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Something to consider while playing GOWEF
well it appears that noone is interesting in anything other than playing Garden of War.pud. With that said, if you nerds want to step up your game in the giant mess that is gow ef, i'll help you out, since i'm bored.
Here's a few things to consider when playing GOW EF
What is garden of war?
garden of war is a map were there's few spots that are closable ( limiting the number of options while playing ).
Some mines have more gold than others.
Some spots aren't usable.
Some spots are easily towered.
Some spots have such bad gold flow it can easily determine the outcome of the game.
Why do people play Garden of War?
Well i have a few theories on this, after playing it for 10 years.
1) It's sheer simplicity. It's by far the easiest map/setting to learn/play besides 1 alleria, or death knights.
2) people have been playing it since day 1, and people hate and/or are afraid of trying to learn new things. Why would it be considered learning something new when they've played warcraft since it first came out? Well that's simple, it's because almost noone, even a good player like $pace, or even a great player like Ash, have learned from sheer repatition. There are very few players that actually have learned classic maps or customs and have moved to gow/ef or even gow bne f. And i shouldn't have to mention the only maps played these days, well pretty much same as always, are:
Mini chop farms
Free castles
GOw/Pos ( basically same thing as gow but with smaller mines
Now that we've got that out of the way, How about some experiments to see if what we've just read is true.
Try doing what i did and challenge a player like $pace to 1v1 gow ef. and just sit there and look at what he does every game. I played $pace a few 1v1s and he just sat there and mindlessly did the same strategies everyone has done for 10 years, looking for every possible counter ect.
Then i challenged him to pos, and he was absolute fucking shit.
What does this prove you may wonder? that he only plays gow ef? so what? almost everyone does that? The point is WHy they only play it. It's simply because they aren't good at the game, and they don't have the skills to compete in anything else, because the way they learned the game was decades of repatition, not natural skill. THere are however players that are just naturally good at wc2. A prime example of such a player would be Swift.
Swift can play anyone on any map and absolutely annhilate them with just a few games practice, sometimes that's not even required. And most people say to themselves ( primarily to comfort themselves ) ohh man swift plays 24/7 omg what a loser ect. He hacks ect. No. That's not why you're fucking losing you stupid little twits.
Now since you've followed me so far, here's some vital observations that Swift and I have come about after playing so long. So keep these observations in your pocket while playing, and you'll have a huge advantage.
When you play gowef, think about the map you're playing. 8, 6, and 4 are completely behind all game no matter what. Most players mindlessly scout the map in order. Good players will scout those spots first and exploit them for a real quick win. Everytime.
One thing that players lose alot on gow ef is because they always have this mentality to attack as fast as possible and annhilate their opponent. My and swift's advice would be to play defensively, stack up ogres, and use nothing but hasted death knights as your offence, If you haven't killed your opponent in the first 5 minutes, then the gamne is obviously going to be all about your One ( because it's gow ef ) expansion. ALl you need to do is prelust his attacks with farms, and dk his one expansion. Gg no re.
That's pretty much all you need to do when playing gow ef, there's no strategy involved other than builds.... and res mangement, but that's not really a strategy.
best advice i can give you is: GOw ef is NOTT!!!!!!!!!! in any way, complex.
Happy hunting children. _________________
Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:26 pm |

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yea it blows
Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:33 pm |
Joined: 27 Jan 2004
Posts: 186
The way you are proposing gow should be played is ideal for speedy players (which by the way is a natural skill). But it doesn't work for slower players and I'll gladly show you how you'd lose to me simply because you aren't as fast as me.
I do admit that I'm only good at gow because I've played it for years. That being said though, so has everyone else; and I'm still better. 
Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:36 pm |
Joined: 05 Mar 2011
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Originally posted by Poscow
The way you are proposing gow should be played is ideal for speedy players (which by the way is a natural skill). But it doesn't work for slower players and I'll gladly show you how you'd lose to me simply because you aren't as fast as me.
I do admit that I'm only good at gow because I've played it for years. That being said though, so has everyone else; and I'm still better.
Games between swift and ~Poscow
Current 1v1 Record: 17 - 9
~Poscow (#10 → #5) defeated swift (#1) on "Garden of War" at 00:24:37 on 05/11/2011.
swift (#1) defeated ~Poscow (#10) on "Garden of War" at 00:13:22 on 05/11/2011.
swift (#1) defeated ~Poscow (#2 → #10) on "Garden of War" at 00:02:38 on 05/11/2011.
swift (#1) defeated ~Poscow (#2) on "Garden of War" at 23:58:17 on 05/10/2011.
swift (#1) defeated ~Poscow (#2) on "Garden of War" at 23:30:31 on 05/10/2011.
~Poscow (#5 → #3) defeated swift (#2) on "Garden of War" at 04:00:48 on 05/03/2011.
swift (#3) defeated ~Poscow (#6) on "Garden of War" at 23:15:15 on 04/30/2011.
swift (#3) defeated ~Poscow (#6) on "Garden of War" at 23:05:17 on 04/30/2011.
swift (#3) defeated ~Poscow (#5) on "Garden of War" at 00:27:17 on 04/30/2011.
~Poscow (#6 → #5) defeated swift (#5 → #6) on "Garden of War" at 11:06:22 on 04/29/2011. _________________ 7vel should cry harder in Africa, they could use the water.
Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:03 pm |
Joined: 27 Jan 2004
Posts: 186
Ok, swift is better... But I own everyone else!
Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:20 am |
Joined: 05 Mar 2011
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Location: Hunting Demon Sam |
Originally posted by Poscow
Ok, swift is better... But I own everyone else!
Pos join LW, you would great trainer for gow/ef.  _________________ 7vel should cry harder in Africa, they could use the water.
Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:38 am |

