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Warcraft 2 Old Schoolers, remember..?
Hey war2ers~~ I was on-line earlier and chat started discussion of people who have come and gone and was surprised to see names like Ywfn and Azteca on on some of the lists. I thought, damn, They
old school. Ywfn (Kali reg >1000) and Az (Kali reg 34,000) lasted an extremely long time and you could tell they really enjoyed this game. So it made me think where have the old schoolers been and why they quit playing..
We then went on to talk about people like Warangel, Creed, NOFEAR, TIDES and other 36th chamber members, and more people like Ax, Kith, and myself whove been around playing this game for over a decade! It shocked me that I was one of the only people left who remembered war2 during that era. Nothing has ever been documented on what exactly it was like so I'm going to try and take the time to detail the changes and history of war2 through my experiences.
I can't really put into words how different this game was during the era of Kali as opposed to now. It was just a completely different environment because nobody was established and there was so much fierce competition out there because of that. I mean people had choices when it came to leagues. There was IWL, OzWL, a Mac Warcraft League, NWL, Cases singles and teams, WGL by Gadianton, later there was SGWL and Kpuds, and NWL and IWL rebirths and finally Battlenet's ladder.
I remember logging on to Starlink and Castlenet (Kali servers before Kali went to Kali95) as a brand new player to the on-line environment. I quickly chose the name Deathwing and thought nobody else would be brilliant enough to pick a name of the DRAGON HERO. lol. Eventually I played a few games and wondered how people got so many grunts so fast and then I was hooked. It was not too long after that I learned how to do it and adapt my styles of play to actually compete. Kali was different for those who werent firmiliar with IPX networks. Basically, you launched war2 while on Kali and went to multi-player and a huge list of player names would appear on the left menu. One day I saw someone with colors on their name and thought that was sweet cuz his game stood out. That's when I ventured to the internet to find out you could use ascii codes to color your name. This is how Nebu, or as we used to know him; Schlonglor got his name for himself. He dedicated a website to warcraft 2 detailing strategies such as blowing up peoples gold mines with juggs, a section of warcraft 2 stories with a reall bad sense of humor
Anyway, you would see people with the acronym NWL attached to the end of their name and word spread fast that there was a league out. My friend caleb told me to avoid these games because they were too good of players but I wasn't having that so I kept joining and getting stomped on so many times. The community was so split up. We had fights between which Kali server would own which other Kali server until finally I played and beat down a guy named HeatWaveNWL. He was so impressed with my playing that he invited me to join his team in the National Warcraft League (Burning Blade). Once I was part of the NWL i changed my nickname to ArchAngel and thought it would be so sweet to have the Arch red, and the Angel white.
I quickly grew to get to know the NWL community, starting with Thorax and Xiphoid (the league creators) and burning blade members. People like SKYWALK, Heatwave, IceWave, Crispin and Silk and remember going to that website to see reports and who beat who on what settings and what they had to say about the games, then loading the ranking pages and seing who was dominating the league with names like Elway, Veritech, oo3, Ca$h, P@yback, DarkHelm$, Falkentyne, sky and heat always among the top ranks. I went like 50/200 the 1st season and ended up costing Burning Blade the #1 spot because of my n00bness. Back then all anybody played was fixedgow, pos , or water low res. So instead of booting me, Skywalk ended up teaching me his peon order and how to get a quick level 3 rush off before the next season began. I mean this rush dominated everybody. I played and I grew to 40/8, all the way up to like 300/45 and went back and forth at #1 in the league several times before I finally won it in the end. Once I got recognition of being the #1 NWL player I met players from other leagues like some guys named ^Punkash^, YbloK, Creed and WarAngel and found out that even with all that I have accomplished there were others that needed to get beat down out there. Needless to say I was humbled in a huge huge way. The first time I ever played YbloK I did my normal ass routine on fgow low and crushed him and that was the last time I would beat him in the following 10 games. The idea that a heavy level 3 rush followed quickly with level 7 lust 1st wasnt all that won games was mind boggling since it had worked for so long in NWL. YbloK expanded like the shit was going out of style with DKs and peons everywhere and it just overwhelmed the shit out of my one style type of playing so I figured since I couldn't beat him, I'd join him and YbloK became ~DarkAngel and we went on to learn the 2v2 aspects of this game. With my style of a heavy level 3 fast rush and his style of powering to get fucking huge in the end game we dominated the 2v2 scene for a long time. Once word got out there was a new team dominating going around, I heard from more people out there that needed to get beat down and was finally introduced to Cases Team Ladder.
