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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Okay summoner, you keep saying im the worst player.. and that I only play fastest (wtf, ive never played fastest before, acutally yeah, once.... and i couldnt pull any of my peons so I left)
Summoner, the fact that your saying I suck and cant beat anyone on this board is a bunch of bullshit... first of all, your lil cockblocking ass has never played me before, and you have no right to judge on how good/bad my gaming skills are.
secondly, about the statement 'you cant beat anyone who posts here' thats entirely false... Ive beat everyone on this board atleast once if ive played them more than once, under one name or another... weather it was sypher, acid, or one of my smurf names... I have beat everyone atleast once.. even the 'almighty' azteca..
third.. about that reference to 'before you say i have no life, go re-read your LoL post' or whatever... Okay, this is a bit puzzling to me, cause that post took me all of about 20 minutes to write... i didnt even re-read it at all.. while you on the other hand, prolly write your posts and re-read/write them over and over for about 4 hours... so who has a life now? Also, consider the response I get to my posts, and then the responses you get to your posts.. Everyone thinks my posts are funny, creative.. and worth somthing, while you on the other hand get flamed left and right whenever you touch the keyboard.
lastly... I am from heat. Yes, the almighty ive impressed many kaliers with my skill since ive been on bnet when it first came out... I even made someone from kali say 'wtf, heater... no seriously, who are you'
Oh yeah, one more thing... I totally agree with whoever said your the new KHB.. I guess there always has to be one prick in the war2 world that everyone loves to hate..
and please accept my challenge, I would love to play you..
ICQ: 15393260
Mon Oct 16, 2000 4:16 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Sypher u have never beaten me... im 2409234-0 vs you... omg you are patheic
Mon Oct 16, 2000 4:37 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
"Sypher" I don't need to play you to know I'm better. Enough said.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 4:45 am |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Dak, first off, ive never played you... =P~
Secondly summoner.... thats called 'dodging'
ICQ: 15393260
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:47 am |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
No Sypher, it isn't. It's because I know I will win, everybody else does too. Go back to posting your questions for axolotl and stop wasting my time.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 9:04 am |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
summoner, your oblivious to the fact that there are people better than you... have u played war2 lately? Or have u been playing comp stomp games? chances are about 50% of bne trash could bend u over =[
as someone said before 'just own up' and people will stop hating you
ICQ: 15393260
Tue Oct 17, 2000 2:38 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
sypher im on all the time, i guess you never see me because i dont hang in war2bne usa-1. Who on bnet that can beat me is irrelevant. I'm not the best, but I am capable of beating everyone (I lose too). You aren't. There is at least 100 players I can think of who you wouldn't stand a chance against. Just stop posting you pathetic nobody. Noone on here seems to remember you "beating" them. You're the type of loser that hangs with bizatch (who you said was above average haha). Please stop talking to me, everyone on here knows that I own you and so do they.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 3:06 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
summmoner is so cool isn't he? "type of loser that hangs out with bizatch" no, i don't know who sypher is really, but i respect him for not being a complete homo like you....nobody likes u except for morphius, who u hasn't played with u in like a year, which is why
and summoner, you should go brag about all your friends at college what a war2 player u are, i bet they'd be really proud of u ;[
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Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:35 pm |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Summoner, I dont even associate myself with war2bne usa-1 people... also, I barely talk with biz, he just knows of me cause i beat him 3 times... he has capability to be good, but it takes time... and im sure he has a life outside war2, unlike most people in [24-7]... which is where I do hang out when im on, but see... im not on all the time, im mainly online on friday and saturday nights around 1:00am - 4:00am est when i get home from work/friends..
and please tell me, who i 'havent' beat... cause i know for a fact ive beat everyone who i have played atleast once....
stfu and play
ICQ: 15393260
Tue Oct 17, 2000 8:12 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Valkrie you must be mistaken, you're 0-100 vs sypher, not 100-0, hes just too godly for us.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 10:13 am |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
i do not believe u have beaten me yet acid =P
we must up near like 100-0 or so =P
just letting u know =P
Wed Oct 18, 2000 12:00 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Jeebus... there are about 20 people i can think of that i have never ever beat in a 1v1 (be it ive onlyplayed them like once) but sypher.. please... u have not beat everyone you have played at least once. At least not in 1v1s. 2v2s dont count, because they reflect your skills matched against their skills. Sypher is pretty cool, and BiZatch isnt that bad at war2. Flame me if you like Summoner, its all good
Wed Oct 18, 2000 6:33 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
sypher i don't recall losing to you EVER...not to be mean, maybe on another name.
