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Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 1696
[Shame forums] Caught Hackers
I think we finally need a thread for a collection of all known players who have been caught hacking at some point. It needs to be a proven thing with proof to be added to the list.
Accepting nominations (with proof or past proof) and feel free to add descriptions for me to update or change.
Shame on these players for killing the spirit of fair gaming.
1. Swift
Hacked under the alias 'calvaries' mainly and on and off for the rest of his wc2 career. Using map hacks competitively and using build hacks tp death and decay at hall as a joke or to be banned for attention. (Threads of admission need clarification)
Strike 17
2. Bara
Made thread admitting he map hacked
Strike 1
3. [AA]Arrow
This guy is a real laugh, busted by myself in a 4on4 on top and bottom settings, so everyone had vision from the start of there allies. Me being 5 and arrow being 4 he decided to rax me, being his ally i asked him for a ss. Admitted he hacked and never posted SS.
Strike 1
4. Lance
Caught by myself originally, asking for a SS he posted and edited one which was busted. Non remorseful map hacker, out and proud. (hacks every game and not afraid to admit it)
Strike 3
5. [eS]Mage
Map hacked to get a competitive edge, Hid for a long time and lied to alot of people. Got banned and given another chance then got busted hacking again.
Strike 3
6. Valkrie
Caught back in the day, with a level 6 grunt by multiple people (Needs clarification) Caught building in unscouted area vs braviet. Caught vs kanuks multiple times in tourneys.
Strike 1
7. Ogrelust
(Needs clarification)
Strike 1
8. Dellam
Completely obvious and all time hacker. Builds dragons at hall basicly every game. Avoids bans
Strike 3
9. Summoner-
~Summoner was suspected for awhile. I was probably the first one to call him out. We played a 1v1 I was 2 he was 5, with a watcher. I did a 1 rax, mill, lust, and he basically did a level 5, 3 rax, and literally was only about 5 seconds behind me in lust. Also, he built an alchemist made 1 zeppelin and flew it over to 6 where my hidden expansion was.
Sure it could be luck, but later on if I recall, he was caught with a level 6 grunt. So he was level hacking which explained the quick 3 rax level 5 lust, and I believe he later admitted to mapping as well (but it was obvious anyways).
Last edited by Kyr.Luoson on Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:37 am; edited 3 times in total
Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:35 am |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
he got caught against kanuks? hmmm
Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:42 am |

Joined: 22 Oct 2007
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based on the threads i saw from the past you can probably add shotgun to that list. _________________
<----------- WAR2 TRAINING VIDEOS ----------->
Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:07 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
~Summoner was suspected for awhile. I was probably the first one to call him out. We played a 1v1 I was 2 he was 5, with a watcher. I did a 1 rax, mill, lust, and he basically did a level 5, 3 rax, and literally was only about 5 seconds behind me in lust. Also, he built an alchemist made 1 zeppelin and flew it over to 6 where my hidden expansion was.
Sure it could be luck, but later on if I recall, he was caught with a level 6 grunt. So he was level hacking which explained the quick 3 rax level 5 lust, and I believe he later admitted to mapping as well (but it was obvious anyways).
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:36 am |
Joined: 21 Sep 2001
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Mage was caught at least twice by me, once by KHB and once by Blizzard on War3. I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first cause we played Dota together a lot but that was foolish of me.
After Valkrie was caught I looked at my own replays vs him and saw a few of him building through fog as well. He was also caught before all of that by KHB/Ash but people didn't believe them I think.
Archangel was caught either early bnet or kali, I can't remember specifics.
Summoner was either caught with a lvl 6 grunt or lvl 6 lust with lvl 5 grunts, early bnet before the level hack was patched out.
I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting.
edit: Kanuks also was sure Mage hacked before everyone else, should have listened to him too.
And yeah I also remember Summoner being able to rush hard as fuck and lust fast because of the cheap upgrades.
Last edited by Scrubbolator on Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:37 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Originally posted by Scrubbolator
Mage was caught at least twice by me, once by KHB and once by Blizzard on War3. I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first cause we played Dota together a lot but that was foolish of me.
After Valkrie was caught I looked at my own replays vs him and saw a few of him building through fog as well. He was also caught before all of that by KHB/Ash but people didn't believe them I think.
Archangel was caught either early bnet or kali, I can't remember specifics.
Summoner was either caught with a lvl 6 grunt or lvl 6 lust with lvl 5 grunts, early bnet before the level hack was patched out.