The time I joined cases was the time a majority of the leagues have died out and we were all merged.. with a new kali channel for war2 named Katan's lair (I believe it was katans) the community became one and the egos just fucking went crazy. Here is where I met players like Tarquinn, Azteca, Ywfn, Meklarin, ut , boozecans, AmishPirate, Allstar, Tdawg, Metal, RevolveR, Warbringer, LynchMob (As you know now as Xicotl), DethMongal, Wlkr, Wish, Cinder, Wave and all of the DT crowd. We met Kith and Axolotl (ax stood out because he was on cases for a record of like 50-0) SandStorm and Devistate, all of the 36th Chamber members, The IN Clan including INcinerate, INhell, INrip, INdalamar.. We met TillerMan, Agent911, Demolitor, Tanthalas, Nerzyman, Pimster, Guan, and later McaDDer, ogwc, and the hehehe clan, we met Stalin (Who sucked a huge dick) and others. Darkangel and I joined this channel mid-debate between Azteca and Creed going off on eachother and Azteca just flaming him to shit after a beat down. Dark and I loaded up the rankings on team IGL and we knew we could get #1 as a team since we've already been playing so god damn well.
We couldn't have been more fucking wrong.
These players were so damn good at team games it made me think, fuck... I want to be that good. We played our asses off day in and day out until finally I caught Azteca's attention and demanded he ally one of his goonies to play us. Not only were we shocked that he said yes, we were shocked to see that he picked high resources. NOBODY played high resources, EXCEPT for Azteca and his goonies. We played and got utterly raped so Dark and I had to learn high res if we wanted to stand out. I learned how to power with a cat and dark learned how to dual and this is what we did. We thought since Azteca is playing high resources, and since his team is #1, we'd have to learn it. The strategy worked exceptionally well vs anybody we played, including those above teams but whenever we played Azteca's team, it failed miserably. We managed to work up a pretty high rank on cases and became well noticed because us, the IN clan, and Az's team were the only ones playing, and winning on high resources. I knew that there was something about Azteca and his strategies that me and dark simply didn't discover yet so I took a break from 2v2 and wanted to go back to 1v1 on cases. Since I knew high resources, and since I had an awesome low res rush that worked a majority of the time, and since mostly everybody else was caught up in the team aspects of the game, I quickly captured the #1 spot on the ladder. I think splitting up from Dark and team games is what made me a team jumper. After being #1 I wanted to get back into the scene of 2v2s. I joined every team known to man. By now there were teams like The OUT clan, Phoenix (renamed from Agents of Creed), and soo many more. I first tried out DT and we all lobied for #1.. INcinerate was definately established as the best high res player out there , and their team was feared on friends.pud... but the 4 main teams of DT, IN, Phoenix, and GRF kept going back and forth and i'm not sure who eventually won. I'm not sure bout it was around here that Pimster decided to rename their team. The hehehe clan wasn't ever really big threat to us top ranked players at the time.
This is when Starcraft finally came out and everybody thought war2 was going to die. It didn't quite die, but we lost a lot of really good players and Katan's became more of a Starcraft hangout than a war2 channel so us war2ers migrated to --> Warcraft II and then people like PhucT~, Dills and Nephron came in for the mix thinking they could compete. We had people who would play only small and weird puds like Trox and that worked for them since they knew how to play them well. Cases was still booming and players like KaliBOSS and Demolitor would have thousands of games under their belt. Somewhere in there we lost most of 36th chamber, by most I mean creed and warangel and they became casual players who all hung out in some weird ass channel as a group of hippies. Eventually I worked my way on to Phoenix and remember me and Azteca beating creed and warangel down. I only had one game against creed, and that was the one. For all the hype he was given, he certainly did not live up to it, you cant really judge from one game but I was not impressed at all. Warangel came into this mix later and I ended up 1v1ing him a bit and winning those as well. This guy had class though and rarely talked shit when he lost. See, war2 back then, more so than now, had shit talk involved in it in a way that now doesn't even scratch the surface. You could lose, but if you talked shit well, you couldn't lose. I remember learning Azteca's team strategies and finally got sick of his trash talk and did some more team jumping and eventually landed on a team that won #1 on cases team ladder. See, DT was great.. but they wouldn't allow members of their team to defend vs top ranks.. If it was a ranked game, Wlkr and Mongal had to participate and I hated that shit so I quit them. Around this time war2 was really into who could dominate who and on what settings.
