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Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
I must say the last month or so of my war2 career has been experimenting with unusual settings; usually settings that the majority of the 'elite' community preaches against. I've been playing an average of 10 or so games a day after work and most of them on GowBNE Fastest. After actually giving it a chance, it really isn't that bad. I actually have a lot of fun with it. I've come up with many new strategies and secrets that normally wouldn't be possible on even faster. Given, most of the people that I play in these games aern't top caliber players, but I have met a few that are actually really good. I've even convinced a lot of these players to try even faster out and lately, I've seen these players hosting only even faster games. But alas, I am only one player. I really encourage the elite players that are left to give the new settings an honest chance. If I can go out and play these games and enjoy it, and even convert a few of those players over, then I guarantee the rest of you can to. I admit I was one-sided about it, and I called most of them newbies at first. The fact is, a lot of them would be top players if our community would really put in effort to help them. They really need direction from the experienced players. I've seen some of these players dual hall like a mother fucker and if they had some proper instruction by us, we would have new threats. This game is far from dead. History repeats itself. When I see pickup games hosted now, I see myself on Kali Central server 4 years ago. It is only going to take time until these players realize by themselves how to properly and strategicly play this game, and when they do, nobody is going to remember us. I myself am not in the mood to have to re-prove my skills to the game and the players. The elite players that are left already know we are the best, but the rest of Battle.Net doesn't. Get out there and give these games and players a chance. You will be surprised at how open minded a lot of these people really are. If this post sounds like it makes no sense, well, I'm in a hurry. Gotta go back to work now. Later ;P
Tue Sep 19, 2000 1:44 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
Indeed, I will make an effort to play on gowbne / fastest, much to my distaste.
Tarquinn is right about one thing - converting players to us would reap more benefits than your narrow minds can think of.
Mage Guild
Tue Sep 19, 2000 2:02 pm |
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Fastest Speed Setting
I dont wanna sound to cocky and my partner fall into that category. But i have no reason to play ef/old cause im not at the same level on it. And my friend is a crazy russian do0d who smokes up way to much and cares about it about as much as me. I bet if somone gave me some help that i could compete with you guys.
"dot dot dot"
Tue Sep 19, 2000 8:23 pm |
Fastest Speed Setting
why is it that alot of top players continually trash otehr non gow maps like pos/freinds/etc..,they trash on low res,bragg about how gow takes more strategy than water,and they refuse to play any thing but gow.But they are perfectly willing to play gay settings like fastest.
Wed Sep 20, 2000 7:10 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Fastest Speed Setting
Reaverlisk, define top players? I know Tarquinn wouldn't trash non-gow maps because he can easily do every map out there, just like me, just like Axo, just like a lot of "older players". Now what most of you (being BNET) consider "top players", these are the guys that have been playing for around a year or two, they play gow, use to play friends, they have their basic rush stuff and know how to two hall. But when you get them on strange maps they break down. There's a difference. Some of the older players can do any map any res. Some of the "top players" can do a few maps and high SOMETIMES low res.
But don't start getting on anyones case until you know what they can do.
Wed Sep 20, 2000 3:17 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
I'll trash pos because I can't stand the pud, but friends is ok. Really the only puds I dont like are pos and mtc ...If I haven't played a pud in a long time I might want to look at it first, but pos is just gay =/
im willing to play gay fastest because theres nothing else out there to play - go look any time if you don't believe me.
Mage Guild
Wed Sep 20, 2000 3:26 pm |
super radish
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Fastest Speed Setting
forgot what i was gonna say the moment this page popped up...
i'll just gripe
i hate joining or making a game with the arguement "GOOD" in the title and getting stuck with newbies!
one game i made i forgot to make it top vs bottom, and the newbies i played with didnt ally because they didnt know how!
it was an easy 3v1 but man i was pissed...
anyways most people are smart enough to take one tip and change the way they play, if you talk to them. I've converted several people into putting their hall 3 spaces away, after he said "no way can they be that fast, they're cheating!"
