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Joined: 03 Oct 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
has anyone here beaten ALL the Final Fantasy games (even the game boy ones)?
Sat Oct 14, 2000 9:03 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Well the Gameboy ones aren't actually FF games...they're part of the Saga and Mana series.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 3:04 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
so what if they are part of a different series? I already knew that
but that doesn't mean they don't carry the Final Fantasy name.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 10:58 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yeah they do have Final Fantasy in their name, but so does Mystic Quest =P
Sat Oct 14, 2000 11:35 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Final Fantasy and Squaresoft are the BEST series/creators in the world. NO GAME can be better than the Final Fantasy Series. I just dont mean 1 game, because it starts out with 1. I mean THEM ALL. The graphics on the new Final Fantasies such as 8 are tight, but where do you think they got a lot of the ideas off of Final Fantasy 8 from? The rest of the Final Fantasies. That is what is so cool about them. They are whole new games, with whole new plots, but share a lot of the magic, summons, weapons, monsters, and some characters of earlier versions. Here is a perfect example. When you play FFT you can get cloud near the end. Now you all know he blows, and cant compare to some of the better characters. But why do you get him? BECAUSE HE WAS ON FINAL FANTSY 7. Just like most of the final fantasies has all the same INTRO music. And you also notice things like BIGGS AND WEDGE AND CID are on almost every final fantasy since 2 and 3. Because it brings back memories to the old games, and you feel more comforatable playing it.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 11:42 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
hrmm... Legend of Mana... fun. Simply put, fun. I enjoy the graphics even if they are a little kiddy, but with graphics like FF8, any graphics can be called kiddy if they are not up to par with FF8. In FFT Cloud could be decent if you actually bothered to level him up. Beowulf just owns, he needs to be in another game. And I agree completely about Chrono Cross... great, but not the best. What about the BoF series? It is damn good.
Sun Oct 15, 2000 11:10 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Actually another series that ruled was the Dragon Warrior Series. I still own all those Dragon Warrior NES games. ROFL. WHERE IS THE SEQUAL?
Sun Oct 15, 2000 11:18 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
It's not really just final fantasy series in my opinion that's great, most of squaresofts rpg's are great, chrono trigger and secret of evermore and secret of mana for example are great games too. If you havent played them and like the final fantasy series I suggest you try to find a copy. They were for snes and if you cant find them you can just go download a emulater and the rom's, zsnes is the most reliable emulator for snes I know of. I heard chrono cross is good too, anyone ever played it? I have not had a chance to get it myself.
Sun Oct 15, 2000 12:01 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yes i have played all those games, and i own them all, except chrono cross, which i will buy. Legend of mana sux. I have that game, and it is a game for a 2 year old. They need to come out with a sequal to secret of mana that is GOOD. And is just like secret of mana.
BTW i will still rox anyone at goldeneye =)
Sun Oct 15, 2000 12:09 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Heh, I know what you mean about Cloud in FFT. I wanted him to be good, but he sucked so bad
And I don't know what Square was thinking when they left The Prelude (the intro music) out of FF8. What were they thinking? Also, since FF5 all of them have had The Prologue music in the ending, and FF1-FF4 had them in other parts of the game.
I can't really get into Secret of Mana, but I liked the sequel on SNES. If you want it you can go to and get it plus a translation patch to put it in English. It's called Seiken Densetsu 3, and it really is good. I suggest you give it a try. I've heard Evermore sucked, but I don't know for sure since I've never actually played it. I agree completely with Chrono Trigger though, it's my favorite game along with FF7 and Xenogears.
And about Chrono Cross, I have it, and I've beat it, and it was very good. But, it was dissapointing in some areas. There were a lot of plot holes, and the story seemed to move too fast sometimes, and there were lots of annoying fetch quests and parts that just made you go "what the hell?". The worst part of it though, is at the end you have about ten hours worth of plot twists simply TOLD to you by someone. It's definitely worth buying though, because the story is good for the most part and the battles are really fun. It's just that it could have been incredible (like Chrono Trigger) instead of being just great
Sun Oct 15, 2000 12:27 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
There were two sequels for SNES that they didn't bring over from Japan. But part VII for Playstation is supposed to come out here sometime.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 12:30 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Uh, Final Fantasy 7 rocked, Final Fantasy 8 sucked. Maybe I'm missing something here, but the story in FF8 just seemed undeveloped. In most FF games I have played in the past, they start off slow, but halfway through, it draws you in with an incredible plot twist. This never happened in ff8, I found myself bored the entire way through. Yes the graphics were amazing. I don't know, maybe it was a good story and I just outgrew video games? Does anyone agree with me here?
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:20 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Lots of people say FF8 sucked. I liked it though. In my opinion it would have been tied with FF7, because I think they're even in almost every way. But I like FF7 just a little bit better because I like materia way better than junctioning.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:56 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
one of the things about FF8 compared to FF7 is you could be unstoppable at level 20. I mean all you have to do is ride balamb garden up to where you can draw those ultimas in Shumi Village, draw 100 ultimas for each character. Make 1 character (Squall) have super strenth with them, 1 character have super magic, and the other character have super magic too. Squall with 100 ultimas on his strenth puts it up too 255 almost instantly, and he will hit everything over 5000. So you can be strong as hell by the beginning of disc 2. And you can get his lionheart on disc 1 after you beat the brothers. So theres an unstoppable attack.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:31 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Yeah, FF8 could be easy like that. The first time I played it though I didn't understand the junction system that well, and Ultimecia killed me three times
My second time through though it wasn't even took me like five to ten minutes to go through the whole final boss sequence (not counting the ending).
