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blockbuster doesn't charge 16 if it's late. as far as i can see they have no late fee for 7 days past due and then they charge you 24.99 for the movie. if you return it within 30 days of that they refund you minus a 2 dollar "reshelving" fee.. so you essentially extended your rental by 37 days for 2 bucks.
Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:05 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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i phoned them up and they said that if it's after 37 days or something around there that you pay for the movie which can be anywhere between 5 and 30 something dollars
Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:24 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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Originally posted by Fast Luck
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
Good film, it's a documentary interview of a German guy that really wanted to be a pilot. He seems talkative and simple. He ended up going to America, joining the Navy, and going to war, all cuz of his desire to fly. That's all the backstory, the bulk of the movie is him in the jungle in southeast walking the viewer through his incredible story in Vietnam. Later, Herzog made a bullshit Hollywood film about the guy called Rescue Dawn but I'm pretty sure this is the better film to see
Rescue Dawn is really good. I'd give it maybe a 8/10
The Wrestler: 9/10
This movie owns. Mickey Rourke owns. Great performances, great atmosphere, great script, great everything. Perfect ending. The best Aronofsky movie. _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:37 pm |

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Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
The best Aronofsky movie.
wow there better then Pi or Requiem for a Dream?
Last edited by MassiveAttack on Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:39 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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probably imho, more well-rounded than pi and not as melodramatic and over the top as requiem _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:42 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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i haven't seen the wrestler but the fountain is my favorite aronofsky film
Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:44 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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I liked the videography in Requiem for a Dream.
The fountain was mediocre at best I thought. =/
Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:41 am |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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fountain 0wnZ.
requiem is one of those movies that i loved in high school but seem kinda childish and boring to me now. other movies like that are shawshank redemption, donnie darko, gladiator, good will hunting, usual suspects and probably others that i forgot
Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:54 pm |
Fast Luck

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the fountain was one of those movies where you can tell the director aimed really high and sometimes those can miss pretty bad. I'm not sure if Aronofsky totally succeeded but he came close enough in my opinion that it's pretty good, it's fun watching an ambitious and interesting movie like that.
Just saw Stardust Memories, pretty good. It's amusing that it's Woody Allen doing a Fellini movie basically, yet it's still peppered throughout with one liners.
Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:09 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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i saw a woody allen movie last night too, hannah and her sisters. i started out watching his movies around a year ago with match point and scoop. so far his older movies have impressed me a lot more than those newer ones
Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:24 pm |

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Just watching Bourne identity on channel 6 in La Suede
Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:29 pm |
Fast Luck

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Originally posted by ChrisLui
i saw a woody allen movie last night too, hannah and her sisters. i started out watching his movies around a year ago with match point and scoop. so far his older movies have impressed me a lot more than those newer ones
I find his new movies pretty good. In the 2000s, Anything Else was great imo, Vicky Cristina Barcelona was also very good, and Scoop obviously wasn't special and didn't take itself seriously, but it was fun. Meanwhile, Match Point owned so hard that immediately after making it he made it again in the shitty knock-off form that was Cassandra's Dream.
Some of his better 90s movies are Everyone Says I Love You, Mighty Aphrodite, and I also liked Deconstructing Harry a lot.
I've seen tons of Woody movies but really, he's made so many that there's still plenty I haven't seen. Obviously some of his best ones were the older ones but I don't think he's really lost his form even though he does release the occasional bomb.
Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:55 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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Allen still makes good movies but he's not as good now as he was from the late 70's to late 80's. Even Match Point isn't nearly as good as Crimes and Misdemeanors (which it is obviously heavily inspired by). _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:57 pm |

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
Posts: 2688
eh, i wasn't trying to imply that he doesn't make good movies anymore i just prefer the older ones i have seen. i've only seen five of his movies anyway so i'm not really trying/pretending to be an authority on woody allen or anything like that.
i thought match point was good but i enjoyed annie hall and hannah and her sisters a lot more. though, one thing i'll probably never forget from that movie was the very end with the cop figuring everything out, even how the other robber came across the jewelry. that made me lol pretty hard.
i agree that vicky cristina barcelona was really good, i enjoyed it even more than match point. scoop felt pretty slapped together but i still enjoyed it because i thought his jokes were funny. i liked that i could enjoy one of his lower quality movies so much and it got me very interested in him. i have about 15-20 of his movies on my rental list now and i plan on getting to most of them soon.
Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:58 pm |