just talk to people
Wed Sep 20, 2000 6:35 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
Speaking of "no way you can do that this fast, CHEATER!", I recently played a 2v2 pickup. Some __Closed dude and his pard ~!Disturbed!~ or something, vs me and TARKIN. Well, I was 2 hummies, repair rushed and had 5 lvl 2 to closed's 2 lvl 1...I 1 rax/rep he 2 rax guess he didnt repair. Plus his raxes were way down under 12. I think he said something along the lines of "fucking cheaters, lets disconnect" hehe. I explained what I did and said I would teach him how to do what I did but he ignored me and left. So my question is, how do you get through to a stubborn newbie who thinks anyone better than him hacks?
Mage Guild
Wed Sep 20, 2000 7:54 pm |
Fastest Speed Setting
i dont know waht maps tarq plays,so im not saying he is a 1pud wonder.I think its ironic that some gow/high pros would be all for playing fastest,but for years they rarely ever wanted to play non gow maps.Ok so they play an occasional hsc/high or maze/high game.Or whatever there favorite pet map is.But almost all of the time it was gow.Like azteca for instance.Maybe the greatest player but he plays fastest over low resources=/Seems kinda ironic to me,because he talks trash about low not taking as much strategy as high res,but i know its takes mroe strategy than fastest for sure.
On a side note im under the impression that axolotl plays different maps whenever he can,i certainly wasnt refering to him in any of this.
Wed Sep 20, 2000 8:14 pm |
Fastest Speed Setting
dude reav azteca wouldn't pick fastest over pos or hsc or foc or really any of the built in puds....not really any of the "24-7 community" would
Wed Sep 20, 2000 8:50 pm |
Fastest Speed Setting
i said "alot" of the top palyers were feeling that way.I never said everyone.I never said "most." Im saying mroe and more.
Wed Sep 20, 2000 9:40 pm |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
If anything you should feel lucky that top players even want to play your pud. And I think the only reason why a lot of top players are sticking to only GOW are because all the new players coming in have nothing on their mind but GOW. So how can top players play other top players all day long, when they are decreasing rapidly? Pretty soon the few top players left will have nobody to play with, but the newer players. Myself for example retired from war2 about 10 months ago. And more will follow as the game gets older, or new games come out. No doubt in my mind that war2 is still not a great game. Because i miss it terribly. But i have to spend more time with my fiance and my job. But anywayz new players must realize that older, more experienced players are changing for you, and for them, to make the game more challenging for us all. Will I ever come back to war2? Probrably not, still the same old shit talking and whining I have been hearing since i started playing war2 back in 96. Im just a little bit more older and grownn up to listen to it.
Thu Sep 21, 2000 4:34 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
i dont mind gow.In fact i think its the greatest map out there.Its certainly my favorite.If someone wants to play it 100%,or 50% of the time,or whatever,thats not the point,the point i was making was that some people seem to have an easier time deciding to play fastest instead of non gow maps.And my map that i feel "lucky to play" would be gow.But thats not the point.
Thu Sep 21, 2000 10:27 am |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
reaverlisk your agument is circular. Most good players that would play fastest wont play classic gow on fastest. That would mean they are playing "non-gow maps". Anyone whos played classic gow, and fastest speed know those 2 just DONT go together.
Mage Guild
Thu Sep 21, 2000 7:57 pm |
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Fastest Speed Setting
Whether or not he would play low doesn't affect the community. Whether we play gowbne/fastest does. You can't compare em because they have different goals in mind. He was suggesting that pud/speed because of the low turnout in 24-7 for our type of pud selection.