Then word of battlenet being launched for warcraft 2 came out so I thought it would be fun to venture over to other communities. I joined the Zone and brought some of my friends. We created Final Justice and it was me, darkangel, tdawg, outkast, and I believe a few others. We found out the Zone was so behind in strategy because they didn't take the game nearly as serious as Kali players did, Final Justice won #1 but it wasn't convincing enough. I remember talking to Azteca about bringing a team over to the zone and he created Divine Intervention, I joined up with just him and Metal, and we went on to a #1 90-2 win% which to this day is still documented in the Zone Team ladder hall of fame We met players here like Morphius, Summoner, OjPimpson, DI_Hugh, the entire DI_ clan since it meshed with our name, and so many more people who were just humbled and in awe over our skill. After the zone, we all went back to Kali and found new people in the mix of things. People like Nexus, and KHB came out from behind the scrub curtain and started showing potential and I kept playing fucking extremely well cuz all I did was listen to Azteca bark orders and I followed them to victory. At this time I was playing the absolute best I have ever played in this game. Every single game I played, I played flawlessly and it was incredible because no matter who I played, I knew how to beat them by thinking ahead. DI was in a recruiting phase and I remember Az and I watching Nex and KHB play for a spot on the team. Every game Nex would tool him except neighbor wars and Az loved the fact that KHB knew what the fuck was up in neighboring.. so Nex lost Meanwhile people all went their seperate ways. Players like Allstar, and Stalin joined up in SGWL and started expanding on their game by playing kpuds.
Battlenet came out and suddenly we were all one huge shit talking community. Egos and names like Valkrie got thrown into the mix and it was up to us to beat them the fuck down. The first season on ladder battlenet was hilarious. Nobody really good wanted to play ladder games on a slower speed than even faster so it wasn't as competitive as Blizzard couldve made it. egos meshed and people became hostile all while we were struggling to make an impact. Bots annoyed the shit out of everybody and Pimster's team created clan [24-7] a channel where us kaliers could fucking concentrate. I don't really remember who won the 1st season but I do remember in the midst of all this wanting to get recognized I picked up a hack for the 1st time. I wasn't part of any team while doing it, I was just playing singles games and a few casual 2v2s minding my own business finding it really easy to win which is when I noticed how widespread the hack was by seing others play suspiciously in games. I hacked about 50 games before orkinman caught me upgrading an ogre to level 6. I'm not pissed off I got caught. I'm actually kinda happy I did. I stopped using it and dissapeared for a while before coming back to massive ammounts of shit. I didn't want all that I have gone through to be tainted by fucking cheating so I did whatever I could to change peoples minds and get games. I admit it was fucking pathetic that I used it, and I still do regret it to this day because so much of those 50 games have tainted my character. A majority of them didnt even include games vs our actual community and were more-so pick-ups. However, it was wrong and stupid and certainly blows but theres nothing I can do about it now.
After this I continued playing on and my friend and I re-opened NWL which had over 5,000 games played the 1st week and lasted about 5 months before it actually died. This was a fun fucking time but I think a majority of the bitching going around was due to a split between our community. We had players actually defending the fastest speed as if it took some kind of skill to play. Kali players in general, thought that this speed was implimented only as a joke by Shlonglor - who had recently been hired by blizzard and had a say in what went into the new patch. As a player of now, I could tell you that fastest does have a particular element that does require skill to actually play and learn but not nearly as much skill as it takes to compete in an even faster game. Battlenet teams were formed, cases came in and out and hacking became an extremely fucking annoying issue. Pimster finally stood up for his team and displayed a new showcase of talent that DI had never seen since we were fucking around on the Zone.. Suddenly Stalin became good out of nowhere, this guy Valkrie was pretty good and they had an excellent team. It was a blast watching 24-7 and DI tear eachother to shit but nothing in comparson to what Kali had. Eventually the shit faded out and we lost players one at a time. Players like Buzzbomb, yahmon, scrubbo, prophecy, they all came out of nowhere to us and played well , left and came back left and came back until what we have today in War2 ladder challenges. With myself, and my team Shattered Dreams dominating what's left. =P I think shared vision took so much away from actual skil people had back then.. knowing a strategy and the fact that you had to communicate with your ally cuz he couldnt see what was up made the game so different and more fun in my experience.
Among the names listed in this thread, only a few people still play and if you old schoolers are out there, i invite you to comment on your experiences with war2. I think this thread would make an exceptional look into history of this game.
