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Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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[color=red]AN ALIEN STORY,[/color]
Well, since this is all alien talk and conspiracies and shit
heres a rather long but fun to read story of someone I read:
the original article is in spanish, i goggled-translated this but you know how
translators are, they literally blow, i made effort and corrected
pretty much did of the 70% translation lol
have spare time?, read it, its fun
The article itself even in spanish is hard to grasp, tried my best to do a proper translation but note that it's not a problem of the translation itself if when you're reading you feel funny about what your reading not making much sense
this guy talks about a lot of shit i dont fully understand myself rofl
And i didnt translate the whole document, just 70% of it... maybe tomorrow will complete if anyone is interested
I don't fully get what are some of terms he uses, so.. keep that in mind that its not translation errors
Now, between us: i'll talk roughly what's like life to me:
Since I came into direct contact (physical ) , both with Olympic ( Nibiruan nephillims ) , aliens and Atlanteans ( intraterrestrial ), my life ceased to be normal. First had to go to uninhabited locations to contact them, those were whole-day trips, I could handle that and keep my job without interfering much with my job that keeps me decently without having unnecessary luxuries, as I'm just passing through.
Then After, they began to show up in my house as they pleased, without further notice , which forced me to live alone without family and without my daughters, who are unfortunately not very aware . After a while they didn't just show up, but teleported me to their ships or their underground cities , no matter what I was doing at the present time, they didn't give a shit. They use me as their errand boy go tell the olympians and the atlanteans this or that , as they do not want to solve their differences by their egos and their big pride.
Imagine, if its not the nipphirim its the atlanteans taking me out of my daily life, my work gets interrupted, or just living with my daughters or having friends, I'm abruptly interrupted of my daily life, even though I last 1 hour in a ship or in Aztlan, back here (on earth), a week has passed and in my return my clients have switched provider or got pissed off, the same goes with my daughters and friends alike. . THrow in that, when I am over there, the photonic energy rejuvenates and revitalies me but at the moment I'm coming back I have to re-decode my body at the cronological age of the low density energy that this planetary hologram is based on. (earth)
That wears me out a lot both physically and emotionally, it's like having to wear the old suit every time I return , it's extremely frustrating . Throw in that I have to swallow all the knowledge and information I receive and risk of being declared schizophrenic and unable to justify my absence from the home planet and my house, I have no social life. my friends I see them sometimes every week or every month depending on where I am and I try to catch up.
I Do not smoke , do not drink , do not do drugs , don't do sports, don't go to the movies, can't even get myself to a nightclub to have fun with the ladies. My mind is totally occupied decoding much information, and What FOR? if what I find I can't disclose to others ... And as if that alone wasnt enough already, add up the fights between them (atlantians, olympians, nephillim). _I_ have to bear with em. due their pride and big egos, they see us as insignficant ants and I have to try to reconcile and be soft for them so they leave me alone . I'm back to the planet and I'm clueless as to what day I'm being returned, I immediately have to catch up to work to pay bills, go back to the daily routine with angry customers that sent me to hell cuz of my failing to deliver.
They handle the weak minds so every now and then they send me clients just enough to get by , but nothing major contracts , just simple and quick little jobs nothing to engage myself for some time. I set the condition that if they wanted me to be their full-time errandboy, they would need to give me enough to live comfortably and so i could provide my daughters the standard needs.
I have remained neutral in their disputes since entered the hologram only as an observer , they want me to take a side, given that I have to fulfill a report to the council and some of them want me in their side just as the others do too, otherwise I'd get my nuts tightened to the max and hit me where it hurts most . My stand at not taking sides makes them all nervous and unsteady but thats precisely my life insurance given that I'm the only holographic projection in this planet and it is the first time I am over here.
There's no such thing as perfection in the universe , Every teleportation cause some loss of information, its minimal though , my atom leaves plasmatic residuales in maya, that in my body are called free radicals or celular disorientation
It costs me a great deal of work and energy the fact of re-decoding myself by meditative trances, given that every teleport consists of disintegrating my body and re-integrating it somewhere else, this hurts and tires a standard human body, since the frequencies they are used to with their bodies is meant for activated bodies and not for these bodies without the proper energy.
Why Me ? and no other or others ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .
You all know my reluctance to open my mouth and say everything I know, my attempt to handle myself at a low profile and tame my personal ego
All this has a reason.
My name is Enrique Adame, 'EA'
Adame is red man in arabic and in Hebrew.
Ad -am is red man in the Atlantean language.