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:36 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Chrono Cross is like that too. When you have the colored plates and the Mastermune... very easy.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:18 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
haha no wonder, i never even got squalls 2nd weapon, it seemed boring to me cuz like every battle all i did was summon monsters, and i got sick of watching them
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:25 am |

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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
All I did to beat Ultimecia, was use invicibility stuff (I forget how you get it, its either a junction that you have someone cast on you, or else its an item). I used that, and then I made sure when I used it everyone was at 1hp so they coul dkeep using their limit breaks. So all I did was use everyones limit breaks on Ultimecia for 15 minutes straight, being invincible so she couldn't hit me. REAL TOUGH BOSS. =/ FF7 blew in my opinion. I would never play FF7 again whereas I'd maybe give FF8 a chance. Nothing more fucking annoying than Chocobo Breeding. God that was boring, and Knights of the Round took so fucking long I wanted to fall a sleep when I was fighting Sephiroth. Plus how gay is it that you can cast KoTR 5 times and kill the last boss? At least Ultimecia was somewhat of a challenge, all 5 of her.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 10:03 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Not really kith, Ultimicia was just as easy as sepheroth, you could kill her with just squall alone. Just give him the aura spell {For infinite limit breaks} and the item that you steal or card mod that gives you invincibilities, then you just slam her with the LionHeart about 3 times, and she is owned, you watch her transform and shit, but it didnt take me that long to beat her, and the Omega Weapon with like 4062308620968 energy, He was easy to, i beat him without even using my other characters to attack, i just healed with them, and squall did all the work. You dont even need summoner monsters. But in FF7 that chocobo breeding was a pain in the fuckin ass. That was so boring, i liked the battle arena though, that was kind of fun. I didnt like the fact that you could only get some of the best materia in the final cave, because you pretty much had to go all the way down, then come all the way back up too build it. That was gay.
I have a lot of good ideas for new final fantasy games, if squaresoft would even think of them. Im sure a lot of fans could come up with some cool stuff, that squaresoft would approve. I just want my name in the ending and or beginning credits. =)
Tue Oct 17, 2000 11:41 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Well second time through FF8 was incredibly easy after I got a hang of junctioning, because I didn't understand it that good the first time.
All I did to beat Ultimecia was cast Aura on Irvine and Squall for unlimited limit breaks, and cast Meltdown on Ultimecia to bring her defense down to 0, and then let Squall hit her with Renzokuken and Irvine hit her with fast ammo/pulse ammo/AP ammo, and let Zell use a Megalixir every turn (I got a hundred of them from the Bahamut card).
I didn't like going down in the crater to get materia either. I was going to get the counter materia to help beat the weapons, and I was so far down I just said "fuck it" and kicked Sephiroth's ass.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 3:10 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I think FF3/6j is the best one :\
Tue Oct 17, 2000 4:34 pm |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Final Fantasy 3 is awesome as well, but not the best. However, It by far has the best soundtrack out of all of them. The music on that game just rocked.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 5:12 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I think FF6 has the best character themes, but overall I think it's tied with FF7 and FF8. I think FF6's battle themes were the worst from FF4-FF8 though except for the final boss music. FF9's music is also really good from what I've heard of it, and its battle theme 0WNS.
But in my opinion Xenogears has the best music out of ANY game
[This message has been edited by GhostNuke (edited 10-17-2000).]
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:26 pm |
Joined: 03 Oct 2000
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Maybe it was just the time FF6 came out when RPGs weren't always being pumped out of a company and we basically ONLY got the good ones, but FF6 just kept me playing the most and, to me, is the funnest. I enjoyed the esper system the most out of all the systems (except for FFT job system). It has really good character development, awesome music, good graphics for it's time, and really innovative features (esper system especially, I am unaware of any game of that time with a similiar system). But I am gonna go play FFT now, c-ya. (too bad Anthology slowed FF6 down a lot between menus/screens
Tue Oct 17, 2000 11:33 pm |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Dragon Warrior was really good,i liked the first and second the most,didnt really care about the rest,Ive only really played Final Fantasy 1 and 2.I tried the others on emu but they didnt really appeal to me.I like simple RPG's that dont have all that junctioning crap or whatever.I dont see wat the hype about Crono Trigger was,i thought it had a awesome storyline,but the battle system sucked.I found myself trying to avoid fights at any cost because i was getting tired of them.
Has anyone here beaten Zelda 1 without using the sword?You can get all the way to Gannon then you gotta use it,for obvious reasons.Getting through level 9 wizrobes with only 16 bombs was TOUGH.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 1:52 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Chrono Trigger had an awesome battle system, one of the most original ones the U.S. had ever seen. And a really great story with good character development. New Game+ allowed you to get all the endings (13?). And Magus was just awesome.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 7:58 am |
Goldeneye 007 for the N64
Heh, I didn't like Espers that much, because I spent probably three to five hours learning spells before going to Kefka's Tower =(
Magus owns though =)
Wed Oct 18, 2000 8:29 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
well, then you spent too much time gettin spells and I guess you didn't know about the island with the cactus that gives you a lot of MP (mp is right, right?). Magus owns. But, Kefka is the best villian.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 10:57 am |
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Goldeneye 007 for the N64
I have not been into the gaming much anymore, just curious of Final Fantasy 9 has come out in the US yet? and if not when does it come out? Also i heard final fantasy 10 and 11 come out next year around the same time, one will be an internet game. Can anyone tell me the projected dates for these?
Wed Oct 18, 2000 11:38 am |