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Joined: 03 Mar 2003
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Hobbs :Voluntary involuntary. Appetites, Aversions, Contempt. State of Nature, Law of Nature, Social Contract, Consideration- Humans give away liberty in exchange for protection. Hume: Compare to Blum, Kant. Rationalist uses mind. Confederated became stronger then others. Soverns exist in state of nature. Hume is Imperialist-Use senses. Moral decision are based on emotion. Mutual benefit comes from societies. Social Constructed Morality-Virtue comes from Mutual Benefit. (dont commit adultery so people dont die. Utilitarianism-maximize pleasure, minimize pain. Justice is important because it maximized social benefit. Adam Smith-Specialization of labor. Free trade-Capitalism. Division of labor, Self Interest. Invisible hand. Luz E Fair economics. Hunters/gather-Horticulture-Agriculture(Mercantilism)Industry-Mass Production. Fighting against mercantilism spreads wealth. Wealth is a Relative Notion. John Stuart Mill-See Cicero. Utilitarian- Greatest good for greatest amount of people. Hedonism-Maximize pleasure. Mill says that Hedonism is like being swine. Quantity Vs Quality Pleasure box. Spread Wealth. Clinton tax cuts-Adam smith, Mill. Put off basic pleasure. Minority from majority. Soren Kierkegaard Radical subjectivity. Religion Phenomenon. Existentialism- Talk about theory of existence. If you can think or talking about something then u exist. Since I exist I must choose, there is no right or wrong choice but I still must choose. Even if I choose not to do anything, I still made the choice. There is no objective reason for truth. subjected- deals with subject. We can never escape ourselves. Everyone has a different understanding of phenomenon. There can not be a subjected truth that is universal. God doesn't exist objectively to Soren, so he takes a leap of faith. Revelation- Personal conveyance of information that is subjective. Protect minority from majority. Friedrich Neitzshe Mesha In genealogy of morals he attacks hypocrisy of churches. Trying to get at what is truth or authentic. Discusses fundamental bases. Why do we have moral authority vested in a church?? Did god give it to men or did peter pass it down? He argued that religion is synthetic. Churches made up by people. Contract or covenant? Debt- people incurred debt and paid with Interest Covenant. Law constructed so that it will eventually apply to everyone. Great economic system was the church. 1slave morality-2 master morality-most sty in slave because they aren’t authentic. Ubermenchen-Overman-superman__Untermenchen. Charles Darwin-humans innate reason to survive. Nietzshe-Takes it one steps farther in will to power. Bill gates dominate environment. Master morality rejects slave morality and searches for truth no matter what anyone says. Karl Marx- capitalist views. Factories full of women and children working for nothing. Industrialization subjects doer of things. Dealing of humans as objects is a problem see Kant. 2 classes of people. Workers-Proletariat and owners- Bourgeoisie. Class struggle subject turns to object. Relationship between 2 classes causes are means of Production GOLDEN RULE. Moore-Common sense philosopher. More said that he knows things because that’s the way they are. Define Goodness- Out language becomes the barrier. How do you know what chicken tastes like? We all know which of our own perspectives are shared. How is good defined? My answer is that it cannot be defined and that is all I have to say about it. Wittgenstein Tractotus in this essay he talks about how language is meaning, starts off by saying that the world is the case, it’s a totality of facts no things, a fact is the existence of a state of affairs large picture of facts is a thought a thought is a proposition with a sense. A proposition is a true function of elementary propositions. He is defining how language works. Propositions are thoughts fact is existence of state of affairs you must sense it exists. We can talk about things that are logical and things that are tangible if you can tie two things together being tangible. Both use logic as bases of language. Code breakers are mathematicians who use logic. Limits of language are limits of world. If the answer can’t be put into words then the question cannot be put into words language are symbols put into words. Wittgenstein-Not metaphysical propositions. Problems with Tractatus- if all metaphysical propositions do not exist language premised or logic, u cannot verfy logic with logic. Fiat pretend it has value, look past obvious and pretend it’s true. Use logic like a ladder, once you get to the top or truth then you throw away the ladder. If you loose anything when describing something you lose logic. Philosophical Investigations- your right there is no universal system of logic all there is is language games. If two of us decide that an n object has a word then that is fine, it has meaning. If two people understand something that is sensible then language has meaning. Difference- Tract uses ladder- it isn’t that there isn’t universal truth There is no universal logic is opposite of Marcus Arelius. All propositions are tactology evil is evil 1=1. Tatology is redundant. AJ AYER Verification. Language truth logic. Verification is a way to verify proposition: reason or senses ( logic) (empiricism) true/false according to Ayer propositions are verifiable