
Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 4144
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Interview with League Champ: Viruz
: Hey Viruz_ glad to have you here with me for this interview. I want to start of by asking you a little about yourself for the readers. Who showed you War2, and what servers did you first get your start on?
: My best friend lent me the old Warcraft2 cd to play with him through direct connection back in 96. Then I found Zone and there's where I learned to play.
: : Did he ever have a well known aka, and do you still keep in touch with him?
: He never played on Zone or any other server. He has been my best friend since 1st grade.
: : Thats pretty cool, does he realize how much of an impact this game has had on your life, still playing it today?
: Oh yeah, he knows I am one of the best in the game. He recognizes that warcraft is important to me.
: : So speaking of Zone, how did that expierence compare to your Battle.Net expierence? The overall feel of the players and the community that is.
: Well, back in the day there were other servers like Kali, so it made the Zone environment more united, like a nation almost. In BNET the community is broken down to individualism.
: Did you have alot of pride in your "nation" ? Did you first feel out of place starting off on BNET or did you see some familar faces?
: Yeah, I've always been a big Zone fan. Whenever a Kali player went on Zone I always wanted to beat them. I wasn't as good as I am today though so competition was tough for me. When I first started in BNET I definitely felt out of place because there were a lot of players from differen servers clashing in BNET. I did see some familiar faces like Lothar and other great players.
: Was just ready to ask you about that, at first was the clashing good? And how about in the long run?
: Yeah, there were many different styles of play, but eventually the best players broke through the crowd and made themselves known. I had to adjust to those styles and eventually optimized my game as well.
: About what year would you say you started to reach your prime?
: I would say around 2002-2003.
: Did you compete in any other Leagues and get a decent rank worth talking about?
: Well, back in the day I competed in IGL and reached first place many times. Back when great player like Falkentyne and Rammer were in the game.. Skinnygrunt and Snow
: You have already captured the IGL's #1 spot 3 times in the current league (and most likely the last active league you will see). Does that give you a special feeling of accomplishment?
: Well, a feeling of accomplishment, yes. But not as satisfied as when I would get 1st when competition was plentiful.
: Is there anyone that can give you a nice competition? Who would you say are todays top players left?
: Currently I'd say : Kanuks, braviet, That's my list for the past year.
: Yes, watching Kanuks and you play is a great experience for me, you guys seem to be consistent at the top of the ladder. Braviet is yet to get involved. You are pretty dominate though with 83% win streak on IGL. And you have won numerous Tournaments I have hosted. What did you think of the last one?
: The last was a bit interesting. It had a variety of different maps like Gold Rush, but that's how it should be sometimes to make it more exciting. The Finals should always be consistent, however, with widely played maps like GOW and POS.
: Yea, I hate it when people complain about the map selection, I really love playing some of those maps, and when I know a Tournament is coming I like to practice on them in pick up games prior to the Tournaments. Anyways, as you know the biggest Tournament in years is coming up on July 30th, GOW! Do you think you have a good shot at winning this with so many good players being there?
: Well, GOW is in my top 3 best maps and I know I can beat anyone. Sometimes, though, you get unlucky during the game so I'm about 80% confident I can win.
: Do you think the current prize of $65 and the Plaque will effect how people play? Either in a good way or bad way, depending if they are nervous or confident.
: Well the cash prize will definitely make people play more in the upcoming month to increase their skills. So during the tourny I expect good competition if the player plays with confidence. Some might get nervous and make bad strategic decisions, but I'm sure it'll only be a few.
: Do you plan on coming all three nights of the festival and playing on the USWEST? With the non-cash prize Tournament on July 28th with everyone’s favorite maps, and the Award ceremony on the 29th.
: Yeah, I'll try my best to be there, even if I have other compromises.
: Zone seems to be heading into the Festival strong with Summoner,Lothar,Poonat,SoCxWarchief,Ganz,Ripe[Eur0] all signed up. If the 28th Tournament is a 2x2 Fixed partners think you would be allying one of them?
: I would probably ally someone I've allied plenty of times, like Karma (wargasm).
: Wargasm had an account banned off IGL for abuse awhile back, and he constantly withdraws and rejoins the league, is he alright in the head? Just wondering.
: Well that I don't know, all I know is he's a good 2v2 partner.
: Yea, I know he is good as he worked high up the ladder before, just a shame he abused. Anyways, to wrap this up, any final thoughts you want to say to your IGL Competitors and people you will be competiting with during the Festival?
: Well, I'd rather lose versus very skilled players than win easily through flukes!
: Alright man, thanks for letting me do this interview and I will catch you on Battle.Net!
: No problem, thank you, cya! _________________