Joined: 22 Oct 2007
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the fact that you can't wall every spot, the fact that not all gold mines are easily accessable, and whatever else you mentioned proves your argument is completely invalid
it forces players to do differerent strategies if they expect to win from 1 particular spot.
gow/bne you can pretty much do one strat over and over and probably be fairly successful at it.
gow/ef is the most complex map/speed hands down. _________________
<----------- WAR2 TRAINING VIDEOS ----------->
Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:55 am |

Joined: 22 Oct 2007
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i would probably make a few MINOR changes to gow.pud if others would play it but overall .. the challenge of playing from 4,6, and s9 is exciting to me. im not denying that some spots have a disadvantage but trying to overcome the challenge of your spot vs theirs and adapting to it makes gow/ef so interesting and enjoyable. _________________
<----------- WAR2 TRAINING VIDEOS ----------->
Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:58 am |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
~Poscow (#5) defeated foonat (#37) on "Garden of War" at 05:54:15 on 12/12/2010.
foonat (#70 → #37) defeated ~Poscow (#5) on "Garden of War" at 05:47:33 on 12/12/2010.
foonat (#136 → #70) defeated ~Poscow (#5) on "Garden of War" at 01:04:21 on 12/12/2010.
~Poscow (#5) defeated foonat (#136) on "Garden of War" at 00:49:03 on 12/12/2010.
Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:07 am |
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Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:59 pm |
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the 2-2 of d00m
Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:57 pm |
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Games between ~Poscow and [TD]ViRuZ
Current 1v1 Record: 19 - 24
Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:59 pm |

Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 1696
This thread is made of dumb. For starters people played alot of other bne and non bnet (Not customs) maps and were really good at them, it's only in recent years with the drastic decrease in player size that old ef has been the only pud anyone plays.
Using 1 player to base your facts off as well is pretty laughable.
It's the same in an fps game thats old as fuck, eventually it will just be the best map being played 24-7 despite it being lame for being on 24-7.
This isnt even a problem just relating to warcraft 2..
Yamon theory 0
Koorbs ownage 1
Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:44 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
foonat (#83 → #60) defeated [TD]Falkentyne (#3 on "Garden of War" at 02:23:02 on 02/20/2010.
1-0 gg no re
Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:14 pm |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
well kahn, this thread isn't denying that the overcoming the handicaps isn't ever fun or execiting. But to say to learn how to play that way is the most complex thing ever on wc2, is by far one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. Claw learned how to play gow ef in a week by watching replays and is now well beyond your level.
And poscow i'm glad you'll admit those few things, and you're a good player. But if i honestly wanted to i could train and go 5-0 vs you no matter what.
Brook, this thread does not have anything to do with how GOWEF and GOWBNE are different ect, or any sort of history between the two. The name of the thread is some things to remember playing gow ef. That's a very general statement, for an obvious reason, it's 2011 and these are some things to consider while playing GOWEF on ru in 2011. It's not a debate. It's just obseravtional facts. It's not a thread to intentionally create controversy, or troll. It's primarily just to help new or frustrated players with my personal experience. _________________
Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:04 pm |
Joined: 05 Mar 2011
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Originally posted by SoCxYamon
And poscow i'm glad you'll admit those few things, and you're a good player. But if i honestly wanted to i could train and go 5-0 vs you no matter what.
LOL, always saying he can beat the best. If he wanted, L O L _________________ 7vel should cry harder in Africa, they could use the water.
Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:58 pm |

Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 1696
Originally posted by SoCxYamon
Brook, this thread does not have anything to do with how GOWEF and GOWBNE are different ect, or any sort of history between the two. The name of the thread is some things to remember playing gow ef. That's a very general statement, for an obvious reason, it's 2011 and these are some things to consider while playing GOWEF on ru in 2011. It's not a debate. It's just obseravtional facts. It's not a thread to intentionally create controversy, or troll. It's primarily just to help new or frustrated players with my personal experience.
I was referring to 'bne' maps, for example; Arctic Circle. I didn't mention BNEGOW and i don't believe i mentioned anything different between them?? Rofl
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:05 pm |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by SuperSly
Originally posted by SoCxYamon
And poscow i'm glad you'll admit those few things, and you're a good player. But if i honestly wanted to i could train and go 5-0 vs you no matter what.
LOL, always saying he can beat the best. If he wanted, L O L
lol@thinking poscow is anywhere near the best.
well then brook,
then i don't really know what you're trying to say, since you don't have anything to add other than seneless bitching, why don't you be quiet? _________________
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:40 pm |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by Kyr.Luoson
This thread is made of dumb. For starters people played alot of other bne and non bnet (Not customs) maps and were really good at them, it's only in recent years with the drastic decrease in player size that old ef has been the only pud anyone plays.
Using 1 player to base your facts off as well is pretty laughable.
It's the same in an fps game thats old as fuck, eventually it will just be the best map being played 24-7 despite it being lame for being on 24-7.
This isnt even a problem just relating to warcraft 2..
Yamon theory 0
Koorbs ownage 1
since you didn't understand the last post, i'll say it again. These are tips for warcraft in 2011 for new and/or frustrated players. _________________
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:51 pm |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by Kyr.Luoson
You sound mad, I know what your gibberish post was about, i just disagree with alot of it.
LOL at you giving anyone advice
You fail yet again
well you must've not read the post. It's not only my advice, but all of my predesscors, primarily swift, but also many other top f players like sparkz and many others. This is just a summarization of all our experience. And it's not even the tip of the ice berg, it's just specific advice on the topic to help players like sly be able to beat you in gow ef after reading it and pracitcing the principles for about a month. And i would see why you'd disagree with it all, especially considering you're terrible at wc2 and pretty much are just an all around unintelligent person.
And this is primarily coming from the fact that i was better than you at your only map and settings like the first 2 weeks i ever started fiddling with them... not even trying to get good =/
And i'm not mad, i'm annoyed, it's the basically the same thing as your nephew telling you that you're doing something wrong and making a big deal out of it in something so irrelevant to anything in life. You're just really quite a quaint person.'
The only reason i'm even responding is so new players don't get confused and actually take your worthless opinion into consideration.
Ask yourself,
How come players that dispise me like poscow, whom absoultey cannot stand me and is very quick to dismiss my opinion, find significance in this thread and find it be true and intersting and you're sitting there laughing at a computer screen?
you're nowhere near qualified to even discuss this issue. _________________
Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:02 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
ur mom was trolling when she gave birth to u
Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:03 pm |

Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 1696
Originally posted by SoCxYamon
Originally posted by Kyr.Luoson
You sound mad, I know what your gibberish post was about, i just disagree with alot of it.
LOL at you giving anyone advice
You fail yet again
well you must've not read the post. It's not only my advice, but all of my predesscors, primarily swift, but also many other top f players like sparkz and many others. This is just a summarization of all our experience. And it's not even the tip of the ice berg, it's just specific advice on the topic to help players like sly be able to beat you in gow ef after reading it and pracitcing the principles for about a month. And i would see why you'd disagree with it all, especially considering you're terrible at wc2 and pretty much are just an all around unintelligent person.
And this is primarily coming from the fact that i was better than you at your only map and settings like the first 2 weeks i ever started fiddling with them... not even trying to get good =/
And i'm not mad, i'm annoyed, it's the basically the same thing as your nephew telling you that you're doing something wrong and making a big deal out of it in something so irrelevant to anything in life. You're just really quite a quaint person.'
The only reason i'm even responding is so new players don't get confused and actually take your worthless opinion into consideration.
Ask yourself,
How come players that dispise me like poscow, whom absoultey cannot stand me and is very quick to dismiss my opinion, find significance in this thread and find it be true and intersting and you're sitting there laughing at a computer screen?
you're nowhere near qualified to even discuss this issue.
Didnt even read but sounds like you mad cause you bad, still loling that you tried to give someone advice
Another fail by yamon 
Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:24 pm |
Joined: 21 Oct 2010
Posts: 854
yamon build hacked on nwtr. he sapped me with grunts when my 1st cat was finished.
Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:24 am |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by _Ataxia_
yamon build hacked on nwtr. he sapped me with grunts when my 1st cat was finished.
i haven't played nwtr since 2006 _________________
Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:18 pm |