- Sky
Notable people I forgot to mention: (will add to this as post goes on and on)
Last edited by ArchAngel on Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:38 pm; edited 3 times in total
Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:40 pm |

Joined: 18 Nov 2000
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should I add a disclaimer that it is long ? hehe
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:11 am |
Joined: 24 May 2001
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i'll probably get to reading that later. my kali serial is 38637 but from my first game on Kali i was already an above average player, because of months of playing modem games versus dozens of kids from school. People would be like, "have you played [so and so]?" and so I'd get this guy's number and go play some kid from another grade that I didn't even know. Good times. There was only one guy that could beat me, and he just happened to be the first guy I started playing with. Then there was another guy there that already had Kali back then, must have been under 10k serial. Hrm...
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:33 am |

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I never used pixie and there was no real memorable games while I hacked. I'd much more rather focus on the good times I had cuz that's the kinda feedback I want to hear. hehe
Last edited by ArchAngel on Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:56 am |

Joined: 18 Nov 2000
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I'd really love to hear how your shit went down ash, you've been around a while too would be interesting.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:05 am |

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Ash's story consists of him losing 0-3 to me. Truth. _________________ The water ain't safe no more...
Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:09 am |
Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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I like discussion of the old school, but I think you are a little bit biased...which is fine, we all are.
Dont forget some of us who have played honorably for the last 10 years taking our losses and being tormented all along while never using a hack or other means of winning as Ash talked about. That's what I hope I'll be remembered for in the history of this game. Taking a loss and playing another game. And I'm sure there are quite a few others as well. Too bad it's impossible to know who really hacked and who didn't.
I'm proud of my close to .500 record knowing I never did anything to hurt the game....I guess some of us weren't as lucky as Ash to have pure skill at this game and be so unbeatable without "help".
I remember my early days of playing this game on AOL with Ash and some other names that nobody really knows about like Sptnk and Lyubm who were so incredible to me I never thought I could play on their level. That is what drew me to this game and what made me play it for so long and I will never forget that.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:07 am |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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Haha seriously, anyone that disconnects on purpose needs a serious therapy. God damn u guys took the thing that much seriously? Arent you the scrubs telling me i care too much? Roflmao guys, thats called being a big bunch of nerds. At least when i lose i hit surrender. I seriosuly think i am the all time most legit player in the history of warcraft two.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:23 pm |
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Darkangel used a peon hack 
Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:58 pm |

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Originally posted by KaNuKs
Haha seriously, anyone that disconnects on purpose needs a serious therapy. God damn u guys took the thing that much seriously? Arent you the scrubs telling me i care too much? Roflmao guys, thats called being a big bunch of nerds. At least when i lose i hit surrender. I seriosuly think i am the all time most legit player in the history of warcraft two.
Difference is, they used to take the game seriously when the game was popular. You take it seriously 10 years too late. _________________ The water ain't safe no more...
Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:15 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

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doesn't matter how old the game is
Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:53 am |

Joined: 09 Jul 2005
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I remember the Arch being red and the Angel being white. I think I played you on zone.
Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:42 am |
Joined: 16 Jul 2005
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ArchAngel, slut. Didn't even mention old Nixon. Yet us in Azeroth dominated your little Burning Blade clan season after season
Anyway, here is a snapshot of my war2 experience(I appologize if I get some of this out of order I don't remember all of the details, and forgive my blatent bias towards myself).
Discovered kali shortly after getting war2, serial number: 10445 Azteca you high regged newb!
Got recruited into the Azeroth clan in NWL shortly after starting war2. Fortunately most of my newbness was gone before I joined NWL. Shlonglor's web page was a big help, even if he did not understand how powerful humans could be. I did not play just one setting, I played everything. Got spanked around a bit by people on their "pet" settings but won enough to get myself to one of the top players in the clan. Smurfing was a bit of a problem on kali because there were no passwords to protect your name. Anyone could log on as Nixon~NWL and give you losses. I came up with a clever solution that worked for awhile, I was the only one who figured out how to color your name yellow(everyone else seemed to only figure out red). So I was safe from smurfing for awhile till people caught on to do multiple colors. I teamed with many Azeroth players such as Veritech, Elway, Falkentyne, Ripper, .GIANT., etc. I even took DarkHelm$ under my wing and taught him how to play my favorite map: nwtr. RedBlaze, leader of the Dragmaw clan, was also a frequent ally of mine and Dragmaw was later an ally clan of Azeroth as well.
The Azeroth clan grew large and powerful and soon we started climbing the rungs in NWL. Some players like Azteca would duck me(he refused to play anthing but gow/high) while others like Skywalker would stomp on me, but we continued our rise to the top of NWL. This is where my desire for team games was born, it was just much more fun then 1v1's and some friendly competion made it even more so.
