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Dont Look


Program Information:
Bob goes into 7-11 and buys 4 items. He checks it out and the clerk says,
"that'll be item 1 * item 2 * item 3 * item 4..coming out to 7.11."
Bob says "I just want to add them together to get my total".
The clerk says "It's the same either way."

Write a program to determine what these 4 amounts are in the most efficient way possible.

If you can do that, alter the program to replace 7.11 with a number that the user
types in.

Lastly, if you can finish that, also have the user type in the amount of items.

If the items CANNOT add/multiplyh to the total, then tell the user.



using namespace std;

int main()

int Va = 1;
int Vb = 1;
int Vc = 1;
int Vd = 1;
int Vtestcounter = 1;
int Vtotal = 711;
long Vmult = 71100000;

for (Va = Vb; Va < Vtotal; Va++) //Increment 'Va', until it equals Vtotal starting at 'Vb' See Note 1

for (Vb = Vc; Vb < Vtotal; Vb++) //Increment 'Vb' until it equals Vtotal, starting at 'Vc'

for (Vc = Vd; Vc < Vtotal; Vc++) //Increment 'Vb' until it equals Vtotal, starting at 'Vc'

for (Vd = 1; Vd < Vtotal; Vd++)
cout << "Sum: " << Va + Vb + Vc +Vd << " Product: " << Va * Vb * Vc * Vd << " " << Va << " " << Vb << " " << Vc << " " << Vd << " " << Vtestcounter << endl; //Helps keep track of output

if ((Va + Vb + Vc + Vd == Vtotal) && (Va * Vb * Vc * Vd == Vmult)) //If When added they come to the correct value, and when multiplied they do as well..
cout << "WE HAVE AN ANSWER!! " << endl << endl << "THE ANSWER IS: " << Va << " " << Vb << " " << Vc << " " << Vd << " " << endl; //If you find the answer, it will let you know.

Va = Vb = Vc = Vd = Vtotal+1; //Makes all the values 1 greater than Vtotal so that you can exit all of the 'For' loops

//If incorrect..
Vtestcounter = Vd; //Start testcounter at 0

while (Vmult % Vtestcounter != 0) //While Vmult / Vmult does not come out evenly
Vtestcounter++; //Increment Vtestcounter so that it comes out evenly

Vd = Vtestcounter; //Make 'Vd' equal to Vtestcounter
} //End "else"

//Now it is going to increment Vd until it reaches the highest number that can go into Vtotal

} //End Vd For Loop
Vtestcounter = Vc; //Vtestcounter is now saved as 'Vc', which will at first equal 1, then increment each time 'Vd' goes through to the highest integar

while (Vmult % Vtestcounter != 0) //While Vmult / Vtestcounter does not come out evenly
Vtestcounter++; //Increment Vtestcounter so that it comes out evenly

Vc = Vtestcounter; //Make 'Vc' equal to Vtestcounter
Vd = 1; //Reset the value of 'Vd', so that it can be used for next loop.
} //End Vc For Loop

Vtestcounter = Vb; //Vtestcounter is now saved as 'Vb', which will at first equal 1, then increment each time 'Vd' goes through to the highest integar

while (Vtotal % Vtestcounter != 0) //While Vmult / Vtestcounter does not come out evenly
Vtestcounter++; //Increment Vtestcounter so that it comes out evenly

Vb = Vtestcounter; //Make 'Vd' equal to Vtestcounter
Vd = Vc = 1; //Reset 'Vd' and 'Vc'

} //End 'Vb' For Loop

Vtestcounter = Va; //Vtestcounter is now saved as 'Va', which will at first equal 1, then increment each time 'Vd' goes through to the highest integar

while (Vmult % Vtestcounter != 0) //While Vmult / Vtestcounter does not come out evenly
Vtestcounter++; //Increment Vtestcounter so that it comes out evenly

Va = Vtestcounter; //Make 'Va' equal to Vtestcounter
Vb = Vc = Vd = 1; //Reset Vb, Vc and Vd.

} //End 'Va' For Loop



Post Wed Oct 02, 2002 12:15 pm 
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FuCKiN9 cod3R NEwBI3EE

Post Wed Oct 16, 2002 2:28 pm 
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