
Joined: 23 Feb 2010
Posts: 4911
Hmm. I woulda ran that guy over with zerg. post up a few roaches on the cliff and divide your forces during the reaper harass stage. since he's gonna path directly to you since you're not cross positional, you shoulda had some burrowed banes half way between your base and his to catch his marine/maurader combo.
I find that it's not really necessary to roach up against reapers, it actually seems better to ling it hard while you tech with the banes to take out marines (unless they go mech). either get that 3rd hatch up quicker or harass him after his reapers fail, prolonging his expansion. Roaches seem to blow against marines and mauraders and a good terran can kite them with reapers.
Something that helped me is to remember why I went lair. I throw down my next tech choice like it's bloodlust, if you're not going muts then start making those infestors the second it finishes or else immediately start hive. Since his reapers failed, you have to know you're ahead of him. His strat was to harass you and expand while u stayed scared in your base, break that habit.
I'll be getting a gaming computer soon and start uploading some replays to show you guys how the space mister does it.