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Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
i goto all boys skewl. instead of watching girls in between basketball games we play chess =) Btw do you think 1.....c5 or 1.....d5 or 1.....e5 is a better response to 1 e4?
- SaBiQ
Wed Oct 18, 2000 9:59 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
wow are u in the chess club sabiq? sabiq we don't use those terms, but we can still play chess(well not me but still)...for example a lot of the ppl from like wcnation can explain all these terms for war2. i dont know any but i could still own them all...
not taking anything away from ur chess game =P
BNE Tournament Club --
Warcraft Haven -- The ULTIMATE Warcraft Resource:
Wed Oct 18, 2000 10:05 pm |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
Wed Oct 18, 2000 11:25 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
then d5?
- SaBiQ
Fri Oct 20, 2000 12:12 am |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
LET ME PLAY TOO!! WE COULD HAVE A CHESS TOURNAMENT! when i was younger i'd play a game of chess every day, maybe a few...i played against all these chess club homos and beat was really funny
BNE Tournament Club --
Warcraft Haven -- The ULTIMATE Warcraft Resource:
Sat Oct 21, 2000 4:16 pm |
Sailor Mini-Moon
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 36
Location: Livonia,Michigan,USA |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
I wouldnt mind you playin with us
hehe, Im a 16 year old male Sailor moon fan and proud of it =). Sailor Mini-Moon(Sailor Chibi-Moon) is my favorite character on the show =). Any info on how to draw Sailor Mini-Moon?? E-mail me about the site link. Ill Love you forever Chibi-Usa =). Wanna talk to me on AIM? my s-name=SAlLORCHlBlMOON(The I's are lower case L's) Im a stubborn average Human player who refuses to play orc and loves the sound of blizzard raining down on those lusted oggies ;)
Sun Oct 22, 2000 12:05 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
i also think thats d5 sux buttt my Crafty does d5 so i wrote it as an option
- SaBiQ
Sun Oct 22, 2000 10:00 pm |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
i feel gay reading this shit. playing chess is one thing being on a chess club basically gives people the right to kick the shit out you. goplay basketball dude
Mon Oct 23, 2000 12:26 pm |
Joined: 23 Oct 2000
Posts: 17
Location: Aberdeen, WA, USA |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
I personally play 1 e5 against 1 e4
Hey Sabiq do you play on the zone, if so maybe I will run into you sometime. _Navim
Mon Oct 23, 2000 3:19 pm |
Joined: 23 Oct 2000
Posts: 29
Location: bogota,nj,usa |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
I will fuck you all up in chess, my queen kills everything on the map
Mon Oct 23, 2000 3:27 pm |
Sailor Mini-Moon
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 36
Location: Livonia,Michigan,USA |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
Good players usually are good with their queens. A true statement docta, but remember, when u play a good player hes also good with his queen
hehe, Im a 16 year old male Sailor moon fan and proud of it =). Sailor Mini-Moon(Sailor Chibi-Moon) is my favorite character on the show =). Any info on how to draw Sailor Mini-Moon?? E-mail me about the site link. Ill Love you forever Chibi-Usa =). Wanna talk to me on AIM? my s-name=SAlLORCHlBlMOON(The I's are lower case L's) Im a stubborn average Human player who refuses to play orc and loves the sound of blizzard raining down on those lusted oggies ;)
Mon Oct 23, 2000 8:01 pm |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
Sailor moon,Change your name and get rid of that long message you keep posting at the end.
Mon Oct 23, 2000 8:29 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
Posts: 1329
Location: New York |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
chess requires skill people dont talk it. bring it :[ any time any place but zone =/
Mage Guild
Tue Oct 24, 2000 2:47 am |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
d5 is ok ;( modern openings own u
Tue Oct 24, 2000 7:21 am |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
liek 1 Nf3? err actually (if your refering to pawnless openings) they blow. I could show you why sometime if ya want.
Tue Oct 24, 2000 9:39 am |
Sailor Mini-Moon
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 36
Location: Livonia,Michigan,USA |
haha sailormoon ide own u in chess =/
umm reaverlisk, I dont care what you say? the 4 knights game is okay, and opening up with knights at the start instead of pawns is okay, but its a lot of personal preference
hehe, Im a 16 year old male Sailor moon fan and proud of it =). Sailor Mini-Moon(Sailor Chibi-Moon) is my favorite character on the show =). Any info on how to draw Sailor Mini-Moon?? E-mail me about the site link. Ill Love you forever Chibi-Usa =). Wanna talk to me on AIM? my s-name=SAlLORCHlBlMOON(The I's are lower case L's) Im a stubborn average Human player who refuses to play orc and loves the sound of blizzard raining down on those lusted oggies ;)
Wed Oct 25, 2000 10:25 pm |