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i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
I basically do a 1 rax rush choke but i build my lumber mill like right after the smith and rax instead of at lvl 3 or ect.
then, after a few grunts from the 1st rax, i build a 2nd rax INSIDE the base and get a cat. Then i go fast lust and use the chokepoint and cat to defend against rushers. if they dualed, i would switch to heavy grunting and use my earlier cat to take him out. i used this strat a couple of times and i thought it was pretty effective, but please give me some opinoins. thanks.
Sun Nov 12, 2000 11:15 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
if it works, go with it
- SaBiQ
Mon Nov 13, 2000 12:53 am |
Joined: 04 Oct 2000
Posts: 157
Location: Centreville, Va |
i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
not bad i recommend staying as generalized as possible until you see what the opp. is up to. specially in a 1on1. but hey if your good and play smart your fine. war2 tactics will always own race tactics. basically shown here in the case of a sap/cat rush.
Mon Nov 13, 2000 1:37 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
You can do the same thing a lot cheaper just by making your rax able to pop a catapult inside (by putting grunts in certain spots), then you don't need the 2nd rax until stronghold, and you can power a lot faster to lust.
Mon Nov 13, 2000 4:27 pm |
i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
I have never been comfortable making an early cat out of one bkx because it takes sooooo long to build. It shuts down getting out a few more grunts to face the early rushers. Assuming you send out your first couple grunts to scout, doesn't it leave you short of troops? It wouldn't mind giving it a try but was wondering how many people really do it.
Tue Nov 14, 2000 6:17 pm |
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 512
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i'm wondering if this is a good strat...
sabiq why would u say something so unhelpful and dumb?
#1 sLuGGster
Sat Nov 18, 2000 5:59 am |