Joined: 01 Feb 2008
Posts: 1040
just watched religulous, i was expecting it to be somewhat good, but it really lacked any substance. he got kind of preachy at the end too, was kind of funny how arrogant he is. definately comes down much harder on islam than any other of the religions he goes into, and really rails on this one jew who doesn't think Israel should have been created.
there were a few good parts though, his interview with a senator from arkansas was funny, and the mormon part was pretty good.
Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:48 pm |

Joined: 01 Dec 2004
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Originally posted by ChrisLui
i saw a woody allen movie last night too, hannah and her sisters. i started out watching his movies around a year ago with match point and scoop. so far his older movies have impressed me a lot more than those newer ones
purple rose of cairo should have won best picture ez.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:27 am |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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Originally posted by Nedok
and really rails on this one jew who doesn't think Israel should have been created.
lol wow really? maher's a bigger idiot than i thought _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:49 am |

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Watched a movie called "Screamers". It was a documentary hosted by System of a Down as they talk about the political climate involving the Armenian Genocide and how the U.S. refuse to acknowledge it due to their relationship with the Turks. They also delve into Darfur, the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, and speak about the Holocaust in relation to the 1915 massacre of 1.5 million Armenians. Pretty pathetic that some politicians accept bribes on behalf of these companies that cling on profit like its the last possible solution.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:56 pm |

Joined: 01 Feb 2008
Posts: 1040
Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
Originally posted by Nedok
and really rails on this one jew who doesn't think Israel should have been created.
lol wow really? maher's a bigger idiot than i thought
yeah its some jewish rabbi. he kept interrupting him in the interview (he did this with the muslims too) and pretty much wouldn't listen to anything he said. then it flashed to the rabbi attending what maher called the 'international holocaust denial meeting' in iran (not the name of the conference, though many of the attendees might fall under that category) and basically labeled him as not believing the holocaust happened.
heres a wiki on the rabbi:
Originally posted by wikipedia
"Weiss states that though Israelis have used the Holocaust to gain sympathy and advantage, he does not believe the Holocaust toll is exaggerated.[12] Weiss said that "The Zionists use the Holocaust issue to their benefit. We, Jews who perished in the Holocaust, do not use it to advance our interests. We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda...What we want is not a withdrawal to the '67 borders, but to everything included in it, so the country can go back to the Palestinians and we could live with them...""
Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:22 pm |

Joined: 16 Jul 2008
Posts: 1195
religulous was so fucking bad.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:04 pm |

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The thing I liked about Religulous is how he managed to confront those people with the stupidity of religion. If only he could have left it at that and not start the whole "religious people don't care if we blow up the world"-thing. It also was pretty lame how a lot of reactions from the people he talked to were edited in.
It also sucked that Geert Wilders was given so much credibility. While I don't necessarily disagree with all the viewpoints of my fellow countryman, the way he keeps attacking Islam and leaves Christianity out of it is just not right. And the way he behaves in the Dutch parliament is downright embarassing. There's no way a Dutch moviemaker would use him if he wanted the movie to be taken seriously.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:45 pm |

