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HOTS Round Up - War2 Club
I noticed Drunken set up a war2 group called 'war2' which is the same name as the chat channel we hung out in when WoL was released.
Just go to the groups section and search for war2, then join it. It's basically just a chat room/club where we can all congregate on the NA server. Invite your homeys and we can try to get a nice little community going to help each other out.
Personally I'm mainly interested in competitive 1on1 play - I play z so hit me up if you want to practice f'ing around with the new units. I'm currently ranked plat although I think I'll probably be diamond after a few more games. If we can get enough people together we can start doing some in-house tournaments etc
Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:12 am |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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yeah sounds about right I think
Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:25 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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So is anyone doing well?
I'm in diamond league right now with about a 60% win rate. I seem to get run over by Toss quite a bit with their OP bullshit air units. I'm like 75% vs zerg and about 50% vs terran.
I've been having fun with Swarm hosts. They force engagements which is something that Z has always struggled with.
ZvZ seems more fun since mutas were buffed and fungal is a skill shot now.
Can't dig zvp though. it's just annoying. I'm basically Baneling busting in this matchup right now and letting the game evolve from there because otherwise I've got a Protoss dick in my ass for the first 10 minutes of the game and no map control.
Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:58 am |
Joined: 26 Nov 2008
Posts: 315
Just got it today, seems fun. The pairing system is sooo bad though lol.
Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:40 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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the ladder is harder. I can't get out of high diamond. You need to really be playing at a high level to be in masters
Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:49 pm |

Joined: 25 Jan 2002
Posts: 2014
Originally posted by turtleman@can
the ladder is harder. I can't get out of high diamond. You need to really be playing at a high level to be in masters
I'm afraid this is not true.
Ladder is infinitely easier then before, and almost anyone i know has moved at least one/2 leagues up from WOL (i can't really name 1 person that is not at least 1 league above in hots from around 30 regulars in my channel). I also got to master way easier then in wol. I'm attributing this to 1000s of new players that have filled the bronze/silver/gold ranks, and pushed the top 2% for regular wol players up. If you were master before, should have no problems getting it now. _________________
Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:07 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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Originally posted by Picka_materina
Originally posted by turtleman@can
the ladder is harder. I can't get out of high diamond. You need to really be playing at a high level to be in masters
I'm afraid this is not true.
Ladder is infinitely easier then before, and almost anyone i know has moved at least one/2 leagues up from WOL (i can't really name 1 person that is not at least 1 league above in hots from around 30 regulars in my channel). I also got to master way easier then in wol. I'm attributing this to 1000s of new players that have filled the bronze/silver/gold ranks, and pushed the top 2% for regular wol players up. If you were master before, should have no problems getting it now.
There's a much wider skill gap now between bad players and good players because we're playing a 3 year old game's expansion that requires the original game to function.
Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:01 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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you can't just say 'as proven by latest results' and then post some ballpark numbers out of your ass.
according to this, masters consists of 3-5% (half of what you claim)
They lowered how many people were in bronze league quite a while ago and so there was a boost to all of the other leagues
Wed May 15, 2013 9:19 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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idk what site is accurate.
The site you posted has around 300k players total worldwide, the one i posted has 600k players.
In 2010 there were like 3 million players and most of them were hopeless newbies. Now we have a fraction of that population, and you don't play a game for 3 years without getting at least half decent at it.
Players in general have developed a better understanding of the mechanics of the game. They aren't just making units because they watched a pro gamer do it. This is the main difference I see while playing the game today as opposed to early. It used to be easy for me to just mass murder master players by countering their builds and I used to win at a much higher ratio than I probably deserved given my lack of real ambition, time and energy to play competitively. But I was in a weird place because as soon as my MMR put me up against a player that actually understood the nuances of unit compositions, I'd just flat out get outplayed. At one point I was a genuinely high ranked master player and I was arguably worse of a player than I am now and I float between diamond and master league now and barely feel like I even belong in low masters as I'm getting more than competent high diamond opponents that give me a run for my money.
So I guess from the position of a player that learned the nuances of the game the hard way (by playing my own style and trial and error) instead of just mechanically and mindlessly following the current meta-game, all the 'win at all costs, even if i don't know wtf im really doing' players are finally coming around to my level of understanding and are starting to beat the shit out of my slow ass.
It's funny though because I was watching some show called 'Meta' the other night and there's like 4 guys that are pro gamers and have been playing since WoL and this dude was talking about how he proxy hatches terran naturals to delay their econ build and they were all like "WOW that is mind blowing! I'll have to try that!" and I barely play the game and I shuffle that strategy into my play and have been doing it for years. Maybe I'm just conceited but watching shit like that makes me think that if I was 17 again, I'd be fucking up top koreans at this game.
Thu May 16, 2013 5:14 pm |