because they are tactological. Weak and strong verification- Cogent& weak. Sun will come up tomorrow strong. Reason of logic is Empiricism. Cannot verify metaphysical. John Ladd. Ethical relativism starts with Darwin’s theory. John Dewey Was influenced by Darwin when he came up with pragmatism- shapes environment Organisms need food. Organisms are shaped by environment if environment changes they adapt to it or we change environment. Dewy-Nieche, Hume Hobbs relativism. Pragmatic- Results John Ladd Pragmatism is Ethical Relativism, Diversity has no general consensus, Tolerance. Plato Everything in the world that is tangible is imperfect. Everything must have a perfect correlation Platonic Forms- For every desk there must be a perfect form of the desk. Perfect form of Justice. There is a perfect form of morality, we see the reflection of it. Forms are never tangible. Plato deduction everything is deducted from its perfect form. Aristotle Everything is inducted. Everything starts form induction to his greater form. Particulars to generals. Kingdom phyla class order genus species. Aristotle everything has an essence, essence has a particular. Aristotle’s golden mean mean average median middle, full hearted or cowardly? You are courageous. Aristotle means moderation. Margins are given. Cicero – Mill- Ignorance is bliss, wisdom temperance moderation 4 values or goals for. Cicero When u have more wisdom you can better stick to reason and wisdom. Seek paths of knowledge and wisdom but don’t do base pleasures. Marcus Arelius. Universal notion of reason. Rationality self expression. Stoic- Spock Vulcan- No logic to show emotion like nirvana. Everyone’s soul doesn’t touch body its in body. But the body can control the soul. Opposite of time SEE BLUM, HUME. Reason can’t always give you the right answer let no act be done without a purpose. Opposite of Soren. Reason is Objective. Reason is linked to soul. Augustine I will only do good things to others GOLDEN RULE. Free will vs. faith. Transcend state of Nature. Fate freedom paradox. Existentialists we know nothing except we must choose, Finite capacity to define infinite things. Aquantus- Eternal natural divine Human. Eternal law – from god objective truth resides with god. There are two ways to tap into it. 1. Law of nature- body & brain natural capacity to reason. 2. Divine Law- Revelation. Arealias reason= Eternal law = Plato says this is the forms. Human law is made by humans. Temporal law. Finite in capacity therefore isn’t eternal. Not based on truth. Natural law is very important. KANT Categorical Imperative. 1 treat equal things in equal ways. 2. Behave as if each act could be willed as a universal law. 3 Never treat a human as a means to an end but rather as an end in themselves. Responds to Hume. Motions are variable everyone has to abide by the same law, don’t look at outcome, only look at rule. Linear reasoning humans are of value. How do you justify killing a human to save a human? Blum doesn’t believe in metaphysical feelings. Reasoning gets different results even contradictory. 3 emotions that u should have: Sympathy, compassion, Concern. These are more accurate then reason. U should feel these and in doing so you will be moral. Mills Cicero- mill- u can’t let majority rule or you’ll get oppression of minority. Aquaintus – natural law Kierkegaard- realist. Hobbs-Hume Mill- positivist or realist Kant- Natural law. Blum-Realism doesn’t rely on reason. Plato- Natural law. Wittgenstein, Hume, Hobbs- see how world is. Plato argued that there are forms that is perfect entity. Objective answers. Aristotle- Know essence of things, what’s the thing more unique then anything else. Opposite of Plato. List of things that are immoral- golden mean. Mill-Cicero- Virtue is in knowledge, goal to have higher pleasures moral choice is pleasurable choice put off base pleasures. Marcus Arelius soul is connected to universal reason never rely on anything that has to do with body. Stoics- spock. Should is in the body. Kant rejects emotions for basis of reason using people to means to an end. Blum defends Hume using reason as basis.

Last edited by Tofu on Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:24 am 
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Joined: 07 Mar 2003
Posts: 31

Yay for philosophy, unfortunately for you all philosophical theories are also subject to philosophical theorizing.

so, everything you said is relative. What's your point?
Dr B was here.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:44 am 
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Joined: 03 Mar 2003
Posts: 65

actually, i was using this forum to transfer data to my campus since they block yahoo for some reason. Therefore this philosophy was entirely for my use, and not for yours.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:01 pm 
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do you go to univ of hilo?

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 9:39 pm 
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Joined: 09 Jul 2005
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Forget calling Jon a virgin, that would be too nice since he never even touched a girl + he is the biggest faggot ov all time.

Originally posted by EQ
im not really good in english but this song see like really wack..

Post Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:12 pm 
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