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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Just wondering how many people out there think they can beat my ass at GoldenEye 007. I cant be stopped. And will never be stopped =) But if you think you can beat me, fly down too my house and play me, if you win, ill buy your round trip ticket home. If you lose, i get nothing but the satisfaction of beating your ass. I remember having a big argument with KHB one time because he though he could rip shit up on that game, turns out, he didnt even know how to get the paintbrush or know any other secret at that.
Drop me a line
(Look what axo started with his mariokart shit LOL) btw i got 58.02 seconds on mario circuit 1 i looked it up today lol
Sun Oct 08, 2000 6:22 am |

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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
You'd own me....however; load up Quake 1 and we'll see who owns who. =/ I am god of Necropolis.
Sun Oct 08, 2000 9:51 am |

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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Go compare some vanilla lake :P
Sun Oct 08, 2000 6:02 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Load up doom 2 and ill own all you :>
"dot dot dot"
Sun Oct 08, 2000 6:32 pm |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I used to be good at goldeneye, probobly not as good as you guys. What is the paint brush? What other secrets are there?
Nomed - Devil
Damage Inc.
Sun Oct 08, 2000 9:20 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
morph bring it...
:::come over to morph's house and owns him:::
did ne of u mario kart players play n64? i used to own the old mario kart but i cant find it ;[
Sun Oct 08, 2000 9:49 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Sypher anyone can beat anyone 3 vs 1. It is so much easier, because you have more targets, and a lot of players shoot their allies on accident. 1v1 is a lot harder than 3v1 if you have a good opponent
quote: Originally posted by Sypher:
I belive i could waste you at golden eye.... I can waste 3 friends at once, on any settings.... I simply rule the game, im unbeatable.... im the supream master...
Mon Oct 09, 2000 2:11 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Kith you would own me at quake, i have never played it LOL. But i will still give you the satisfaction that you can own me =)
quote: Originally posted by Kith-Kanin:
You'd own me....however; load up Quake 1 and we'll see who owns who. =/ I am god of Necropolis.
Mon Oct 09, 2000 2:20 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I played F-Zero and on Mute City 1 with no other cars i got just under 2 minutes.I dont think anyone would ever be able to beat that.
In an issue of Nintendo Power,back in the day,the best time on it was like 2:07.Oh yeah and i used the Fire Stingray of course.
If anyone can beat 2:00,i will seriously hook you up with 100$=D I really want you all to try=D
Mon Oct 09, 2000 3:14 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Some of my favorite games were made by Koei,but it seemed like the more they made,the more they sucked.I tried playing them again on emulators and stuff but they just arent as fun as they used to be.Did anyone else here try any of those?
Mon Oct 09, 2000 3:18 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I have played every KOEI game in existance, and i own them all. Games liek Nobonagas Ambition, Romance and the 3 kindoms, Ghengis kahn, Roman kings of ancient china, and destiny of an emporer are my favorites, I played Nobonagas Ambition just last week for the NES. I had a craving, My favorite characters too use on that game are Kakizaki (Fief 1) Date (Fief 6) Hojo (Fief 14) Tokugawa Leyesu (Fief 24) Yamana Fief (35) Sogo (Fief 40) and even though he usually gets owned near the beginning i also like to play Rokkaku (Fief 28) because of the challenge.
quote: Originally posted by reaverlisk:
Some of my favorite games were made by Koei,but it seemed like the more they made,the more they sucked.I tried playing them again on emulators and stuff but they just arent as fun as they used to be.Did anyone else here try any of those?
Mon Oct 09, 2000 3:53 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yo morph, any idea where i can download Romance of the 3 kingdoms for PC (no emulator BS) Short of using an ftp? I hate ftps and their dumb ass username / pw crap. Anyone have any thoughts? I need that game it was the best.
Mon Oct 09, 2000 11:40 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I will own you all at Tekken 3.
Tue Oct 10, 2000 4:54 am |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
i played tekken 1 or 2, not sure which one time, for 1 day. I played the robot guy, kicked some ass. Buts thats all i played. BRING IT TQ =P
Tue Oct 10, 2000 7:30 am |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
The paintbrush is a trick i picked up on accident, on any level, (even multiplayer) that there is a sniper rifle, you must not pick up ANY weapon before you find the sniper rifle. When you go to pick it up, at the SAME TIME you pick it up, switch your weapon and fire. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. The paintbrush should pop up. May take a couple of tries. When you get it, you can go paint some guys (just kidding) It has the same attack power as your hand.
quote: Originally posted by Nomed:
I used to be good at goldeneye, probobly not as good as you guys. What is the paint brush? What other secrets are there?
Tue Oct 10, 2000 7:32 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
My favorit Koei game was Shingen. It's a Utopia type game except you can control your guys when you fight people.
If you still have a nintendo, go find a funcoland and pick it up
Tue Oct 10, 2000 7:44 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
And if your talkin about eddy then lick my nuts he blows like woah. Ill own all of you with fukin heihachi xiayou chik paul hworang or jin...TQ bring it
And i raped at F-Zero when i was 12 ;(
"dot dot dot"
Tue Oct 10, 2000 10:59 pm |
Joined: 03 Oct 2000
Posts: 94
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Golden Gun is cheap as hell when you got peopple who ONLY want to play that :\
Fri Oct 13, 2000 11:00 am |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yes in goldeneye i know every spot you will pop up at, so you will die. Ogre battle,Tactics, ogrebattle 64 and Final Fantasy Tactics, including all the final fantasies 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 I have beaten. Ogre Battle rocked. But so do the Koei games =)
Fri Oct 13, 2000 1:46 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Other people have played Final Fantasy Tactics? I'm surprised given Sony's deplorable treatment of it (an advertising budget of about $5, horrible translation, etc.). That's one of the best games on the system =(
Fri Oct 13, 2000 4:05 pm |
Joined: 03 Oct 2000
Posts: 94
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
It is simply awesome... it is has one of the best plots in any game I have seen. I like it's plot more then Xenogears. I got my FFT brand new from a store for 40$ about 6 months ago. Aren't I lucky?
Fri Oct 13, 2000 4:36 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yes you're very lucky =) My friend had it and thought it sucked, so I gave him Rainbow Six for it. Sucks to be him =) I don't like it better than Xenogears though, that's one of my favorite games ever.
Fri Oct 13, 2000 7:07 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Dude the greatest game ever created is Drum roll please?
Fri Oct 13, 2000 7:44 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
KOEI strategy games? Piece of shit. Only platform strategy game I liked was Ogre Battle.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 12:41 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Which Ogre Battle? heh, now there are 3, but I don't know the developers.
1. Ogre Battle (SNES/PSX)
2. Tactics Ogre (PSX)
3. Ogre Battle 64 (N64)
You ever played Final Fantasy Tactics?
Sat Oct 14, 2000 12:51 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I never tried ogre battle tactics. Is ogre battle 64 worth playing? I'm thinking of renting it if I have some spare time.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 8:31 am |
Joined: 03 Oct 2000
Posts: 94
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I haven't tried Ogre Battle 64 myself, but many sites say it is a VERY good game, possibly game of the year, and I plan to buy it soon. Tactics Ogre is good too.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 8:55 am |