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Joined: 05 Jul 2001
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how do you guys know who you played, like their league and stuff? Don't you need to know their identifier to add to your friends to look up?
Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:00 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2001
Posts: 1882
If it's true that they are not experimenting with ranked divisions then the universe is playing a massive joke.
If you look at the leagues you will clearly see the higher the division number, the tougher the opponents the players face in their last five matches. You will also see in general a higher division will have a considerably higher over all point value than the lower division.
Based on the limited information available I find it impossible to believe this is just simply coincidence. *Overall, the entire division taken in to account, the higher the division the better the players.
If ashes division (division 2) and my division (division 16) were to fight, where the top ranked played the top, second played the second, etc, it wouldn't even be a fight. The only wins division 16 would manage would be the luck wins.
Edit - In Kyr.Luoson division 38, the first place guy has 1435 points, in ashes, division 2, the top guy has 1828, and based on the last 5 matches the top guy in ashes division has faced WAY harder opponents. In fact the top guy in Kry.Luosons division would barely make the top 30 in ashes division, and thats assuming he played the same opponents he has played, and not harder ones. And its like that the whole way across the ladder. In every division, save for a few exceptions.
There is no fucking way in hell that the divisions are not ranked. If someone from blizzard says otherwise then he is A) lying or B)mis informed.
Last edited by $hazm on Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:09 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2001
Posts: 1882
Why the fuck would I play that dick 1on1. I fucking hate that mother fucker. Being forced to spend the 5 mins it would take to rape him in a game with him would be like torture. I would sooner cut my eye balls with jagged glass then be in a real time game with him.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:23 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by $hazm
If it's true that they are not experimenting with ranked divisions then the universe is playing a massive joke.
If you look at the leagues you will clearly see the higher the division number, the tougher the opponents the players face in their last five matches. You will also see in general a higher division will have a considerably higher over all point value than the lower division.
Based on the limited information available I find it impossible to believe this is just simply coincidence. *Overall, the entire division taken in to account, the higher the division the better the players.
blizzard said you're wrong. you don't know more than blizzard mountain king
Originally posted by $hazm
Why the fuck would I play that dick 1on1. I fucking hate that mother fucker. Being forced to spend the 5 mins it would take to rape him in a game with him would be like torture. I would sooner cut my eye balls with jagged glass then be in a real time game with him.
stfu _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:49 pm |

Joined: 05 Jul 2001
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go blizzard match making....i'm 1100 rating in copper and just got paired with a silver guy
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:01 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by WarMaN_WH
go blizzard match making....i'm 1100 rating in copper and just got paired with a silver guy
it tries to match you with people close to you first and if it can't it goes to whatever is available. it'll probably be better in retail when there's a larger amount of players, and besides do you want to be bashing on copper noobs forever? _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:03 pm |

Joined: 05 Jul 2001
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Originally posted by hassan-i-sabbah
Originally posted by WarMaN_WH
go blizzard match making....i'm 1100 rating in copper and just got paired with a silver guy
it tries to match you with people close to you first and if it can't it goes to whatever is available. it'll probably be better in retail when there's a larger amount of players, and besides do you want to be bashing on copper noobs forever?
i'd rather play people more my level since obviously i'm not good right now..
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:12 pm |