u said acid, u mean acidgangsta? if so we're like 4-3, me....but i thought u said heat...nope u didn't beat me 3 times heh
BNE Tournament Club --
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Wed Oct 18, 2000 10:12 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
sypher i dont think youve beat me yet, but 2/3 the games we 1v1d u got 6 =/
Wed Oct 18, 2000 11:13 pm |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Valk, I did beat u on heat 2 times, under a smurf name i still use, so i aint revealing it at the time
Bizatch, i have bent you over atleast 3 times... and NO I AM NOT FUCKING ACIDGAGNSTA!! SHIT!.. snarf, i dont recall playing you since ive been back... I sux0red before i quit to play broodwar...
blah blah blah, summoner, i still think you suck..... gw, ty stfu... and btw, stfu and play =[
ICQ: 15393260
Thu Oct 19, 2000 2:09 am |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Hehe, I seem to remember Acid telling me "the only person who I've played and I've never beat is Valk"
Thu Oct 19, 2000 2:37 pm |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
ok nice lie, we've never played unless u have been smurfing...i'm up for a 1on1 with watcher any time..
BNE Tournament Club --
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Thu Oct 19, 2000 5:47 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
we played 3 times, u got 5 times and some other spot the last, i think 12, i just remember the comment at the end of the last game u said i hardly ever get outrushed, its just that im 6,
Thu Oct 19, 2000 5:52 pm |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
bah, im not gonna respond to valk/ghost... it takes common sense for that question...
Jza, the only reason im arguing with summoner, is that he is being overly confident, when I have seen him play, and I know for a fact that I can beat him.... I think it was me... BIZATCH(wow, bizatch, the 'almighty newbie') and someone else that beat summoner, and 2 other people in a 3v3, and 2 of us got spot fucked... s9/4.... so yeah. This game doesnt control my life, it used to, but i grew out of that immaturity.
and to bizatch, I have beat you, atleast 3 times that i can remember on my name ~Sypher... but if you would like a rematch, then find me one day and whisper me, most likely ill be in clan [24-7]
ICQ: 15393260
Thu Oct 19, 2000 9:03 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
now, i STILL don't recall even TEAMING with you against summoner....sorry but i think ur full of it
BNE Tournament Club --
Warcraft Haven -- The ULTIMATE Warcraft Resource:
Thu Oct 19, 2000 10:36 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Just out of curiosity do you guys play this game for fun or to prove something to yourselves? Who cares who has beat who and your record as such. After all it is only a game. If you enjoy it, then play it. If it is your entire life and you end up judging everyone elses worth by their skill in a game...well that is pretty sad. Calling so-and-so a "newbie" is just dumb, think back to when u started the game and how shitty you were. It is equivalent to playing a game of basketball with a 5 year old when you are 15 and kicking his ass and calling him a shitty player and to get the fuck out and don't talk anymore. Sure people are new to the game, but there is stuff to learn no matter how long you play. Why not help people out a little instead of degrading each other or trying to prove who can piss the farthest. At any rate, there is no reason to be an ass. It just makes people less inclined to play with you if they have to listen to shit all the time. Why would they want to play with someone who ruined the fun of the game for them? My 2 cents on the subject...take care all.
Fri Oct 20, 2000 12:21 am |
Joined: 02 Oct 2000
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
acid dont start spewing the lies now idiot
u have never even gotten close to beating me
so dont start saying u even compare now ;\
a few months a go on bnet u said "i will beat you once someday"
u cant beat me ;\
never have never will
step up and i will own u on ur map/res 10 in a row if u want.
Fri Oct 20, 2000 12:38 am |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
maybe im mistaking you for someone else, but im pretty sure it was you
Fri Oct 20, 2000 12:24 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
bah, im not gonna respond to valk/ghost... it takes common sense for that question...
What does that mean?
Fri Oct 20, 2000 2:40 pm |
Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
Who cares who sypher's beat? He's not a fag and that's all that matters. He has some skills and he doesn't talk smack unless some self-righteous moron like summoner brings it on. Also...he used the word "cockblocker." Sypher owns =(.
Sat Oct 21, 2000 12:22 am |
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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
if syph wants to post, he can post. I love all this hypocrite bs from summ and morph. "Uh stop the trash talk you guys" then a day later "stfu u newbie." "tarquinn talks shit just because he thinks di owns" "stfu syph, i have never played u but u blow anyway" gw keep em coming
Sat Oct 21, 2000 6:07 pm |

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Summoner, I didnt wanna start this...
gg summ, learned a couple things in the game, yes, i lost... but thats not really what i was trying to prove... I was trying to prove that I wasnt a complete newbie scrub like u say i am... and yes, I DO want a rematch, cause i sux0r at beating s9.... and yes, i did have another base after you left, and there is no way you had 6/8 cause u only had 40k more gold than me and i only mined 12/s12 and 1/4th of 2...
gg though, and I hope u have the sportsmanship to rematch, and not try and flame me saying 'you shoulda raped me'... no i shouldnt have if im a worthless newb like u say i am =[
ICQ: 15393260
Sat Oct 21, 2000 11:29 pm |