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Joined: 01 Sep 2010
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ZvT conundrum
Can anyone give advice for this?
As Z, Hellions harrass (need to defend this better) but after that, T goes to 2 bases and comes very early with 6ish blue flame hellions and 4 thors with a few marines and scvs to repair.. If i replenish my drones, i don't have nearly enough roaches to beat down the 4 thors, and I get roflstomped...
I think I am going to go early warren vs T and try not to lose any drones so I can just get massive amounts of roaches....
What's the best T1 counter for thors??
Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:47 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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IMO the only answer is fungal growth + roaches. fungal growth pretty much rapes everything in that composition except the thors but it lets you stall it to get enough roaches out to clean up
Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:14 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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I've finally found a full-proof gameplan against terran. It's pretty hard to execute but essentially it counters everything and takes the guesswork out of the matchup. So my games come down to skill instead of just getting fucked over by some stupid hellion drop/banshee rush or some other retarded and unexpected push. It pretty much guarantees your safety on 2 bases until you hit the late game. Then you're on your own but you have the economy to win and you're pretty much on a level playing field if you continue to make the right choices.
It's also a little dependant on scouting - as you don't want to commit to anything you don't have to but most of the variation comes in how you open. I scout with my 9th drone and go from there. And also sac an Overlord at around the 5-6 minute mark.
But assuming you aren't getting bunker rushed, you get a spine crawler immediately at your natural - get speedlings out asap but only make as many lings as necessary. Get a few roaches out to block your ramp and spit out 3 or 4 queens before teching to lair. The queens/roaches/spine crawler should handle any hellion play with very few losses. Your ling count is directly determined by their marine count. If they're doing some heavy early marine/marauder push then you will need lings obviously.
Of course the queens will stop any banshee play and you should be gassing on both bases with 12 drones as you tech to lair. you basically want to start upgrading carapace, get infestor mana upgrade and pump out 3-4 infestors as it's about 70% complete. Also get a baneling nest - and baneling speed asap. At this point you should be low on gas but high on minerals where you want to just dump into tons of lings/OLs and taking your third.
Your infestors will stop ANY aggression midgame and your upgraded banelings will clean up no problem. As you hit lair, you also want a spine crawler in your main (build compact so it protects you well) And position 1-2 roaches here - this will stop any stupid drops.
If you execute this correctly, you should be in a pretty good spot and have countered everything up to the mid game point with minimal losses. Obviously it's going to come down to micro in a lot of situations but from here you can get OL speed,drops,nydus, mutas, roach upgrade + more roaches or whatever. Unless they're going for a thor build I generally start going for mutas while maintaining a decent infestor count and expanding like a mofo Eventually going into tier 3 units. But I usually do some mass ling drops/muta harass/etc to keep them occupied and creep the whole map.
A lot of people are doing these all-in infestor builds but I don't find they're effective beyond the mid game - once terrans get out a decent amount of medivacs they start losing their strength.
Also another thing I've been doing on smaller maps like XNC is overdroning 11, get an OL asap while sending my 10th and 11th drones directly to their base - double gas steal - get out roaches asap. This pretty much lets you dictate the pace of the game for a change. I find a lot of player's mentality is "well, he stole my gas. I'll pump 4 raxes and scv/marine all in and teach him!"
which results in them meeting your roach army/queen/drones and getting bitchslapped out of the game.
Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:54 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2005
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turtleman. whats your counter to mass thors. tier 3? _________________ GreenHorn: Nexus cried every time I beat him but still thought he was better.
Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:30 am |

Joined: 27 Feb 2003
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i saw a replay where some guy, ret? used neuro parasite on the thors.
perhaps brood lords too actually and maybe a zerg surround?
basically as a terran player, if ur thors arent mixed in with ur army and no support [despite the thought that people think they ARE the support] they get picked out easily even with the 450hp _________________ I am also a contradiction of my own lies
Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:51 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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3/3 thors are tough to deal with but yeah, broodlords and infestors handle this well. Roaches are only a good counter to thors mid game- once they get 4 or 5 out, there's too much DPS being inflicted and they lose efficiency.
When you run out of fungal energy, you want a shitton of lings to help out. The thors will focus fire the BLs, which can tank some damage while ur lings rape the BLs/any marines left over.
I always get 3/3 on on melee/carapace in zvt because it basically benefits all units - I don't think it's even worth getting the range upgrade for roaches because they are generally only useful early dealing with hellions or mid game dealing with thors, where the extra dps you get is not worth the upgrade cost
Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:09 pm |