I am in other words EA , the red man .
That's my genetics, at least the body I occupy .
My Cosmic name is He- Al . And only use it outside the hologram,
Here im just EA
Having pleyadian blood, selenite nibbirum and Atlantean-dragon, I am a hybrid, because of this I am accepted on both sides , I am respected for genetic race in both parties. From my atlantean part im from the plasmatic Original dragon race by grandfather . My grandfather is pleyadian of meropenem and Nibirum . My mother is pleyadian selenite and nibirum . Nin. My father is half plasmatic dragon and half meropean pleyadian . I'm from the first generation original Atlanteans .
Its a big shit all this blood thing.
The important thing is that I'm acccepted and respected due to my lineage and my blood, they also know that I do not claim anything for me, but for all mankind . The council of Aeon know that i'm not just about reporting planetary events , but also to decide what to do with the parties and the real world ( x1), not just the hologram.
I already gave up all rights of lineage and blood. There's no turning back from that.. I was actually OK as an observer, i travelled all around the world without worrying until I became aware and got a conscience and decided to do something for humanity and began to speak , thats when they pulled my strings, its when the problem began . I want to make clear that it is the pleyadians nephilim from nibiru that have the rope around my neck, given that they are the controllers and masters of the planet. The Atlanteans are the ones that help but they can't intervene in my favor in big issues due to their attitude of keeping a low profile occult in their underground cities and their risk is too big so I don't want to cause them trouble
Why me? and not someone else?
Well, thats what I got to do. that simple. Im here with you all, as a warrior with the resistance and as a cosmo hacker, fighting ignorance, fanatism, disproportionate ambition. trying to to reconcile the two parties . I consider myself totally as Atlantean , I like my home , and I also enjoy my Pleiadians relatives.
I try to reconcile, to unite, to be unbiased co-participant , so we can all live in harmony, respect, acceptance . The Olympics ( nibbirims ) , know that can't physically touch me, not even the secondary government can do, that is the law. I've been living in the mother ship nibiru for a while ( earth moon) , initially a lot of parties , lots of gossip party but I realized the falsehoods of their promises and came back, but mostly cuz of missing my daughters
I also spent time in Aztlan, and that was a hard experience because thats when i learned the awful truth just as it was, and i am grateful because i was allowed to balance reality and the controller's veil fell (world global government),
I am one code away from being able to active my inner krystal (or 12th chakra) and burst the bubble of this matrix and their controllers and in turn liberate all mankind, end poberty, end diseases and totally open all consciences
Why do you think they won't leave me alone??
That's the real reason I am worldly distracted trying to mundanely survive , so as to I can't fully devote myself to the real reason for being over there . Certainly they fear me , they know I'm just one step to accomplish and know that I will act with cosmic justice bypassing planetary justice , they do not want that to happen , but one way or another will happen .
Anyway I hope this serves you all to to know me a little more , and understand why I act the way I do. It is a matter of egos. They, my relative nephilims ,have struggled for over 500.000 years have struggled trying to take over the planet , and inherit not just earth but the solar system, this is a vrey complex thing.. Once Marduk is nullified.
the struggle is centered between them (nibbirum) and Ninurta (Miguel) is the most interested in that. Although I have given up any right of blood, lineage and caste , the attempts to humiliate me are strong, , they know they can't phsically touch me , but they fuck my life at the lamest excuse, and me openinng my mouth gave them that excuse
So now, to hold and withstand the storm until the expected day arrives.
They can't tolerate the fcat of me having Enki blood in my veins, and less the fact that someone they knew nothing about (except Anu, Enlil and Minin) out of nowhere shows up and ends with their schemes, so much ego... fuck. ! Well I did not ask this, just happened to me I fell surprise all this stuff , they brought me here fooled from the planet where i was and when I was already within the hologram me released very disguised the thing was, until I contacted the Atlanteans thats when I knew the whole truth and i wasn't able to cast myself out of here. It's been just a couple of years since Mr Enki found out of my existance, we've had had long talks about it, he 's a fun guy , hehehehe .
Wow, having had had to deal with all the nibbirrum poltical hierarchy in the most hard moments and on top of that the problem of Marduk, required me a lot of inner strenght
Outside matrix time runs differently, you would think they are immortal but no, they aren't
time just passes more slowly for them. But all this crap is about to come to an end.
Don't think im some sort of redemptor or messiah, no, nothing like that , if not for my daughters and I would had been gone from here, or at least would be safe in Aztlan , or Atlantis , but i'm more atracted to be at Mayapan, , being under many thousands of tons of water is scary , I prefer underground cities that underwater ones.