Joined: 16 Jul 2008
Posts: 1195
Originally posted by [24-7]Guan-Yu
The thing I liked about Religulous is how he managed to confront those people with the stupidity of religion. If only he could have left it at that and not start the whole "religious people don't care if we blow up the world"-thing. It also was pretty lame how a lot of reactions from the people he talked to were edited in.
What made it so bad was his cockiness... The same kind of arrogance that makes people dislike the highly religious.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:57 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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Couldn't help but enjoy that because he is on my side and gives them a taste of their own medicine =]
Last movie I watched: Vratné lahve (Empties) 8/10. Very enjoyable Czech movie about an older aged teacher who quits and takes a simple a job at a supermarket.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:54 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by Nedok
yeah its some jewish rabbi. he kept interrupting him in the interview (he did this with the muslims too) and pretty much wouldn't listen to anything he said. then it flashed to the rabbi attending what maher called the 'international holocaust denial meeting' in iran (not the name of the conference, though many of the attendees might fall under that category) and basically labeled him as not believing the holocaust happened.
heres a wiki on the rabbi:
Originally posted by wikipedia
"Weiss states that though Israelis have used the Holocaust to gain sympathy and advantage, he does not believe the Holocaust toll is exaggerated.[12] Weiss said that "The Zionists use the Holocaust issue to their benefit. We, Jews who perished in the Holocaust, do not use it to advance our interests. We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda...What we want is not a withdrawal to the '67 borders, but to everything included in it, so the country can go back to the Palestinians and we could live with them...""
Oh wow that guy. Yeah, Maher's a total idiot for this. Weiss has perfectly reasonable opinions and it sounds like Maher chose a really easy individual to single out and look stupid. "NO ISRAEL!?!? You're nuts! And you went to the HOLOCAUST DENIAL CONFERENCE IN IRAN!!!" Which of course wasn't a conference on holocaust denial, though Iran probably could have helped its public image by not allowing people like David Duke to attend. Weiss himself though certainly is not a holocaust denier though. And Geert Wilders? Are you fucking serious? How anyone could take this movie seriously for a second is beyond me.
Originally posted by NotATroll
What made it so bad was his cockiness... The same kind of arrogance that makes people dislike the highly religious.
Yeah, this kind of thing makes sure that the only people who are going to be interested in the movie or enjoy it or think Maher has a point are other morons like him who think the fact that they're not religious already makes them a 100% better person than anyone who is religious. This is only going to polarize debate and not lead to anything constructive, especially when you attack reasonable religious figures like Weiss while upholding idiots like Wilders as paragons of reasonable and rational thought. Making a film that's completely intellectually destructive and polarizing could be forgiven if it was actually funny or thoughtful at least, but Maher is not and never has been funny, and the film seems full of the kinds of intellectual conclusions i had reached by age 16.
No End in Sight (rewatch) - 7/10
One of the better out of the seemingly endless slew of political documentaries that's come out in the past few years. Details the incredibly horrible mismanagement of the war from beginning to end in a clear, straightforward, and fairly objective manner. Good score and presentation all around, the professional production values are a relief with so many cheap-o youtube documentaries that are around these days. The filmmakers get a hold of some pretty stunning video of Iraq during the war and occupation, some of it pretty shocking, and most of which you'll never see in the mainstream corporate media. It's a bit annoying in how American-centric it can be at times, but as it's an American film I guess that's to be expected. At times though I felt it concentrated a bit too much on how badly the war was waged as opposed to the inherent injustice of the war in the first place, particularly when talking to military members. Regardless though, it's an excellent portrait of just why the war turned out so badly. I probably would have liked it more if I hadn't read Fiasco previously, which made a lot of the movie review for me (albeit presented very well and with some pretty amazing, harrowing video footage). If you don't know a whole lot about the war except that it turned out badly, add an extra point to my score, and even if you consider yourself fairly knowledgeable on the subject you may still learn a few things.
Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10
Somehow hadn't seen this until now. I really liked it! A lot of the characterizations I thought were pretty over-the-top, though I suppose that fits in well with the childish (not in a bad way) fable atmosphere. Also, it's kind of hard to overemphasize the evils of fascism, especially when contrasted against communist rebels. Aesthetically the film is obviously beautiful, with great art direction, music, cinematography, blah blah blah, and I think the film is helped by the fact that it sticks to a rather small area rather than focusing on the broader picture of the Spanish Civil War. Ofelia's forays into fantasy-land I thought were exciting and often quite creepy metaphors for what's going on around her in reality, and I thought the way the stories paralleled was very effective. I couldn't help but feel that faun's voice was kind of cheesy, but no big deal. Though the film does seem to lean towards the sentimental at times, especially in the end, I think it's helped by the fact that most of the hope that rests in the film, particularly the ending, occupies the fantasy world, and that in our world the only reality appears to be needless suffering and death, and the contrast between the dreams of a child and the realities of our world is at the same time inspiring, chilling, and tragic. _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:55 am |

Joined: 01 Dec 2004
Posts: 3002
Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10
this was excellent. i dragged my girlfriend to see it in the theater. she can't stand subtitles and ended up loving it too.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:44 am |

Joined: 19 Jul 2001
Posts: 3462
Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
Maher is not and never has been funny, and the film seems full of the kinds of intellectual conclusions i had reached by age 16.
pretty much sums up the movie
oh and pans labyrinth was great.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:59 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
how was Maher arrogant in the documentary? he even says himself near the end of the documentary i believe ,that us humans should be humble because our history is filled with colossal fuck-ups.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:40 pm |

Joined: 19 Jul 2001
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because the whole time hes a pompous asshole whos tossing out adolescent jabs at crazy religious people with an annoying smirk on his face. he cant erase that with one dreamy line at the end of his movie.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:08 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
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i'm going to have to watch it again, i skipped over a lot when i was watching it the first time.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:22 pm |

Joined: 04 Nov 2000
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Sicko 9/10
Another disgusting example of the US governments corruption & greed.
Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:49 pm |