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anyone play this....if so lets discuss the game! _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:34 pm |

Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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Whats your handle? Started with Pokemon when I was a lil kid n grew into Magic on XBox like 15 years later.
Strategy ftw! Blizz gonna take over Magic? jeez.
Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:02 pm |

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i've been playing since early closed beta, its pretty fun but for fans of magic there doesn't seem much variety here. Will get much better when the card library gets larger I think. Arena is pretty good though. Also sucks all you can do is 1v1, more game types is def. needed, 2hg was my fav in magic.
Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:49 am |
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yeah this game makes me miss playing magic.. I'm having fun w/ it but wish it had a larger card limit
Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:44 pm |

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ive been enjoying hearthstone for the last few months. I don't have many legendaries or epics since I haven't bought packs (I actually did buy $10 worth of packs to get the only-available-to-beta-purchasers legendary).
I just play arena all the time while I am building my collection up, I'm not amazing, but I am good enough to sustain my arena runs through arena rewards.
Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:08 pm |

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yea, i figured out the hard way literally the best way to win alot in arena is draft lots of high efficiency creatures (like chillwind yeti) and only aoe removal if any. single target removal is just generally bad in arena. except for some things like perhaps mind control since i started doin that i avg 7-8ish wins, barring someone getting a really lucky draft you can just nonstop spam cost efficient creatures and they rarely have enough removal to deal with it. also if the game goes really long and theres only a few cards left in your respective decks, if his last cards are spells, and yours are creatures, odds are good you win easily
Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:20 pm |

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Ive just been playing too many control decks lately. As long as I choose my starting hand right I'm good as board control won't be too much of an issue. A rush down deck would kill this thing I think, but I've only faced a couple and they didn't play their hands right at all.
This game is like Chess, so you clowns in the other forum should dl it.
Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:20 pm |
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I don't think this game is like chess at all. the outcome of games is either completely random, or my opponent doesn't know what they're doing, or they just have tons of rare cards that have a much bigger impact on the game.
It's fun and I'm enjoying it in spurts but there's a pretty low skill ceiling. Once you figure out what sequence to play your cards in and have seen all/most of the cards and get an idea of what to expect from different decks, then all you can really do is keep your fingers crossed and pray that the randomness of the game falls in your favor
Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:27 pm |

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its not as complex as something like magic, but it certainly has a high skill cap.
Its not like chess, its like poker. You can cry that the man across the table won because he had more chips than you (i.e. more cards) or you can cry that he got a luckier draw, and both can be true in the short term, but in the long term better players play better, and win more.
The skill is not in learning what all the cards do, that just takes time and practice, the skill in poker is not learning the ranking of hands, its not even in learning the probabilities at play, that also just comes with repetition. Where the skill ceiling gets raised is the ability to more accurately predict your opponents plays based on less and less information. A better player sees a murloc played on turn 1, and knows fairly instantly that his hard removal (polymorph, hex, etc) is going to be devalued as a murloc deck probably is not carrying very many high drops--thus he may decide to use a polymorph on a 4 or 5 cost minion instead of saving it for the ragnaros that will never come. He also knows that his board-wiping spells and taunts will be of much higher value.
so tl;dr hearthstone=poker, not chess
Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:43 am |

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@turtleman cards help but aren't that important like they are in magic.
One fairly well known player (Trump) got to rank 1 with basic cards.
Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:23 pm |

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a few notable streamers have made it to legendary with free/very cheap decks.
these guys play all day and are also very very good players, with a good feel for the pulse of the metagame.
i'd like to rank up in the ladder, but i only play for like an hour per night, and I enjoy that hour much more when im playing arena. I love drafting decks, I love the excitement of "buying into" a tournament where you may or may not win your buyin back. I am starting to have a decent collection of cards so I may go for a high rank on the ladder after the next reset. For now I have no motivation to play ranked unless I am currently on a winning streak, once the streak is over I get bored real quick
Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:57 pm |

Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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Yeah, it is more like Poker then Chess. I was just trying to get people to try it out, with all the Chess talk. I will say that every move matters. With limited cards there is always the "right play" and you know you fucked up as soon as its over. I've lost so many times over 1 turn. As of late I'm like 50-10 in constructed play. I've yet to play a ranked match, idk why.. waiting for more cards I guess, I hate losing.
Tillermans Perfect Play
Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:06 pm |

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If they add discard the game would change completely. Too many people waste cards and the way to win is being patient and controlling the board. I dont have to worry about losing my hand.
Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:14 pm |