The fact that I was concealed from the Mr. Enki was to prevent the he claimed complete control over the planet , thats why I was taken out of the galaxy when I was born, that was Anu and Enlil's orders. I was to be silently killed but my uncle that we here know as Gabriel (or Apollo) concealed me in the Virgo system, i grew there with a different family ignoring my origins, and because over there they are also in human form, my presence went unnoted. It was Gabriel that brought me here (earth) by the order of the elderly council, hiding me as an observer but with a different purpose after it was revealed to me my origins and goal, goal that I of course declined.
I'm monitored every single moment of day and night by both parties both parties,
sometimes i escape to Aztlan I'm able to lose them because I have to do several teleportation triangulations in order to confuse the signals.
Well that's enough of history, we'll see what follows after this cause of me saying all of this. For all those that have not had a single extraterrestial contact, even of the 1st type (visual) it would be hard to understand what this is all about and will read this as science fiction.
Well anyone up to their own belief and knowledge of the subject. _________________
Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:25 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
fun fact that: aztlan is an old aztec city
and mayapan: a mayan archeological site
Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:10 am |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
Originally posted by smurf_king
so its normal cancer increase cuz we have longer life expectancy ?
yes. earlier in history when our life expectancy was much lower people would die before ever getting cancer, probably to some other disease we've now cured, so it was barely known.
cancer started really becoming known as our life expectancy increased. it's age related like i said. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:37 am |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
leukemia in children is caused by corporations using our earth as a toxic waste dump, also toxins spewing from vehicles .. if you drive you are responsible for giving children cancer, kill yourself. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:18 am |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by Jon;
leukemia in children is caused by corporations using our earth as a toxic waste dump, also toxins spewing from vehicles .. if you drive you are responsible for giving children cancer, kill yourself.
*gets driven by mom everywhere* _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:29 am |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
i walk everywhere, it's why i have huge leg muscles. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:15 pm |
Joined: 21 Nov 2001
Posts: 5886
Originally posted by Jon;
leukemia in children is caused by corporations using our earth as a toxic waste dump, also toxins spewing from vehicles .. if you drive you are responsible for giving children cancer, kill yourself.
lolllllllllllllllll _________________ "...667 seems to be bereft of anything but silly personal attacks and a general vomitory of retardation"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:25 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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Originally posted by woofy
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
According to David Icke...
David is a smart guy and most of his stuff is dead on. He even called out Saville for being a pedo back in 1993. But he mixes in some really out there things like the reptilians which really hurts his image.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:40 pm |

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Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
Vaccines, aspartame, and high frutcose corn syrup all cause autism. If you drink flouridated water you're fucking retarded (probably because of the water you drink)
Your right, its a cumulative effects from all those. There was a recent harvard fluoride study that concluded that people in fluoridated areas had significantly lower IQ's, so you are right on that as well.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:45 pm |

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Originally posted by Jon;
that anti-vaccine movement is dangerous and children have died stupidly because of parents refusing vaccination.
I am sure the incentive is huge from big pharma to cure disease with vaccines lol. hurr durr
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:46 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
a lot of people called out saville for being a pedo, sadowitz called him out in the 80s lol _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:47 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by Jon;
that anti-vaccine movement is dangerous and children have died stupidly because of parents refusing vaccination.
I am sure the incentive is huge from big pharma to cure disease with vaccines lol. hurr durr
it's a huge incentive to keep society relatively healthy... does it cross your mind why diseases we've been riddled with throughout history are suddenly almost non existent? that's vaccines. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:48 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
they probably make more money off the vaccines than they would if they made drugs to treat people that got sick from measles/smallpox/polio etc. GanzTheRetard _________________
Originally posted by smurf_king
i rather be a pedophile than a homo
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:50 pm |

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Originally posted by Jon;
it's a huge incentive to keep society relatively healthy... does it cross your mind why diseases we've been riddled with throughout history are suddenly almost non existent? that's vaccines.
When was the last vaccine made that ever cured anything like 1950? lol They make their money off the sick it makes no sense to want to have healthy people from a business standpoint.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:52 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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Originally posted by foonat
they probably make more money off the vaccines than they would if they made drugs to treat people that got sick from measles/smallpox/polio etc. GanzTheRetard
They make even more money off BOTH. Selling vaccines that fuck up your immune system and make you sick, so you need drugs. Its not rocket science here foolnat.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:54 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by Jon;
it's a huge incentive to keep society relatively healthy... does it cross your mind why diseases we've been riddled with throughout history are suddenly almost non existent? that's vaccines.
