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Take it as a compliment or an insult?
If you're playing your 4th game in 6 months, beating a so called "elite player" twice and then being called a hacker..... =\
I think I've taken it as a compliment, keep up the good work "elite player".
Fri Oct 06, 2000 2:08 pm |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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Take it as a compliment or an insult?
like woah
"dot dot dot"
Fri Oct 06, 2000 9:26 pm |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
People accuse me of hacking all the time, its a way of dealing with the loss, called displacement
Mon Oct 23, 2000 11:38 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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Take it as a compliment or an insult?
ok I have a list of hackers here.
gaymike: no one can trash talk THAT much and be able to back it up 24/7. sides, hes gay.
wulfgar: yea baby theres just no way wulf can beat me 1vs1. never happen
oddeye: no explanation necessary
unbeatable0 + god2391: they both accuse each other so much ..I assume they both correct
shazm: bizatch said it, so it MUST be true.
starleague: found my exp on hsc/high 1vs1. yea it was next to his base but COME ON
shy: hm..his brother got caught using map well then since his bro does he MUST use it.
detheternity: im basing this on a 1vs1 I played vs him long time ago. and rumors. lots of rumors.
untouchable aka thanos87: no scrub like that could POSSIBLY get #1 on ladder and keep it.
valkrie: valk prolly doesnt hack but when you say something like "lvl 4 saps is a bnet bug" makes you think what drug hes on. and saying "soth your dad must have raped you" sure makes him look like an intellect eh?
im sure I missed someone. with the exception of dethetern, oddeye and valk, please forgive my FUCKING SARCASM.
ok if any you didnt understand that, I'll be glad to spell it out for you. stop with the accusations.
Mage Guild
Tue Oct 24, 2000 3:03 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 1197
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Take it as a compliment or an insult?
right, i talk shit so therefore I must hack.
Nice guys never use hacks.
Koreans never lose games.
KHB is the greatest player alive.
unbeatable0 (nolimit98) is just good, he never does anything suspicious.
Soth isn't cocky, he has a right to feel confident. After all, the DA clan (including DA_Mighty) worships him.
I've never beaten anyone good in my lifetime.
Maybe I should quit.
When I do quit, I won't make a top 10 list of who I think is good.
Top 10 lists are retarded, I believe I have succeeded almost everyone's skill level who was previously better than me in the past. (Decap say hi to UK_Asrammer for me please =(
And this controversy of me hacking... who has accused me? Let's name the players:
funny isn't it. with the exception of Kith, all the rest of the players on my list have been accused too =(
Theres a lot of talk going around saying (DI)Tizzzy was a fake. (the newbies seem to be obsessed with it) Its obvious it was a fake, (DI)Tizzzy talked so much shit it was unbelievable. The real tizzzy was very humble and honorable.
Jigga Man was very wise, I agreed with everything he posted on 24-7. (Especially the part about the head-ass syndrome?) If nobody sucked up, Players wouldn't think they are god. DI for instance. (I hope you are reading this Wulfgar)
I don't know why this turned out to be such a long post. but I know what I say is true on here.
I'm not a sarcastic type of guy.
[This message has been edited by ~Summoner (edited 10-25-2000).]
Wed Oct 25, 2000 10:10 am |
Joined: 04 Oct 2000
Posts: 157
Location: Centreville, Va |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
lets not brang too much watje, i think we all are called hackers.
Fri Oct 27, 2000 10:35 pm |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
The real tizzzy was very humble and
Mon Nov 06, 2000 6:33 pm |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
I know for a fact that Oddeye at least used to hack. He actually made some kind of hack back in the Heat days that was supposed to keep him from being dropped, but when he lagged for about a minute and I tried to drop him it just crashed war2. I'm also pretty sure that $hazm (aka Jopon) and Eternity hacked at some point in time.
Oh yeah and Summoner, if they use hacks then they're not really nice guys are they?
And Jigga is a moron =P
Mon Nov 06, 2000 9:54 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 1197
Location: Heaven, Universe |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
sarcasm is underrated. and i think lilrookie was caught hacking, and does he ever talk shit?
Tue Nov 07, 2000 5:13 pm |
Take it as a compliment or an insult?
I have said this before. lilrookie was the only person I ever allied that never cared at all if he won or lost. He played competetively, but he was happy if he won, and happy if he lost.
I couldn't prove either way, but I sincerely doubt anyone else could actually prove that lilrookie hacked or had a reason to. I did read the post on Bizatch's page. I didn't see any evidence.
Tue Nov 07, 2000 8:36 pm |