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yes i used to play with axslav and strifecro in warcraft3 pretty regularly. i used to think that strife hacked @ war3 but probably not
Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:07 am |

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Originally posted by Scrub
If they add discard the game would change completely. Too many people waste cards and the way to win is being patient and controlling the board. I dont have to worry about losing my hand.
once you hit rank 10 or higher you dont see much control actually. some warrior control and the occasional druid control, but a TON of murloc warlock, midrange warlock, and aggro hunters
Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:17 pm |

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tmang do you want me to buy you some packs? _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:33 pm |

Joined: 21 Aug 2003
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i basically bought 2 boxes of cards...
i got 1600 dust now....what legendary should i craft... _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:23 pm |

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that deck is pretty bad to be honest
needs more lightspawn
Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:37 am |

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Originally posted by Allstar
that deck is pretty bad to be honest
needs more lightspawn
yea but once it gets hit if it dont get healed asap its worthless...but can be a cute card if u buff +2 hp or double hp
i had to rofl @ when i used the circle of healing....i had my guys split thier hits so i had more dmg'd guys
i had 2 clerics out and got so many cards it filled my hand and burnt cards up...AND IT HEALED HIS MINIONS TOO ROFL
light spawn i used early when i had no cards...didnt care for it...for some reason i keep geblin in the deck.
since card draws and mana generation (econ) is usually equal and like the buzzard w/hunter and cleric with priest. out drawing usually is ftw _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:34 am |

Joined: 26 Mar 2010
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is this like that magic the gathering sequel or somethin
Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:26 am |

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Originally posted by stoned@chayliss
Originally posted by Allstar
that deck is pretty bad to be honest
needs more lightspawn
yea but once it gets hit if it dont get healed asap its worthless...but can be a cute card if u buff +2 hp or double hp
i had to rofl @ when i used the circle of healing....i had my guys split thier hits so i had more dmg'd guys
i had 2 clerics out and got so many cards it filled my hand and burnt cards up...AND IT HEALED HIS MINIONS TOO ROFL
light spawn i used early when i had no cards...didnt care for it...for some reason i keep geblin in the deck.
since card draws and mana generation (econ) is usually equal and like the buzzard w/hunter and cleric with priest. out drawing usually is ftw
ancient watcher can be cute w/ silence for priest as well.
probly stronger in druid but still
Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:02 pm |

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Originally posted by woofy
is this like that magic the gathering sequel or somethin
not quite. its very similar. its new so card pool is very limited, but the main difference is no land draw mechanic, you simply gain a new 'mana' each turn so no mana screw potential. And you can attack creatures or the enemy hero any time you want (except if they have 'taunt' creatures, you have to take them out first.)
and 30 card decks and 2 of each copy vs 60 and 4
also has quite a few RNG mechanics especially the legendary's that in my opinion keep it from ever being as competitive as mtg was.
Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:04 pm |

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last night me and my girlfriend decided to try to get legendary one one account together, since neither of us plays enough ladder to do it on our own. We got to rank 12 last night, so it was a good start.
We've been playing a midrange control paladin, with tirion, ragnaros and faceless manipulator as the finishing moves.
Games are long and slow, truesilvers carry us through the early mid game and saving equality+combo card for board clears helps us deal with whatever later. We run 2 guardian of kings for a total of 12 heal, that combined with our big minions and late game finishers has been successful.
With the nerf to tinkmaster, this fucking tirion fordring just goes absolutely ham. Hex and Polymorph shut him down hard, so we have to try to bait out those cards against mage/shaman. I feel like our win rate in games where Tirion doesn't get hexxed/polymorphed/silence is about 100%, that ashbringer is just too much. Even if he gets silenced you've got a 6/6 on the board to do some damage with.
When tirion gets silenced/hexed, our other big win condition is ragnaros, whom we like to faceless manipulate if he survives.
Rush decks can be trouble if they draw very well and we don't draw into our board clear/heal fast enough, but I find all the non-hunter aggro usually runs out of steam just a bit too early, allowing us to drop a turn 7 guardian of kings and heal back up to safety.
Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:54 pm |

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i like the rush decks where they have all the murloc epic and on turn 3 with a perfect draw.... _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:04 pm |

Joined: 21 Aug 2003
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why dont we all do inhouse games?
me and turtleman have played _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:05 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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Originally posted by stoned@chayliss
i like the rush decks where they have all the murloc epic and on turn 3 with a perfect draw....
i have a warlock murloc deck with all of the murlocs, including the epic and legendary. This deck either wins the game or loses the game pretty quickly. You usually know on turn 4-5 if you're going to win or not
Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:42 am |