Joined: 30 Nov 2003
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Warcraft II Replays Database
During the last past weeks, Replays Databse´s main programmer ZoItrix has been developing this WCII league, which is now ready to be launched.
Mayor League
features two different leagues, each one of them with his own first and second divisions, resulting on the possibility of being moved up/down between divisions depending on the points you have gained at the end of every season (seasons are 1 month lenght). Besides, the top players of each division will clash on a Champions League (a tourney-like event starring the four best qualyfied playeres) anytime a season comes to its end.
Once registered, you will have to face the rest of players in your division, playing them twice (one time on your settings, another time on theirs) on 1vs1 matches (players themselves will set date/time for playing their matches), trying to achieve as much points as possible until the end of the season.
Website is
, go there for further information about every detail of Mayor League, register, browse players, check brackets, and more. First Warcraft II Mayor League season starts on April the 1st, so please sign up for it as soon as possible... and have fun!!
ps: there is a Mayor League related forum
, you can post there anything about Mayor League, and of course feedback is always more than welcomed
edit: title, my bad
Last edited by CRyELTy-Vio on Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total