When was the last vaccine made that ever cured anything like 1950? lol They make their money off the sick it makes no sense to want to have healthy people from a business standpoint.
if you stop vaccination completely disease can come back. there has been hib outbreaks because some idiot parents don't want to vaccinate their child.. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:56 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Wow you're saying the international finance class might not actually have our best interests at heart when they manufacture and sell huge amounts of drugs and vaccines and then convince us of the absolute necessity of these commodities to solve all our problems through veritable brainwashing via the various multinational media conglomerates they enjoy absolute control over and use to advance their interests at the expense of all the rest of mankind at every turn???? You're a fucking insane conspiracy theorist!!!!! hurrrrrr _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:02 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by foonat
they probably make more money off the vaccines than they would if they made drugs to treat people that got sick from measles/smallpox/polio etc. GanzTheRetard
They make even more money off BOTH. Selling vaccines that fuck up your immune system and make you sick, so you need drugs. Its not rocket science here
lol owned.
but yea capitalism's disgusting like that. doesn't mean there aren't some vaccines that are absolutely necessary. _________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:26 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
"Capitalism is disgusting." *is a middle class NEET who lives in canada, refrains from driving in exchange for complete absolution of first world sin* _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:29 pm |
Joined: 13 Oct 2008
Posts: 13966
_________________ "i don't have pet peeves, i have major psychotic fucking hatreds"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:35 pm |
Fast Luck

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Re: [color=red]AN ALIEN STORY,[/color]
Originally posted by smurf_king
Well, since this is all alien talk and conspiracies and shit
heres a rather long but fun to read story of someone I read:
the original article is in spanish, i goggled-translated this but you know how
translators are, they literally blow, i made effort and corrected
pretty much did of the 70% translation lol
have spare time?, read it, its fun
The article itself even in spanish is hard to grasp, tried my best to do a proper translation but note that it's not a problem of the translation itself if when you're reading you feel funny about what your reading not making much sense
this guy talks about a lot of shit i dont fully understand myself rofl
And i didnt translate the whole document, just 70% of it... maybe tomorrow will complete if anyone is interested
I don't fully get what are some of terms he uses, so.. keep that in mind that its not translation errors
Now, between us: i'll talk roughly what's like life to me:
Since I came into direct contact (physical ) , both with Olympic ( Nibiruan nephillims ) , aliens and Atlanteans ( intraterrestrial ), my life ceased to be normal. First had to go to uninhabited locations to contact them, those were whole-day trips, I could handle that and keep my job without interfering much with my job that keeps me decently without having unnecessary luxuries, as I'm just passing through.
Then After, they began to show up in my house as they pleased, without further notice , which forced me to live alone without family and without my daughters, who are unfortunately not very aware . After a while they didn't just show up, but teleported me to their ships or their underground cities , no matter what I was doing at the present time, they didn't give a shit. They use me as their errand boy go tell the olympians and the atlanteans this or that , as they do not want to solve their differences by their egos and their big pride.
Imagine, if its not the nipphirim its the atlanteans taking me out of my daily life, my work gets interrupted, or just living with my daughters or having friends, I'm abruptly interrupted of my daily life, even though I last 1 hour in a ship or in Aztlan, back here (on earth), a week has passed and in my return my clients have switched provider or got pissed off, the same goes with my daughters and friends alike. . THrow in that, when I am over there, the photonic energy rejuvenates and revitalies me but at the moment I'm coming back I have to re-decode my body at the cronological age of the low density energy that this planetary hologram is based on. (earth)
That wears me out a lot both physically and emotionally, it's like having to wear the old suit every time I return , it's extremely frustrating . Throw in that I have to swallow all the knowledge and information I receive and risk of being declared schizophrenic and unable to justify my absence from the home planet and my house, I have no social life. my friends I see them sometimes every week or every month depending on where I am and I try to catch up.
I Do not smoke , do not drink , do not do drugs , don't do sports, don't go to the movies, can't even get myself to a nightclub to have fun with the ladies. My mind is totally occupied decoding much information, and What FOR? if what I find I can't disclose to others ... And as if that alone wasnt enough already, add up the fights between them (atlantians, olympians, nephillim). _I_ have to bear with em. due their pride and big egos, they see us as insignficant ants and I have to try to reconcile and be soft for them so they leave me alone . I'm back to the planet and I'm clueless as to what day I'm being returned, I immediately have to catch up to work to pay bills, go back to the daily routine with angry customers that sent me to hell cuz of my failing to deliver.