I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting.
I still think [247]Hornet hacked. Maybe not throughout the game but at least to toggle maps.
We played a 1v1 mze game, with a watcher, I was bot left, he was mid right. He brought his first peon literally straight to bottom left and started towering me. That would be fine if it was his intent to secretly expand, but the way I built my buildings there's no way he would not have run into them unless he was microing his peon one step at a time.
The watcher called him out on it but of course... the deny.
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:42 am |
Joined: 21 Sep 2001
Posts: 1303
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Originally posted by Kith-Kanin
I still think [247]Hornet hacked. Maybe not throughout the game but at least to toggle maps.
We played a 1v1 mze game, with a watcher, I was bot left, he was mid right. He brought his first peon literally straight to bottom left and started towering me. That would be fine if it was his intent to secretly expand, but the way I built my buildings there's no way he would not have run into them unless he was microing his peon one step at a time.
The watcher called him out on it but of course... the deny.
I never played much with Hornet so I can't really say, but I do remember a bit of a shitstorm when people suspected him of hacking. People were talking shit to Pimster about letting another hacker in 24-7, after Pimster defended Valkrie constantly and saying it was just good "intuition".
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:51 am |
Joined: 19 Apr 2002
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Blid. Confessed to accidently having hacks on.
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:52 am |
Joined: 21 Nov 2001
Posts: 5886
arch was the lvl6 ogre guy, it was orkinman who caught him _________________ "...667 seems to be bereft of anything but silly personal attacks and a general vomitory of retardation"
Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:41 am |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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well, at this point i don't really care so i'll let a few cats out of the bag and i'm pretty sure i covered this before
at some point way back in the day ~summoner and me began allying alot. I never hacked previous to this. I've never had like a 'moral' standpoint to not hacking, i just never went through the effort or cared enough i guess. I think i tried warcrap once and it kept crashing me and i gave it up.
well, ~summoner kept telling me he knew for a fact shotgun hacked. and that he had a hack and he wanted to send it to me to try it out, he said we could level the playing field and i'd see for myself how much shotgun hacked yadda yadda, im not blaming summoner or whatever, but i was curious and accepted, and he sent me this weird ass hack i've never been able to find before or since, maybe it was custom it had like a giant window with every conceivable button for shit and like a huge diablo esque demon? def wasn't warcrap or anything of that nature. So anyways, we played some games against shotgun and whoever in 2's and it was pretty clear sg was hacking. Its the kinda thing you can only see when you can see everything (and theres no watchers) such as ogres running from your ogres without vision and lusting soon as you stop, stopping attacks on buildings to run away and relust as you come to save without vision, lots of silly blatant things because we all knew each other was hacking. I remember one game i was 2, and saw sg dual 4/5, so i threw down an absurdly early mill to 2 cat, and in response sg drops 2 raxes at both bases and starts pumping cats at both. ( hack let me see units training, too) hehe now sg helped me out when i needed some cash and i <3 him for it and this isnt to burn him or anything and he can feel free to deny it. I didn't hack much longer after that simply because it distracted me so much i'd fall way behind watching them. Plus it seemed like such a chore to fake scout and shit. I think its pretty safe to say anyone who's played this game for 10 plus years has probly checked out a hack at one point whether out of curiosity or what have you, and i don't think theres really anything wrong with that. Its not like we were abusing ladders with it. I also freely admitted to it later and still do so to this day, although the 'infamous' game where i was 'caught' attacking subs i couldnt see i actually wasn't hacking, and troops was. im not sure if this glitch still exists, but used to, if you were on a water map, and someone visioned a maphacker (their ally), anyone else, could see their subs without hacks, could be a cute way to find hackers on water maps 
Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:04 pm |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by RipE1
good thread. now permaban the hackerz.
but not swift.
Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:53 pm |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
I don't know when Mage was originally caught, but in 04 him and I use to play a lot and once we were 1vs1ing and he would blatantly hack and I called him out on it, "You hack" and he replied "you hack too" I took ss of it but never posted.
Good times. Damn I have nostalgia for pretty much every time and moment in war2's history. War2 is that one thing that nobody else can understand or relate to me on, besides you guys. We have a past and a connection that can never be erased or replaced! It's all about the relation we had with each other, winning and being the best never really mattered. All bad blood and ego's aside It's been good guys. It's like all the good players had their own unforgettable memory and unique time frame within war2's history where they first came across me and would get absolutely obliterated in ridiculous fashion over and over until they realized without a doubt that I was just on a completely different level, and way out of their league. Very few of you can say you weren't one of those lucky bastards who got to play (lose) against me.
Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:04 am |
Joined: 18 Feb 2003
Posts: 5719
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Originally posted by Allstar
well, at this point i don't really care so i'll let a few cats out of the bag and i'm pretty sure i covered this before
at some point way back in the day ~summoner and me began allying alot. I never hacked previous to this. I've never had like a 'moral' standpoint to not hacking, i just never went through the effort or cared enough i guess. I think i tried warcrap once and it kept crashing me and i gave it up.
well, ~summoner kept telling me he knew for a fact shotgun hacked. and that he had a hack and he wanted to send it to me to try it out, he said we could level the playing field and i'd see for myself how much shotgun hacked yadda yadda, im not blaming summoner or whatever, but i was curious and accepted, and he sent me this weird ass hack i've never been able to find before or since, maybe it was custom it had like a giant window with every conceivable button for shit and like a huge diablo esque demon? def wasn't warcrap or anything of that nature. So anyways, we played some games against shotgun and whoever in 2's and it was pretty clear sg was hacking. Its the kinda thing you can only see when you can see everything (and theres no watchers) such as ogres running from your ogres without vision and lusting soon as you stop, stopping attacks on buildings to run away and relust as you come to save without vision, lots of silly blatant things because we all knew each other was hacking. I remember one game i was 2, and saw sg dual 4/5, so i threw down an absurdly early mill to 2 cat, and in response sg drops 2 raxes at both bases and starts pumping cats at both. ( hack let me see units training, too) hehe now sg helped me out when i needed some cash and i <3 him for it and this isnt to burn him or anything and he can feel free to deny it. I didn't hack much longer after that simply because it distracted me so much i'd fall way behind watching them. Plus it seemed like such a chore to fake scout and shit. I think its pretty safe to say anyone who's played this game for 10 plus years has probly checked out a hack at one point whether out of curiosity or what have you, and i don't think theres really anything wrong with that. Its not like we were abusing ladders with it. I also freely admitted to it later and still do so to this day, although the 'infamous' game where i was 'caught' attacking subs i couldnt see i actually wasn't hacking, and troops was. im not sure if this glitch still exists, but used to, if you were on a water map, and someone visioned a maphacker (their ally), anyone else, could see their subs without hacks, could be a cute way to find hackers on water maps
It's common knowledge shotgun hacked _________________ "If we are the only mammals that cannot take care of ourselves out of the womb, how are we here?" - GoldHP
Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:23 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
so this thread pops up more hackers
@OP need to update list with allstar and shotgun? _________________
Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:19 am |

Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Originally posted by Swift
I don't know when Mage was originally caught, but in 04 him and I use to play a lot and once we were 1vs1ing and he would blatantly hack and I called him out on it, "You hack" and he replied "you hack too" I took ss of it but never posted.
Good times. Damn I have nostalgia for pretty much every time and moment in war2's history. War2 is that one thing that nobody else can understand or relate to me on, besides you guys. We have a past and a connection that can never be erased or replaced! It's all about the relation we had with each other, winning and being the best never really mattered. All bad blood and ego's aside It's been good guys. It's like all the good players had their own unforgettable memory and unique time frame within war2's history where they first came across me and would get absolutely obliterated in ridiculous fashion over and over until they realized without a doubt that I was just on a completely different level, and way out of their league. Very few of you can say you weren't one of those lucky bastards who got to play (lose) against me.
yeah... i can comprehend your skill level though. For some reason all the shit I'm not willing to do diligently it comes easy for you. Either that's talent or when you were no lifing the game you concentrated hard on being the guy that would always go the distance. I think you've mentioned that before.
i always tried to be the guy to win with minimal effort, even when I try because i still don't want to play uncomfortably. For some reason when i'm playing at my highest speed capable i start playing sloppy. And that's where i hit my skillcap. I think that's largely due to the lack of good players that I played against in war2's prime, and then the decrease and void of good players. _________________
Last edited by SoCxYamon on Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:27 am |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
Posts: 22805
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Originally posted by Allstar
well, at this point i don't really care so i'll let a few cats out of the bag and i'm pretty sure i covered this before
at some point way back in the day ~summoner and me began allying alot. I never hacked previous to this. I've never had like a 'moral' standpoint to not hacking, i just never went through the effort or cared enough i guess. I think i tried warcrap once and it kept crashing me and i gave it up.