After Azeroth won it's first season(I bielieve we stole the crown from Burning Blade), the 'friendly' competition started to turn nasty however. You see Buring Blade was a mid size clan of mostly good players, and they were not happy to see a clan like Azeroth(a more active clan with some elites but mostly unknown players) steal their crown. Things got so bad that spies from rival clans started to infiltrate our clan and throw games and go 0/50 just to give Azeroth a bad record. It mattered not. We still dominated. So then the spies start cheating to get Azeroth penalized. That was really low. Judges took over 2/3 of our points away because of spies cheating. Thorax later admited it was wrong but we never got our points back. Only season we did not win after out first victory.
After we finally rooted the last of those damn spies out of our clan, things got nasty yet again. It was well known that Veritech(leader of Azeroth) did not get along with one of the judges(forgot his name). So when that ref got an email bomb(1000's of emails spamming his inbox) with Veritech's name on it he immediatly banned him. After a little detective work by Thorax, it turns out the brother of heatwave(leader of the hated Buring Blade) was the one who actually sent the message to try and get Veritech kicked out of the league. I was just in this for the fun but some guys are just sore losers.
After NWL died, I started playing pickup games and cases ladder. My "play everything" approach hurt me a bit on cases, as did my preference for team games on a 1v1 ladder, as I again got spanked by people on their pet settings. This did not bother me nearly as much as fags not reporting their loses :/ Some people just can't stand to see their hot streak broken by some upstart from nowhere. I quit cases after about my 10th unreported game and went back to pickup games. You have to admire players like axolot who were able to look past these jerks and go all the way to the top.
Got recruited into the Shadow Council clan shortly after quiting case's. They were a clan that shared my "play for fun" attitude and didnt play just 2 maps(pos/gow) like some clans. They also had a reputation for integrity. In fact I was even shunned by a few sc members because I participated in the barbarous "tower rush start(ie gaying)" that some people looked down apon as unwar2 like(*cough* IWL players *cough*). Anyway, we were not as elite as some of the other clans, but we were much nicer. Also, I think we were the only clan to have 2-3 simultaneous teams on case's team ladder at one time. We couldn't fit our whole clan on just one team. Eventually we scaled back to 1 team as we didn't have enough people active on cases to support that many teams. We were a team everyone wanted to play because we were fairly easy to beat(at least for teir 1 teams like DI) Occasionaly we would have an upset and take down a tier 1 team and even managed to make it into the top 5 briefly.
I developed quit a reputation as a nwtr player. Gaming often with NWTRruGAME, and other nwtr players. Back then you could host nwtr and have it fill in a few seconds. Was fun playing with people outside of NWL as well. IWL had some better players than NWL, but some barborus newb-infested NWL strats could takem em down a peg or 2 on occasion(Creed, sorry for killing you 6 games in a row with my tower rush under a smurf name!
Then sc~onyx(leader of shadow council) pulled several sc members into a game to show us something he had discovered. We were annoyed to be pulled from our gaming but were intrested in what was so important. He proceeded to make peons out of his farms! Then dks, sappers, anything he wanted. I was horrified. The first and only hack to appear on our beloved kali servers. I downloaded this program myself to see what else this vile program could do. Making dks and grunts outa farms was a bells and whistles hacker yet people did it anyway. I deleted this vile program and emailed Blizzard(along with hundreds of other war2 users) to patch the hack. To my surprise, they did!! After a short stint with the infamous Shaft hack, war2 was again hack free.
I heard about zone, but after playing there for a bit I realized those players there were not as good as kali. I also heard about heat. Now these guys made zone players look like war2 gods. But heat did have 1 advantage over kali: less lag. Warcraft2 was not native tcp/ip, it was ipx. It had to fake an ipx connection and could get quite laggy at times. I was a bit tired of kali's lag, so I created an account on heat and started gaming.
After getting bored with stomping newbs, I finally started putting "ELITES ONLY" in my game name. This attracted the attention of 2 of the best heat players at the time, Valkrie and Eklufx(or was it Blid and ning?). I smoked em 1v2 2 in a row, first on spiral then on gow. They were just floored at how this no namer could take down 2 of the best heat players 1v2. Other kali players began smurfing on heat and soon the skill level of heat players began to creep up. Valkrie and a few others even made the jump over to kali and once there it didnt take long for them to start competing at my level.