They handle the weak minds so every now and then they send me clients just enough to get by , but nothing major contracts , just simple and quick little jobs nothing to engage myself for some time. I set the condition that if they wanted me to be their full-time errandboy, they would need to give me enough to live comfortably and so i could provide my daughters the standard needs.
I have remained neutral in their disputes since entered the hologram only as an observer , they want me to take a side, given that I have to fulfill a report to the council and some of them want me in their side just as the others do too, otherwise I'd get my nuts tightened to the max and hit me where it hurts most . My stand at not taking sides makes them all nervous and unsteady but thats precisely my life insurance given that I'm the only holographic projection in this planet and it is the first time I am over here.
There's no such thing as perfection in the universe , Every teleportation cause some loss of information, its minimal though , my atom leaves plasmatic residuales in maya, that in my body are called free radicals or celular disorientation
It costs me a great deal of work and energy the fact of re-decoding myself by meditative trances, given that every teleport consists of disintegrating my body and re-integrating it somewhere else, this hurts and tires a standard human body, since the frequencies they are used to with their bodies is meant for activated bodies and not for these bodies without the proper energy.
Why Me ? and no other or others ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .
You all know my reluctance to open my mouth and say everything I know, my attempt to handle myself at a low profile and tame my personal ego
All this has a reason.
My name is Enrique Adame, 'EA'
Adame is red man in arabic and in Hebrew.
Ad -am is red man in the Atlantean language.
I am in other words EA , the red man .
That's my genetics, at least the body I occupy .
My Cosmic name is He- Al . And only use it outside the hologram,
Here im just EA
Having pleyadian blood, selenite nibbirum and Atlantean-dragon, I am a hybrid, because of this I am accepted on both sides , I am respected for genetic race in both parties. From my atlantean part im from the plasmatic Original dragon race by grandfather . My grandfather is pleyadian of meropenem and Nibirum . My mother is pleyadian selenite and nibirum . Nin. My father is half plasmatic dragon and half meropean pleyadian . I'm from the first generation original Atlanteans .
Its a big shit all this blood thing.
The important thing is that I'm acccepted and respected due to my lineage and my blood, they also know that I do not claim anything for me, but for all mankind . The council of Aeon know that i'm not just about reporting planetary events , but also to decide what to do with the parties and the real world ( x1), not just the hologram.
I already gave up all rights of lineage and blood. There's no turning back from that.. I was actually OK as an observer, i travelled all around the world without worrying until I became aware and got a conscience and decided to do something for humanity and began to speak , thats when they pulled my strings, its when the problem began . I want to make clear that it is the pleyadians nephilim from nibiru that have the rope around my neck, given that they are the controllers and masters of the planet. The Atlanteans are the ones that help but they can't intervene in my favor in big issues due to their attitude of keeping a low profile occult in their underground cities and their risk is too big so I don't want to cause them trouble
Why me? and not someone else?
Well, thats what I got to do. that simple. Im here with you all, as a warrior with the resistance and as a cosmo hacker, fighting ignorance, fanatism, disproportionate ambition. trying to to reconcile the two parties . I consider myself totally as Atlantean , I like my home , and I also enjoy my Pleiadians relatives.
I try to reconcile, to unite, to be unbiased co-participant , so we can all live in harmony, respect, acceptance . The Olympics ( nibbirims ) , know that can't physically touch me, not even the secondary government can do, that is the law. I've been living in the mother ship nibiru for a while ( earth moon) , initially a lot of parties , lots of gossip party but I realized the falsehoods of their promises and came back, but mostly cuz of missing my daughters
I also spent time in Aztlan, and that was a hard experience because thats when i learned the awful truth just as it was, and i am grateful because i was allowed to balance reality and the controller's veil fell (world global government),
I am one code away from being able to active my inner krystal (or 12th chakra) and burst the bubble of this matrix and their controllers and in turn liberate all mankind, end poberty, end diseases and totally open all consciences
Why do you think they won't leave me alone??
That's the real reason I am worldly distracted trying to mundanely survive , so as to I can't fully devote myself to the real reason for being over there . Certainly they fear me , they know I'm just one step to accomplish and know that I will act with cosmic justice bypassing planetary justice , they do not want that to happen , but one way or another will happen .