well, ~summoner kept telling me he knew for a fact shotgun hacked. and that he had a hack and he wanted to send it to me to try it out, he said we could level the playing field and i'd see for myself how much shotgun hacked yadda yadda, im not blaming summoner or whatever, but i was curious and accepted, and he sent me this weird ass hack i've never been able to find before or since, maybe it was custom it had like a giant window with every conceivable button for shit and like a huge diablo esque demon? def wasn't warcrap or anything of that nature. So anyways, we played some games against shotgun and whoever in 2's and it was pretty clear sg was hacking. Its the kinda thing you can only see when you can see everything (and theres no watchers) such as ogres running from your ogres without vision and lusting soon as you stop, stopping attacks on buildings to run away and relust as you come to save without vision, lots of silly blatant things because we all knew each other was hacking. I remember one game i was 2, and saw sg dual 4/5, so i threw down an absurdly early mill to 2 cat, and in response sg drops 2 raxes at both bases and starts pumping cats at both. ( hack let me see units training, too) hehe now sg helped me out when i needed some cash and i <3 him for it and this isnt to burn him or anything and he can feel free to deny it. I didn't hack much longer after that simply because it distracted me so much i'd fall way behind watching them. Plus it seemed like such a chore to fake scout and shit. I think its pretty safe to say anyone who's played this game for 10 plus years has probly checked out a hack at one point whether out of curiosity or what have you, and i don't think theres really anything wrong with that. Its not like we were abusing ladders with it. I also freely admitted to it later and still do so to this day, although the 'infamous' game where i was 'caught' attacking subs i couldnt see i actually wasn't hacking, and troops was. im not sure if this glitch still exists, but used to, if you were on a water map, and someone visioned a maphacker (their ally), anyone else, could see their subs without hacks, could be a cute way to find hackers on water maps
man why do people keep repeating this misinformation about the sub thing, it's been tested a whole bunch. troops doesnt have to be map hacking, he just needs vision from someone that can see the subs. ability to see subs is passed around with shared vision, even though the rest of what you see isn't. it's weird _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:31 am |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
Originally posted by smurf_king
so this thread pops up more hackers
@OP need to update list with allstar and shotgun?
shotgun doesn't hack _________________
Originally posted by smurf_king
i rather be a pedophile than a homo
Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:26 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
Originally posted by foonat
Originally posted by smurf_king
so this thread pops up more hackers
@OP need to update list with allstar and shotgun?
shotgun doesn't hack
dont reply to me noob, its not me who said he hacks _________________
Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:34 am |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
Originally posted by SoCxYamon
Originally posted by Swift
I don't know when Mage was originally caught, but in 04 him and I use to play a lot and once we were 1vs1ing and he would blatantly hack and I called him out on it, "You hack" and he replied "you hack too" I took ss of it but never posted.
Good times. Damn I have nostalgia for pretty much every time and moment in war2's history. War2 is that one thing that nobody else can understand or relate to me on, besides you guys. We have a past and a connection that can never be erased or replaced! It's all about the relation we had with each other, winning and being the best never really mattered. All bad blood and ego's aside It's been good guys. It's like all the good players had their own unforgettable memory and unique time frame within war2's history where they first came across me and would get absolutely obliterated in ridiculous fashion over and over until they realized without a doubt that I was just on a completely different level, and way out of their league. Very few of you can say you weren't one of those lucky bastards who got to play (lose) against me.
yeah... i can comprehend your skill level though. For some reason all the shit I'm not willing to do diligently it comes easy for you. Either that's talent or when you were no lifing the game you concentrated hard on being the guy that would always go the distance. I think you've mentioned that before.
i always tried to be the guy to win with minimal effort, even when I try because i still don't want to play uncomfortably. For some reason when i'm playing at my highest speed capable i start playing sloppy. And that's where i hit my skillcap. I think that's largely due to the lack of good players that I played against in war2's prime, and then the decrease and void of good players.
Yea you're absolutely right, being the best ever just came easy to me. Tho I don't think it's anything I earned, so it's not like I can brag about being above everyone, it's just comes down to being genetically superior and I think it shows in how I excel well beyond everyone else on here in real life as well. But it's not about ego or skill, we're all friends here.
Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:40 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
wtf is this
Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:59 am |