But bigger and better games were on the horizon. Starcraft came out and stole a good portion of the active warcraft community, me included. I became the highest skilled starcraft player on the kali cases ladder. But people eventually discovered counters to my wicked strats and I fell to just 1 good player amoung many. Most of the competion was on anyway, since Starcraft had a built in ladder, why play on kali? I played starcraft a bit on, but it didn't take long to realize starcraft was NOT the hackfree game warcraft was. In addition, I grew tired of the lameness of people disconnecting to avoid a loss so quit the ladder without ever getting really good, I think I was around 1200 when the really good players were like 1500 at the time. I switched back to pickup games after quitting the ladder.
Warcraft edition came out when I was still in my starcraft mode. In addition, I played mostly pickup games of warcraft when I eventually started playing it again. These games were all fastest. Thus I was late to the war2 game and entering as a "fastest newb" as well. My foundness for nwtr came back and I started dominated that map again. I parded often with Yah'mon(one of the few players who could beat me on nwtr). Like Starcraft, war2 edition was infested with hackers so I never got into the ladder/ironman scene, even after stumbling over Clan 24-7 where many of the elites were hanging out(sluts I could not find you hiding there...U TURNED ME INTO A FASTEST PLAYER U BASTARDS!) Anyway, I started playing both fastest and ef, but never got really good at either. I also juggled Starcraft, Gettysburg, Star Trek: Armada, and a few other games so my war2 skills never got back to the level they were on kali.
Still I play war2 and stick to my guns of never hacking. I respect players like ~Redrum who stick to the same philosophy. My NWL roots and my own personal preferences have left me firmly entrentched as a team player, and I don't care much for 1v1's.
Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:01 am |

Joined: 04 Nov 2000
Posts: 1506
I remember play nixon a fgow low. At this pooint I was a pretty solid player or so I thought. He cut thru me like a hot knife thru butter. After that the SC tag instilled fear in me. But none of the other Sc clannies ever tore me up like that game vs Nix. Good times. gg nix
Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:55 pm |

Joined: 04 Nov 2000
Posts: 1506
I gave up reading your post half way through. Too long and biased I guess. Maybe later I'll post a story or two for the fans. '=[
Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:56 pm |
Joined: 07 Oct 2000
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This thread has made me nostalgic. The following is a pretty lengthy account of my time playing warcraft on the zone. I think a few zoners may be interested in it; I know I’m always interested in these types of accounts.
My warcraft "roots" go back to the Zone rather than Kali, however. I first began playing warcraft online around April 1998. Around this time I believe $eaMeRock and Raven were the top singles players (both of them were at #1 on Case's for quite a while around this time I think). I think the BlackHawk clan (Machiaelli, Rbaby, etc.) was just dying out around this time, the BUCK clan was already gone, but X-Rated (with Hippo, Krypt, and Gimp-known as GreenHorn on bnet) were by far the best team on Case's (over a year later, NitroX was also on x-rated, and was very good). The Immortals were another well-established clan (Undine I the only one I remember, though I think Rbaby joined it as well).
[Side question: Was Hippo originally in the IN clan on Kali?]
Like anyone new to online gaming, I sucked quite hard for a while and used a shitload of nicknames, finally settling on the name _AnEurYsm_ (a Nirvana song), which later became yet another Nirvana song: Sappy. I never liked 1v1s much and preferred team games. Consequently, I became very interested in trying out for a clan and joining Case's team ladder, even though I was still typing "8 rule" before games.
[Sidenote: After seeing a dual for the first time from a player named Havi, I began dualing every game no matter what my spot was. If I was at 6, for example, I would go dual at 11 and throw up a walled cannon at 6.]
I decided to try out for the BANG clan, which was quite a popular team at the time. In the tryout, I had to play against a player known as YuckFoO. As noted above, I did the dualing from 6 to 11 strategy and was promptly raped.
I finally made it on a team called No Limit Soldiers or something like that, which was composed of mediocre, but friendly players. I think I met _HughMan around this time. He was very good with humans and raped me easily.
I went away for summer vacation and when I came back I really wanted to join a top ranked team called the Kahn All*s, captained by Rammer, and containing players like Decap, Messiah, and some others that I cannot remember (including a player with the name of ChimpSlappy who was formerly on the team fruitychimps, which was also very good at the time). I think this was also around the time when =X= Clan (ClouD, DKNY, AlonE) was dominating as well.
[Sidenote: Anyone remember the team Balls of Christ and the enema pictures they had on their team site? Good stuff haha.]
I was not good enough to join, but Rammer told introduced me to a player named sKinnYgruNt, and the two of us formed a team. Skinny and I allied constantly and began to get more skilled, becoming solid players on the zone. We played a lot of NWTR, friendspud, POS, B2B, Maze, and, of course, gow.
