
Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
Yamon's Air Dual ( Revitalized 2011 )
since this was posted on the server site, i suppose i should make this far more clear.
This is just the basics to this strategy, and as you can see it was quite a complex one to begin with, i was just really lazy and didn't want to type it all out the first time, since i thought noone would care, i was obviously wrong since i hear referrerances to it daily, and it's on the official site.
Yamon's Air Dual
This strategy works only on GOW BNE F. It will work with every single spot on the map. The only thing that make this strategy ideal, is that people on ru are primarily gow ef players, so they primarily never expect air, and when there is air they can't do shit against it if you're good at microing it. Not only that, but it doesn't matter what they do, whether it's 3 hall, counter dual, cat rush, ogre rush, anything. This strategy will do just fine. It's a strategy that's easily countered vs a good player, the element of surprise is what's Required.
The best way to do this is get to level 3 while dualing and scouting to make them think that you're doing a dual rush, or something stupid that players would do these days. Like when terrorkahn tries to do a straight 9/11 dual and he accidentally has a peon get walled out and then does a weak hidden rax and gambles the entire game on it's success, praying for some great luck. Or like when frost plays doing a strategy everyone knows about hoping to god that he is some kind of good to be able to beat anyone that 1v1s him, scared because he's 1v1ing someone other than spb.
Now how to actually do this strategy.
Dual any spot on GOW BNE F, and build in a way where you've built every starting building, but with a rax that can pump grunts/footmen on the outside ( could be with a wall or a tower manipulating popping position). Obviously get your gold situated first off, and stay consistant on farms. Get level 3 as fast as you can afford. Scout with grunts/footmen, and determine what you'll need to survive to dragons, whether it be absolutely no defence, or tons, preferably none, since the point of the strategy is dragons as fast as possible.
The most crucial thing to being faster than your opponent in any wc2 game, is to chop earlier and only have as many miners as you require. This rule of thumb, is broken with the air dual, as soon as you hit fort ( as fast as you possibly can manipulating resources throughout the entire time according to defence and the speed of your opponent), Throw almost every peon on gold and start to pump dragons from 4 roosts. Once you get your enemy annoyed, and scout all spots with an extra dragon, begin getting bloodlust and upgrading weapons/armor, or just paladins as humans.
Begin to expand. Take as much land as you can afford, and don't stop either, throughout the entire game you will always take as much land as you can afford. Remember when you take your first expansion ( off the dual ) it's important that it becomes a strong expansion, rather than a weak one, to ensure that you have 3 bases. It doesn't really matter how many the enemy has, as 3 bases ( most likely 60k x3) is enough to kill an opponent no matter what they do.
Once you have the three bases up, the ogres/knights will primarily be for defence. Use dragons/zepplins to see where your opponent's attacks are coming from and use your forces to defend yourself. Whilst you do this what you will want to do is just use hasted dks/ invis mages for primariy your only attack. If your enemy expands, take it down asap. Do not attempt to wait for them to mine and decay it. use saps and ogres to kill it if they walled it up quickly.
Anyway, give it a try, practice it, it's useful to have in your arsenal _________________
Last edited by SoCxYamon on Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:29 am; edited 4 times in total