Mage Guild
Fri Sep 22, 2000 2:46 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
thats right
Fri Sep 22, 2000 3:09 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
I myself have given fastest a chance. If the game lags at all then it sucks because its impossible to pull, even on optimal conditions its pretty hard. I've found saps to stall and get picked off by cannons much more frequently then on EF. But personally, the problem isnt GOWBNE/fastest. It's the fact that there are so many cash maps played. I gave those a chance. And they are mindnumbingly boring. And the free maps basicly involve zero skill(some how people still sucked pretty bad at them). After about 4-6 games on them each you figure them out and your on par with the best of those players. Of course by that point you are bored. So they are a nice change if you play it 2-3 times a month. However the players that play those maps that I played again on a blizzard map were clueless. Either way the same bottom line applys. We need to 'mingle' with people outside of clan [24-7]. I did some but I quickly fell into the 'fuck you newbie you suck ect.' whatever attitude that rubbed off on me since bnet came out. I think we should hang out in usa-1 more. So waht we have to ignore a few 'bots' and force ourselves to not belittle all the players we see as 'inferior'. But I can see it not happening because we are all 'vets' and you see it all the time in sports, no vet wants to hang around though the rebuilding process and teach the rookies. I myself get upset with inexperienced allies and dont want to ally them because I feel I've played for quite a while and I shouldnt have to teach someone how to play(I like an ally who can carry my average ass :P).
Fri Sep 22, 2000 3:22 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
Listen to azteca preach about gowbne fastest.
Compare that to how he feels about low resrouces.Youd have to break his arm to get him to play low,and he still probably wouldnt do it.But then gowbne/fastest comes around and he wants to "give it a chance." Hes much more willing to play it.I think its kinda ironic thats all.
Fri Sep 22, 2000 12:25 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
I would like to agree with chay, if the players in usa-1 weren't such obstinate pigs that think a non cash map is beneath them.
Mage Guild
Sat Sep 23, 2000 1:30 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
Honestly i don't care for either the bne map or the res. True there are players who are good who play it. But, they 2 hall like mofos cause they got the speed down and its so damn easy to do it. I always find my self in trouble in late game's. Not only caus ei play humans. But cause lust is an absolute kill on fastest. One minute you see them lusting with your paladin sitting a lil way from your base at 9 next second there all over you beating down all you paladins, and heal is almost usless but hey any lil thing helps. It's just, not fun to me. Blizz and d@d get casted so fast. Someone release one round and ur in for trouble already.
Not to mention the rate of trouble you might go through adjusting to the speed. Alot of us who have tried it may or may not have had trouble. Coming from gage i can tell you i was stunned. Gage wasnt exatly the fastest server. Goin from that to like going from slowest to even faster ;-X
Thu Sep 28, 2000 2:26 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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Fastest Speed Setting
I've hung out in usa-1 a few times in the last week. What I got out of it? JACK. The people in there have no clue who I am, or anyone is. I played one or two people, got called a hacker. I had people watch me play, and still I was called a hacker, cocky, fag, fucker etc etc etc. Now I dunno why they all think this is cool? because I thought I was just helping them. But I guess thats why everyone gets into the fuck you newbie type of mind frame. Ah well.
Thu Sep 28, 2000 10:33 am |
Fastest Speed Setting
Kith is right. USA is home to the bots that flash around where those dumb hacks are. It almost seem's as if. You beat barely beat em (don't ask why you would barely beat them) you get lucky. If you pound them, you hack. Maybe they just dont want to accept the fact that there are players much better than they are.
I just find it strange when your out scouting and you find them faster than usual, they flame you and call you a hacker becouse apperantly the first spot you checked may or may not have contained a spare peon/peasent, or there base...
Sat Sep 30, 2000 1:54 pm |
Fastest Speed Setting
kith, alot of bnet people do act like cocks. especially in the usa channels. goto the ladder challenges and there are some decetn people who dont cheat like myself. Id like to see you guys in there, giving instruction to the 7 or 8 month bnet newbs. BTW why the hell does soth call pos gay trash? i think its a great map and if you are good at pos low id love for you to challenge me. im chalupa_supreme on bnet and usually in ladder challenges
Sun Oct 01, 2000 5:44 pm |
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Fastest Speed Setting
cuz I dont like pos chalupa. But, in the interest of peaceful forum chat, I will take back my remark. pos is a great map with 40k mines =/
Mage Guild
Tue Oct 03, 2000 12:57 am |