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 2472
Originally posted by $hazm
If it's true that they are not experimenting with ranked divisions then the universe is playing a massive joke.
If you look at the leagues you will clearly see the higher the division number, the tougher the opponents the players face in their last five matches. You will also see in general a higher division will have a considerably higher over all point value than the lower division.
Based on the limited information available I find it impossible to believe this is just simply coincidence. *Overall, the entire division taken in to account, the higher the division the better the players.
If ashes division (division 2) and my division (division 16) were to fight, where the top ranked played the top, second played the second, etc, it wouldn't even be a fight. The only wins division 16 would manage would be the luck wins.
Edit - In Kyr.Luoson division 38, the first place guy has 1435 points, in ashes, division 2, the top guy has 1828, and based on the last 5 matches the top guy in ashes division has faced WAY harder opponents. In fact the top guy in Kry.Luosons division would barely make the top 30 in ashes division, and thats assuming he played the same opponents he has played, and not harder ones. And its like that the whole way across the ladder. In every division, save for a few exceptions.
There is no fucking way in hell that the divisions are not ranked. If someone from blizzard says otherwise then he is A) lying or B)mis informed.
This is a correlation not a causal affect. Basically the top players play nonstop, and have been playing nonstop since the beta first game out. When the ladder was reset, the top players that were already good that play alot happened to be the first to populate the first few plat divisions.
In the later divisions you have people that were populated later either by moving out of silver/gold leagues, being more casual but good players, or getting their beta key later and being good RTS players but not yet top tier SC2 players like the ones who have been playing for over a month.
So it is true that the higher the div typically the higher caliber of player but its kind of like "first in line is the biggest fan" type thing instead of the system actually being designed that way. _________________ Kanuks - The fact is you and foonew tried a double gay on me and ended up being BOTH behind me. Enough fucking said.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:20 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Originally posted by BanMe
This is a correlation not a causal affect. Basically the top players play nonstop, and have been playing nonstop since the beta first game out. When the ladder was reset, the top players that were already good that play alot happened to be the first to populate the first few plat divisions.
In the later divisions you have people that were populated later either by moving out of silver/gold leagues, being more casual but good players, or getting their beta key later and being good RTS players but not yet top tier SC2 players like the ones who have been playing for over a month.
So it is true that the higher the div typically the higher caliber of player but its kind of like "first in line is the biggest fan" type thing instead of the system actually being designed that way.
That makes pretty good sense actually. I was pretty early getting my first 5 games done as well.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:59 pm |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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Shazm's ego is ridiculous. He can lose every game and still rationalize how he's better than Ghostnuke. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:08 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2001
Posts: 1882
That actually does make sense Ash. Fuck you, you giant cock sucker.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:50 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2001
Posts: 1882
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Shazm's ego is ridiculous. He can lose every game and still rationalize how he's better than Ghostnuke.
Yeah, out of control ego for sure. Lets see, proud of the person he is, check, happy that he is getting better at starcraft and not afraid to brag a bit about it, check, works hard for his money and is able to buy shit, check, likes to laugh at lazy leeches on welfare, check.
Yeah, holy fuck everyone look, a decent human being, quick everyone take him down a notch the cocky fucker.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:01 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by $hazm
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Shazm's ego is ridiculous. He can lose every game and still rationalize how he's better than Ghostnuke.
Yeah, out of control ego for sure. Lets see, proud of the person he is, check, happy that he is getting better at starcraft and not afraid to brag a bit about it, check, works hard for his money and is able to buy shit, check, likes to laugh at lazy leeches on welfare, check.
Yeah, holy fuck everyone look, a decent human being, quick everyone take him down a notch the cocky fucker.
1v1 or stfu _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:11 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
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Divison holds no bearing on your "rank."
I went 4-1(thx disc) in placement on the first night of reset and got placed into divison 3. I have a rating of about 1350(?). This means my rating among all other platinum players is 1350.
I have been in division 3 since placement. This doesn't mean I am better than the players in division 4. It is completely randomized from when you complete your placement matches.
Also, just because you are placed in platinum does not mean you are better than a gold player.
Shazm: rank 84 plat, rec - 25-21, rating - 917
Ghostnuke: rank 13 gold, rec 68-54, rating - 1268.
If you are matched together, ghostnuke will be "slightly favored." because of his rating.
TL;DR - Ghost is better than shazm. Shazm is a scrub. GG no RE.
Edit: I played my placement matches about 15 minutes after server came up after reset. I was rank 5/21 in divison 3 after rest. Divisions 1-5 all had 20-25 players in them at this point.. This obviously means it "seeds" you by completion time, not how good you are. _________________ "I tend to thougoughly enjoy my encounters significantly more with 120+ types, as I find them more stimulating. 100-110 people are okay too operating at full capacity." - Paper_Boy
Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:18 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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has anyone encountered any major bugs yet?
I had one where I was playing toss vs zerg and he pulled some early pool build on me and hit me hard early
i had 2 gateways and 2 pylons powering them
he took out my pylons and my third completed which was only in range of 1 of my gateways but it wouldn't complete the zealot building, then when i threw down another pylon, it continued building
but anyway it pissed me off because I basically lost the game because of it happening
Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:34 pm |

Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 1696
i had one late game where i had 2 robos cranking collousi and immortals, it would load the immortal all the way to 99% then sit there, i had to cancel the immortal to get production started again, happened like 3 or 4 times in that one particular match
Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:42 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
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2v2 is a joke
Terran dominates with superior mobility. Leave base? DROP/REAPER INC FOR BASE DESTRUCTION. _________________ "I tend to thougoughly enjoy my encounters significantly more with 120+ types, as I find them more stimulating. 100-110 people are okay too operating at full capacity." - Paper_Boy
Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:31 am |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 2509
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what to do vs mass hydra as terran? i had like 6 bcruisers and they got raped (his hydras were 2-2) and i lost my base with tons of resources left, ran and rebuilt, made a ton of cloaked banshees, he would just burrow his hydras and run an overlord over, incredibly annoying.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:45 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Originally posted by Allstar
what to do vs mass hydra as terran? i had like 6 bcruisers and they got raped (his hydras were 2-2) and i lost my base with tons of resources left, ran and rebuilt, made a ton of cloaked banshees, he would just burrow his hydras and run an overlord over, incredibly annoying.
If he has 2-2 hydras it sounds like you were going to lose anyways.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:04 am |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 2509
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thanks for the brilliant response question is what units are direct counter to hydras? if any?
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:48 am |

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 2472
i'd imagine sieged tanks are pretty good _________________ Kanuks - The fact is you and foonew tried a double gay on me and ended up being BOTH behind me. Enough fucking said.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:53 am |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
i dont play terran but bc's aren't what you want vs hydras, hydras destroy air _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:56 am |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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Originally posted by Allstar
thanks for the brilliant response question is what units are direct counter to hydras? if any?
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:58 am |
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 27424
Originally posted by turtleman@can
Originally posted by Allstar
thanks for the brilliant response question is what units are direct counter to hydras? if any?
thor would probably be p good too, they one shot hydras now. like i said though i dont play terran so i dunno _________________
Originally posted by turtleman
A normal person wouldn't say that in real life because it's ridiculous and insulting. Yet here you are spouting the most hateful garbage that your demons can muster out of your darkened soul. All because of the internet.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:59 am |