At this point, my memory gets very hazy in terms of sequential order, but this is how I think it went.
Skinny and I became a pretty well-known team on the zone and we created a team with Rammer and a few other players like TurtleMaN, KingRalph, Nexus and some others that I don't remember. I think we got to #1, but I don't quite remember. Eventually, the team disbanded for whatever reason, and Skinny, Kingralph, and I created the team =P We quickly became one of the top teams on the zone at that time, staying in the top 5 and holding #1 for quite a while. The ladder was not that active, but it had 30-40 teams playing frequently. Damage INC (DI_) was formed around the same time as =P I think.
The captain was NUKEM, and the team had players like Ernie and Hughman. I never liked NUKEM and I think he was caught hacking later on bnet, which didn't surprise me because he got too good too fast.
Soon, a player named sixtyeightplus1 asked to join our team, and we let him in. He was a former member of {MG}, the Mage Guild clan I think. I guess they were a well established Kahn clan that was also a very competitive zone team before they died out. Around this time, KingRalph got me onto Kali for a bit and I met players like MeaT.
Kingralph, Carnage, and I also randomly created a website called BananaChess for some random reason.
One day, Kingralph announced he was moving in with his grandmother and would no longer be able to play war2, so =P kind of died off. I tried playing on heat for a while after FWCarnage (different than BananaChess Carnage who was known as FTW_CaRnAGe) told me to play there and let me join the FW clan. I don’t remember if this was before =P was formed or during the time. On heat I met players like ning19, Valkrie, pork420, ghostnuke, babygrunt, etc. Skinny and I smurfed the team ladder there under the name Suikoden (my handle was “Kaz the Ninja” I think) and got to rank 1 fairly quickly.
Eventually, I became friends with Valkrie and we began teaming a lot. He came over to the zone to join =P and the team became active again for a while. Then summer came again and I wasn’t playing as much so the team sort of died down. At this time, a lot of kali players began coming over again, like Stalin, Cajun, Myst, Dills, Meat, BlizZz, RedruM, etc. and they pretty much dominated the teams ladder. Sudden Impact (Stalin et al.) was especially good); though I do remember raping them on some nongow/pos puds like NWTR and B2B. I think ArchAngel began playing on the zone (again?) at this time as well because I think remember playing him in a game against his team at this time.
Some other zoners I remember playing against/teaming with on zone/bnet were ziggy606, DjinnKahn, Blitzen, Prancer, Jonboy, Decap (though he was really not a zoner), Mexican, GruntX, Nex (whom I may have already mentioned) etc.
I also remember Bizatch would form teams with good players (dunno how he got them), get to a fairly high rank, then dodge serious contenders until his team died out and he repeated the process.
There was also the IGL team KGB Agents, who were good. Ojpimpson was on this team (KGBAgent16?).
I might post my time on bnet as well if anyone is interested in the nostalgic value.
I was never a top tier player but I would like to think I was a solid player who was fortunate enough to ally elite players like Valkrie, Buzzbomb, and Nerzyman.
One last thing, when Valkrie was “caught hacking” I was no longer playing war2 so I do not know the whole story behind that. We allied steadily for like 3 years. Seeing his skill gradually improve, I do not think he hacked at all while we allied frequently because I was able to see firsthand, over hundreds, if not at least a thousand, games how his play evolved. If he did hack, he did it extremely deftly. People claim he came out of nowhere with his skill, but that is simply untrue, I witnessed his rise firsthand.
I would also be interested in hearing from the people I mentioned in this thread to see what they're up to in life. As for me, I go to a private university and am getting ready for the October LSAT. Hopefully, Columbia or Chicago Law (though any top 14 will do) are in my not-so-distant future.
Last edited by Sappy on Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:04 pm |
Joined: 29 Feb 2004
Posts: 1466
Hey Sappy, I read your post and my name was in there!
I don't think I repeated the process of creating teams that were good, but I do remember one team with good players.
It had some weird kind of long name I think and it was made up of Decap, Loco, Memphyst, Ut, Lothar and Drider if I'm not mistaken. I pretty much didn't play much because the rest of my teammates (specifically Ut and Drider ... and we had a couple other good players from kali) wanted to be on a team that didn't lose. We got to like 20-0 or something crazy and then Ut joined some other team and dominated us ... at which point Decap and Drider left.
It wasn't much of an accomplishment because I didn't really do anything. I still remember it, though.
