people send them to me. (if you send any custom games I will also need the map they are played on.) DO NOT send me warvids only insight replays.
10. I'm not sure what you mean. I rarely say anything bad about any players. I always try to point out the good things. Also, I cannot always be correct, and one mistake doesn't make me "a fucking retarded".
A lot of people consider me a really strong bne/f player. Not sure where you get your information.
I used to play customs back when I first started (2000 USEast). I mostly played Free Castles but rarely played things like PB. As of now I can't remember any times I have lost a game of Arena 3v3. Mini Gold is too easy of a map and Mini BGH I am not very good at. I am decent at mini chop but suck on the chop chop jammin maps.
People hate Klaw but watching his replays are interesting, because he's a great custom player. I'm the TLO of Custom Maps bro, I would be doing everyone a favor. And you can't reject certain maps, you have to be non bias as a caster! _________________ Because he's the admin War2 deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:26 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
you're doing a good job frost, ignore these retards. the only thing lacking is high level players recording their games and sending them to frost. even if you're watching in a high level game, record it and send it to frost. he can't pick good games to cast if he has nothing to choose from.
as for the fastest thing, yeah good luck casting a fucking fastest game without giving your audience motion sickness from having to fly all over the screen to capture what everyone is doing at hall before they reach fort
Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:50 pm |

Joined: 04 Aug 2011
Posts: 221
Originally posted by foonat
you're doing a good job frost, ignore these retards. the only thing lacking is high level players recording their games and sending them to frost. even if you're watching in a high level game, record it and send it to frost. he can't pick good games to cast if he has nothing to choose from.
as for the fastest thing, yeah good luck casting a fucking fastest game without giving your audience motion sickness from having to fly all over the screen to capture what everyone is doing at hall before they reach fort
YOU AND ME BITCH!! GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS MOTHER FUCKER!! _________________ Because he's the admin War2 deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:52 pm |
Joined: 04 Sep 2010
Posts: 281
Location: hungary |
Avarge players, but pretty exciting stuff, warvideo gow bne f. Losing a game in the first 70 seconds, then win the game... Should be fun to watch
Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:59 pm |

Joined: 09 Oct 2007
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Originally posted by foonat for the fastest thing, yeah good luck casting a fucking fastest game without giving your audience motion sickness from having to fly all over the screen to capture what everyone is doing at hall before they reach fort
literally lol'd _________________ <[TD]ViRuZ> You have balls...I like balls
Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:20 pm |
Joined: 04 Sep 2010
Posts: 281
Location: hungary |
Originally posted by Frostbitten
Originally posted by loneknight
Avarge players, but pretty exciting stuff, warvideo gow bne f. Losing a game in the first 70 seconds, then win the game... Should be fun to watch
sorry insight replays only
noo noo i didnt want you to upload it, i just wanted to give an example of an unoriginal game
Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:07 pm |
Joined: 26 Jul 2010
Posts: 870
i wish john madden was one!!!wow pretend to be madden on one frost!
Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:44 am |
Joined: 17 Mar 2011
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This thread
has given me
a very strong urge
to rip my ballz off
enough said I think lol?
Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:30 am |
Joined: 03 Feb 2012
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I'd like to see you cast tournaments. When i miss a tournament, i always wonder who won. Even is you cast just the final few games, I would be really thankful. Thanks
Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:29 am |
Joined: 03 Feb 2012
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Can you please make more videos. I really enjoy them.
"I don't know what to call a group of them, I am just going to start calling them gurgles."
Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:05 pm |
Joined: 03 Feb 2012
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Pretty please with sugar on top and a cherry can you please make more videos. I know you are probably busy, but there are no other warcraft 2 commentaters. Please please please can you make more videos.
Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:32 pm |