Anyway I hope this serves you all to to know me a little more , and understand why I act the way I do. It is a matter of egos. They, my relative nephilims ,have struggled for over 500.000 years have struggled trying to take over the planet , and inherit not just earth but the solar system, this is a vrey complex thing.. Once Marduk is nullified.
the struggle is centered between them (nibbirum) and Ninurta (Miguel) is the most interested in that. Although I have given up any right of blood, lineage and caste , the attempts to humiliate me are strong, , they know they can't phsically touch me , but they fuck my life at the lamest excuse, and me openinng my mouth gave them that excuse
So now, to hold and withstand the storm until the expected day arrives.
They can't tolerate the fcat of me having Enki blood in my veins, and less the fact that someone they knew nothing about (except Anu, Enlil and Minin) out of nowhere shows up and ends with their schemes, so much ego... fuck. ! Well I did not ask this, just happened to me I fell surprise all this stuff , they brought me here fooled from the planet where i was and when I was already within the hologram me released very disguised the thing was, until I contacted the Atlanteans thats when I knew the whole truth and i wasn't able to cast myself out of here. It's been just a couple of years since Mr Enki found out of my existance, we've had had long talks about it, he 's a fun guy , hehehehe .
Wow, having had had to deal with all the nibbirrum poltical hierarchy in the most hard moments and on top of that the problem of Marduk, required me a lot of inner strenght
Outside matrix time runs differently, you would think they are immortal but no, they aren't
time just passes more slowly for them. But all this crap is about to come to an end.
Don't think im some sort of redemptor or messiah, no, nothing like that , if not for my daughters and I would had been gone from here, or at least would be safe in Aztlan , or Atlantis , but i'm more atracted to be at Mayapan, , being under many thousands of tons of water is scary , I prefer underground cities that underwater ones.
The fact that I was concealed from the Mr. Enki was to prevent the he claimed complete control over the planet , thats why I was taken out of the galaxy when I was born, that was Anu and Enlil's orders. I was to be silently killed but my uncle that we here know as Gabriel (or Apollo) concealed me in the Virgo system, i grew there with a different family ignoring my origins, and because over there they are also in human form, my presence went unnoted. It was Gabriel that brought me here (earth) by the order of the elderly council, hiding me as an observer but with a different purpose after it was revealed to me my origins and goal, goal that I of course declined.
I'm monitored every single moment of day and night by both parties both parties,
sometimes i escape to Aztlan I'm able to lose them because I have to do several teleportation triangulations in order to confuse the signals.
Well that's enough of history, we'll see what follows after this cause of me saying all of this. For all those that have not had a single extraterrestial contact, even of the 1st type (visual) it would be hard to understand what this is all about and will read this as science fiction.
Well anyone up to their own belief and knowledge of the subject.
Thanks for this. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:53 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
u read it? _________________
Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:03 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by foonat
they probably make more money off the vaccines than they would if they made drugs to treat people that got sick from measles/smallpox/polio etc. GanzTheRetard
They make even more money off BOTH. Selling vaccines that fuck up your immune system and make you sick, so you need drugs. Its not rocket science here foolnat.
can you show me any actual evidence (not some random guy that writes a blog on the internet) that vaccines "make you sick"? _________________
Originally posted by smurf_king
i rather be a pedophile than a homo
Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:07 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
| _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:49 pm |
Joined: 21 Nov 2001
Posts: 5886
Ganz, could you please tell us how much the pharma industry is losing money by making vaccination towards the following (which happen to be the most popular ones):
-smallpox _________________ "...667 seems to be bereft of anything but silly personal attacks and a general vomitory of retardation"
Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:46 pm |

Joined: 26 Mar 2010
Posts: 463
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by woofy
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
According to David Icke...
David is a smart guy...
Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:44 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
More fake snow falling in the US today and tomorrow. Jew Weather Machine is working overtime this winter. _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:40 pm |

Joined: 03 Jul 2005
Posts: 2332
Location: Rock Hill, SC |
Originally posted by foonat
Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
Originally posted by foonat
they probably make more money off the vaccines than they would if they made drugs to treat people that got sick from measles/smallpox/polio etc. GanzTheRetard
They make even more money off BOTH. Selling vaccines that fuck up your immune system and make you sick, so you need drugs. Its not rocket science here foolnat.
can you show me any actual evidence (not some random guy that writes a blog on the internet) that vaccines "make you sick"?
vaccines cause autism obviously ask jenny mccarthy or jim carrey.
Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:49 pm |