On zone the only impressive thing I did on team ladder was play on a team full of scrubs aside from BlizZz... Me and BlizZz would dominate Damage Inc. almost every day and then have our shitty partners lose to them later, thus always fighting over first place .. I still think he might have used PiXIE though...
Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:15 pm |
Joined: 24 May 2001
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Haha, Nixon I remember when you came to Heat and I also remember losing to you a couple times (although it's too long ago to remember exactly, I think I was able to win at least once as well in GOW me at 5, you at 7). At least you mention Heat had the least lag, but although the competition was the lowest of all the big places to play, I find it hard to imagine you beating anyone like Ekulf/Ning two on one. I guess on a water map it's a little more possible to kill one guy early and pull it off but Heat's best players really were pretty good. There was one guy named Gokun who started off never really being that impressive, but he basically mastered the game from a mathematical standpoint of the most efficient way to do everything and really became absolutely amazing for a short time before he stopped playing.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:03 pm |
Joined: 16 Jul 2005
Posts: 6
Hehe sorry Blid but kali really was light years ahead of heat in terms of strategy. Taking down ning/eklufx/valkrie 1v2 on gow really wasn't that difficult. Nothing to feel bad about, the bigger the pool of talent you play with the better the players get. For example, in college my floor would sometimes play warcraft2 on the lan. Most of them had never played warcraft2 online, they only played themselves on the lan. 2 of them actually played online but only about a dozen online games. They were horrid. I beat them all 1v7. But if you saw how bad most of them were you would not think that was bragging either. The 1v2s I played against the best heat players were harder than that 1v7 against the floor players.
Anyway, heat players did start to improve after kali players started invading and giving them some real competition.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:47 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
Sappy don't forget to mention you were retired by me when I had only been playing old/ef for about a month. GG.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:09 pm |
Joined: 04 Jan 2004
Posts: 185
I'm impressed this has not become a top 10 players thread yet. It seemed destined to go that way after the first post 
Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:48 pm |
Joined: 07 Oct 2000
Posts: 1235
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Originally posted by BanMe
Originally posted by Sappy
As for me, I go to a private university and am getting ready for the October LSAT. Hopefully, Columbia or Chicago Law (though any top 14 will do) are in my not-so-distant future.
Sweet. you can fill that big "lawyer void" the US is suffering from currently. What a relief.
Better than filling the philosophy major working in a fast food joint void, eh ash?
EDIT: Realized the above statement sounds like i am a philosophy major: I am not. I just wanted to see how Burger King was treating Ash
Yes, part of it is money, but part of it is interest as well. Lots of students from top schools like Georgetown, Yale, UofChicago, etc. have a tendency to go the public/scholar route.
Originally posted by Strapping Young Lad
Sappy don't forget to mention you were retired by me when I had only been playing old/ef for about a month. GG.
Sorry, I tried to block that part out, that's why i have no idea who the hell you are 
Last edited by Sappy on Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:14 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
Im the reason you loathe to play. You fear me.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:47 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
Posts: 8287
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You guys forgot about me, I was the guy that was always #1 on singles ladder.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:55 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
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Haha Sappy you mention Havi. Was this uk_havi who totally dominated the bnet ladder seasons 1 and 2 (with records like 24-0-0) and then later got caught map hacking? That brings back memories. I only came on in September '99 (right when bnet came out I think) and I would be very interested to hear people bnet experiences. I'll type up mine just as soon as soon as I finish this movie (Miss Congeniality - the stupidest movie ever it seems so far). _________________ Be well,
Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:13 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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I won Bnet Ladder season #3, and got a trophy which is proudly displayed in my room. GG
Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:47 pm |
Joined: 04 Jan 2004
Posts: 185
Havi was only like 5th in season 1. Even Metal beat him.
Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:51 am |
Joined: 07 Oct 2000
Posts: 1235
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Originally posted by SaBiQ
Haha Sappy you mention Havi. Was this uk_havi who totally dominated the bnet ladder seasons 1 and 2 (with records like 24-0-0) and then later got caught map hacking? That brings back memories. I only came on in September '99 (right when bnet came out I think) and I would be very interested to hear people bnet experiences. I'll type up mine just as soon as soon as I finish this movie (Miss Congeniality - the stupidest movie ever it seems so far).
I do not know if that was the same guy. I believe the havi I was referring to in my original post was from Mexico and (possibly) in that clan with Tempest and Mephyst (forgot what it was called. I doubt he was actually in it, but it's the clan that comes to mind when I try to remember him.
Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:11 am |
Joined: 02 Oct 2000
Posts: 1511
ut, I forgot who won season 1, do you remember?
Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:57 am |